Arizona general education curriculum (AGEC)


The Arizona public community colleges and universities have agreed upon a common structure for a general education core. This curriculum provides students attending any Arizona public community college with the opportunity to build a general education program that is transferable to any other state institution without loss of credit. This common agreement is called the Arizona General Education Curriculum, or AGEC.

The AGEC is composed of 35–37 credit hours of lower-division general education coursework in which a student may prepare for transfer.

The AGEC has three forms: AGEC-A, AGEC-B and AGEC-S. A detailed description of each AGEC is available at

Community colleges are responsible for certifying the date of completion of the AGEC on the official institutional transcripts.

Completion of the appropriate AGEC fulfills ASU lower-division general studies requirements of the baccalaureate degree with which the AGEC articulates. Students completing the AGEC are still required to fulfill lower-division program requirements and prerequisites within their college and major and minor areas of study. To complete a degree program most efficiently, students should select courses that concurrently satisfy AGEC and major requirements.

Completion of any AGEC from an Arizona community college guarantees admission to the university, provided that a cumulative GPA of 2.50 or higher has been achieved. AGEC completion, however, does not guarantee admission to any specific university program. Many majors (e.g., architecture, engineering, business, the fine and creative arts, and health professions) have significant prerequisites or program requirements that must be completed before a student may be admitted to upper-division coursework. Community college students who are undecided about which of the universities they plan to attend or what program of study they intend to pursue are advised to explore educational options while they complete the AGEC. In all cases, students have the responsibility for selecting general education coursework that is relevant to the requirements of their intended major and degree.

Students who complete both the AGEC and an approved associate degree are assigned junior class standing by the state universities. Junior class standing is based on the number of credit hours a student has earned and does not necessarily indicate the remaining number of credit hours needed to complete degree requirements. Course prerequisites, major requirements and upper-division requirements continue to be specified by each university. Appropriate sequencing of courses and timely completion of course prerequisites are essential to ensure efficient progress toward a baccalaureate degree. Students who have identified the university they plan to attend or a major area of study are advised to fulfill requirements and prerequisites identified by these programs through ASU's MyPath2ASU®. The AGEC does not replace articulation agreements developed to enhance the transfer process between specific institutions, nor does the AGEC eliminate the possibility that students who have identified the university they plan to attend and a major area of study will follow transfer guides provided by the state universities.