Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions policies


Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions believes that students are its greatest resource. The college strives to put the well-being of students at the center of every policy and program. Each student situation is specific, and students are encouraged to work directly with the advising staff to address concerns and issues within the stated policies and procedures.

Academic integrity

Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions' academic integrity process models the ASU process. Students can find more information about academic integrity at the Public Service and Community Solutions website.

Academic grievances

Students who have academic grievance issues should review the college's grievance process for more information on the process, including next steps.

Notice of nondiscrimination

ASU prohibits all forms of discrimination, harassment and retaliation. Students should review ASU’s policy ACD 401: Prohibition Against Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation.

Title IX protects individuals from discrimination based on sex in any educational program or activity operated by recipients of federal financial assistance. As required by Title IX, ASU does not discriminate on the basis of sex in the education programs or activities that we operate, including in admission and employment. Inquiries concerning the application of Title IX may be referred to the ASU Title IX coordinator or to the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights or to both. For more information, students should email titleixcoordinator@asu.edu, call 480-965-0696, or visit the office located at 1120 S. Cady Mall, INTDSB 284. For information on making a report, students should reference the Report It webpage.

Undergraduate policies

Academic standing

Students in the Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions are considered to be in good standing for the purpose of retention if they maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher in all courses taken at ASU. Certain majors within Public Service and Community Solutions may require a progressively higher GPA than 2.00 as a student advances toward their degree. These requirements are outlined in those degrees’ curriculum checksheets or major maps.

Changing majors

A student who wishes to change their major to one offered by the Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions should have a GPA of 2.00 or higher.


Any student who does not maintain good standing is placed on academic probation. A student on academic probation is required to observe any limitations or rules the college may impose as a condition for retention.


A student who is on probation becomes disqualified if either of the following occurs:

  • The student has not returned to good standing.
  • The student has not met the required semester GPA.

Disqualification is exercised at the discretion of the college and becomes effective on the first day of the fall or spring semester following college action. A disqualified student is notified by the college and is not allowed to register for a fall or spring semester at the university until reinstated. A student who is disqualified may not attend as a nondegree student.


Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions offers undergraduate academic advising at the West Valley, Downtown Phoenix and Tucson campuses. The mission of the college's professional academic advising staff is to assist students in developing meaningful educational plans for meeting their academic, career and personal goals. This is done through an ongoing process of evaluation and clarification. The advisors strive to perform their duties in a professional, ethical, confidential, accurate and supportive manner, respecting student diversity and needs and always holding the individual in the highest regard. The student and advisor should accomplish this process in a spirit of shared responsibility to help the student develop academic excellence, strong decision-making skills and self-reliance. A student who has been admitted to Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions works with professional advisors and student services staff with expertise in the student's major area of study. Questions about advising should be directed to the student’s advising team or to the Public Service and Community Solutions student services office.

Contact information and the college's mission statement can be found on the college's advising page.

Mandatory advising

Students in the following categories are required to receive advising and be cleared by a program advisor before they may register for classes:

  • all students majoring in social work
  • disqualified students interested in attending ASU
  • first-time, first-year students, for both semesters during their first year at ASU
  • readmission students interested in returning to ASU
  • students on academic probation
  • students who are off track according to eAdvisor tracking requirements
  • students with admission competency deficiencies 
  • students with special admission status
  • transfer students before enrolling for their first semester at ASU

Credit and registration

Course load

A normal course load per semester is 15 or 16 credit hours. The maximum number of credit hours for which a student can register is 18 (fall or spring semesters) unless an overload petition has been approved by the department or school standards committee and dean or dean's designee.

Semester course loads may be further limited for students in mandatory advising status. Petitions for overload ordinarily are not approved for students who have a cumulative GPA lower than 3.00 and who do not state valid reasons for the need to register for the credits.

Students who register for an excess of 18 credit hours and do not have an approved overload petition on file may have courses randomly removed through an administrative drop action. Specific degree requirements are explained in detail under the respective college, school and department sections.


Medical or compassionate withdrawal

Medical or compassionate withdrawals may be considered when incompletes or other arrangements with instructors are not available or when restricted withdrawals and other enrollment options are not possible.

To receive a medical or compassionate withdrawal, students must complete these steps:

  1. Fill out this form to request an medical/compassionate withdrawal form.
  2. Gather all documentation.
  3. Review financial implications and confer with financial aid.
  4. Fill out the DocuSign form when it is sent out.
  5. Email all supporting documentation to publicservicemcw@asu.edu or attach directly to the DocuSign form.
  6. Wait 7-10 business days for processing and monitor My ASU for changes.

Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions allows a maximum of three medical or compassionate withdrawals over the course of a degree program. Multiple requests for the same circumstances using the same documentation will not be approved. For a new request to be considered for the same circumstances, substantial new information or documentation is required.

A medical withdrawal may be requested when extraordinary circumstances, such as a serious illness or injury, prevent the student from continuing classes. This policy covers both physical health and mental health difficulties.

A compassionate withdrawal may be used in extraordinary cases in which a significant personal situation (for example, the serious illness of a child or spouse, or the death of a close family member) prevents a student from continuing in classes.

More information about the required documentation components can be found on the college website.

Degree requirements

Interdisciplinary public service requirement

Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions has a college-level graduation requirement for all undergraduate students majoring within the college. This degree requirement is called the interdisciplinary public service requirement. Each student must complete coursework from other schools within the college. Students may choose a core course from their major and two courses from the approved course list for this requirement, in addition to completing ASU 101-CPP The ASU Experience, which must be completed in the first year at ASU; the other courses can be taken while completing the degree. The approved course list for each catalog year is available on the major map or curriculum checksheet. Questions about this requirement should be directed to a Public Service and Community Solutions academic advisor.

Solutions-based learning requirement

Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions has a second college-level graduation requirement for all undergraduate students majoring within the college. This degree requirement is called the solution-based learning requirement. Each student must complete coursework from their school or another school within the college that has an SBL designation. Students must choose a course from the SBL list to meet this requirement. The approved course list for each catalog year is available on the major map or curriculum checksheet. Questions about this requirement should be directed to a Public Service and Community Solutions academic advisor.

Concurrent degrees

Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions supports students who wish to pursue concurrent degrees. Students earn a separate diploma for each degree. Degrees may not be too closely related and are reviewed by an academic advisor during the approval process.

The structure of a student’s academic program is customized to meet degree requirements for both programs of study. Students are encouraged to meet with an academic advisor from each degree to establish a feasible program of study and to start the concurrent degree approval process. If a student is adding a concurrent major from outside the college, the university approval process must be completed for both Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions and the college of the other major.


Students seeking reinstatement after disqualification should contact Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions student services office regarding procedures and guidance for returning to good standing. When reinstatement includes readmission, application must be made through the ASU readmission process. All academic disciplinary action is the function of the Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions student services office under the direction of the dean of the college. Students who are having academic problems should contact Watts advising at 602-496-1658 or see the college's academic advising page.

Graduate policies


Advising is usually handled by a professional academic graduate advisor, graduate faculty or a committee. Once admitted, each student is typically assigned an advisor in their degree's department; this advisor assists in planning a course of study. For degree programs that require the completion of a thesis or dissertation, a chairperson and thesis or dissertation supervisory committee is selected by the student, approved by their degree program's director of graduate studies, and appointed by the dean of the Graduate College. Each graduate degree program in Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions has its own set of policies regarding academic performance expectations. Students should contact their graduate advisor to review policies relevant to their degree.

Students must fulfill all requirements of their individual graduate programs to remain in good academic standing, and they must abide by all university policies, including those of the Graduate College and Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions.