Grade appeal policy — student procedures
The steps outlined here, beginning with step A, must be followed by any student seeking to appeal a grade. Student grade appeals must be processed in the regular semester immediately following the issuance of the grade in dispute (by commencement for fall or spring) regardless of whether the student is enrolled at the university. It is university policy that students filing grievances and those who are witnesses be protected from retaliation. A student who believes they are a victim of retaliation should immediately contact the dean of the college or school in which the course is offered.
Students enrolled in courses taught by another institution through a formal ASU partnership (e.g., the PLuS Alliance) must follow the grade grievance and appeal process of the institution teaching the course.
Step A
The aggrieved student must first undergo the informal procedure of conferring with the instructor, stating any evidence and reasons for questioning that the grade received was given in good faith. The instructor is obliged to review the matter, explain the grading procedure used and show how the grade in question was determined. If the instructor is a graduate assistant and this interview does not resolve the difficulty, the student may then take the problem to the faculty member in charge of the course (regular faculty member or director of the course sequence).
Step B
If the grading dispute is not resolved in step A, the student may appeal to the department chair or other appropriate chair of the area within the department (if any). The department chair may confer with the instructor to handle the problem. Step B applies only in departmentalized colleges or schools.
Step C
If these discussions are not adequate to settle the matter to the complainant's satisfaction, the student may then confer with the dean of the college or school concerned (or the dean-designate), who reviews the case. If unresolved, the dean or designate may refer the case to the college or school academic grievance hearing committee to review the case formally. In most instances, however, the grievance procedure does not go beyond this level.
The following procedure takes place after steps A, B and C (or A and C) have been completed.
Step D
Each college or school has on file in the office of the dean (and in each department of the college or school) the procedures and composition of the undergraduate or graduate academic grievance hearing committee for student grievances. Each college or school committee operates under grievance procedures as stated, which satisfy due process requirements. The committee always meets with the student and the instructor in an attempt to resolve the differences. At the conclusion of the hearing, the committee sends its recommendations to the dean.
Step E
Final action in each case is taken by the dean after full consideration of the committee's recommendation. Any recommended grade changes may be made by the dean. The dean informs the student, instructor, department chairperson (if any), registrar and grievance committee of any action taken.