Curriculum Check Sheets 2007-2008

University College

School of Letters and Sciences

Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies

General BIS Degree Checksheet

The BIS degree is offered through the University College, located at UASB, 2nd floor, 480-965-1970. Academic advising is required prior to change of major, located at UASB, room 203, 480-965-1970.

(Advising for concentrations: Students are encouraged to meet with an academic advisor in each concentration for academic planning and course selection.)

Prerequisites for Declaring BIS Major
  • 56 hours of college credit must be completed. Academic Good Standing. Completed two courses in each concentration with a minimum grade of "C". (These courses may be in progress at the time the student declares major status. In progress courses must be completed with a "C" or better prior to enrollment in BIS 301.)
  • Completed General Studies requirements for Mathematics and first-year Composition.

BIS Concentrations

(Refer to catalog index for page number)

(choose two)
College Name Available Programs

Applied Arts & Sciences


  • Architectural Studies
  • Design Studies
  • Interior Design History
  • Landscape Studies
  • Urban Planning

Business — Students may not use two concentrations from the College of Business



Fine Arts

  • Art History
  • Dance
  • Music
  • Theatre

Human Services

Liberal Arts and Sciences

Public Programs

* Students may not use more than one English concentration.
** Students may not use more than one Geography concentration.
*** Double concentrations are built on two concentrations or multiple disciplines and represent a complete BIS major; concentration areas in addition to the double concentration are not needed.
(C) Indicates program may award a certificate upon completion. Check with department.

Subject to change without notice


UASB 129

Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm
evening hours Tuesday 5:00 - 6:30pm