Agribusiness (AGB)

AGB 101 Food Chain. (2) F
Dependence of the quality, quantity, and cost of national food supplies on technology, marketing, and world agricultural policies. General Studies: G.

AGB 150 Animal Science. (3) F
Comparative growth, development, and propagation of farm animals. Lecture, lab.

AGB 160 Veterinary Medicine Today. (3) F
Introduction to the role of the veterinarian as related to the fields of food supply and veterinary medicine.

AGB 300 Livestock Management. (3) F
Methods of managing livestock enterprises, economics, loss prevention, and marketing. Prerequisites: BIO 100.

AGB 302 Introduction to Agribusiness. (3) F
Impact of national policy and world agriculture on the cost, quantity, and quality of the U.S. food resources.

AGB 305 Cultural Diversity in Agribusiness. (3) F, S
A critical look at how different cultural traditions as practiced in the Southwest have impacted and continue to shape regional agricultural economies. Prerequisites: ENG 101, 102.

AGB 310 Crop Management. (3) S
Crop production, management principles, and their application to crop growth and development. Prerequisites: BIO 100.

AGB 312 Agribusiness Marketing. (3) F
Marketing arrangements for agricultural products. Prerequisite: ECN 111.

AGB 332 Agribusiness Finance. (3) S
Agribusiness investment management and financial institutions that serve agriculture. Prerequisites: ECN 111.

AGB 335 Establishing an Agribusiness. (3) F
Establishing entrepreneurship in agriculture, including legal status, financing, planning, marketing, and management. Prerequisite: junior standing.

AGB 342 Agribusiness Management I. (4) S
Principles of management, including planning, organizing, integrating, measuring, and developing people in agribusiness organizations. Lecture, computer lab.

AGB 353 Wildlife and Domestic Animal Nutrition. (3) S
Feedstuffs, feeding standards, and their application in meeting nutritional needs of animals producing food and fiber.

AGB 364 Agribusiness Technology. (3) S
Biotechnology and other technologies of the three sectors of agribusiness, including input, production, and commodity/food processing and distribution. Prerequisites: BIO 100.

AGB 368 Food Processing. (3) F
An introduction to processed food quality assurance, statistical sampling, and inspection procedures. Prerequisites: AGB 364.

AGB 369 Food Analysis. (3) F
Processing control and scientific instrumentation used in food quality assurance laboratories. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: CHM 101.

AGB 390 Agribusiness Accounting. (3) N
Introduction to managerial accounting for agribusiness using computerized accounting systems for the development of financial data required for management decision making. Prerequisite: computer literacy.

AGB 402 Agricultural Cooperatives. (3) N
Organization, operation, and management of agricultural cooperatives.

AGB 404 Sales and Merchandising in Agribusiness. (3) N
The principles and techniques of selling and commodity merchandising in the agricultural industries.

AGB 412 Agricultural Commodities. (3) F
Trading on futures markets. Emphasis on the hedging practices with grains and meats. Prerequisite: AGB 312 or 1 marketing or finance course.

AGB 413 Financial Commodities. (3) S
Trading on futures markets. Emphasis on the hedging practices with financial and currency instruments. Prerequisite: AGB 332 or FIN 300.

AGB 414 Advanced Commodity Trading. (3) N
Advanced analysis of trading techniques, with emphasis on hedging in the futures markets. Prerequisite: AGB 412 or 413.

AGB 423 Food and Industrial Microbiology. (4) F
Food and industrial related microorganisms; deterioration and preservation of industrial commodities. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: MIC 205 or 206 or instructor approval.

AGB 424 Food and Industrial Fermentations. (4) S
Management, manipulation, and metabolic activities of industrial microbial cultures and their processes. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: AGB 423 or instructor approval.

AGB 425 Food Safety. (3) S
Control, prevention, and prediction of microbial and chemical food borne diseases. Prerequisite: AGB 423 or instructor approval.

AGB 426 Food Chemistry. (4) S
The biochemical and chemical interactions that occur in raw and processed foods. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: CHM 115, 231.

AGB 428 Comparative Nutrition. (3) N
Effects of nutrition on animal systems and metabolic functions. Prerequisite: CHM 231.

AGB 433 Diseases of Domestic Animals. (3) N
Control and prevention of infectious and noninfectious diseases of domestic animals. Prerequisite: MIC 206 or 220.

AGB 435 Animal Physiology I. (4) F
Control and function of the nervous, muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory, and renal systems of domestic animals. Prerequisites: BIO 181; CHM 113.

AGB 439 Veterinary Practices. (3) F, S
Observation of and participation in veterinary medicine and surgery supervised by local veterinarians. Prerequisite: advanced pre-veterinary student.

AGB 440 Food Marketing. (3) S
Food processing, packaging, distribution, market research, new food research and development, and social implications. Prerequisite: AGB 312.

AGB 443 Agribusiness Management II. (3) F
Principles of human resource management, with emphasis on the special problems of agribusiness systems. Prerequisite: AGB 302.

AGB 444 Agribusiness Analysis. (3) S
Analysis of agribusiness firm decisions in the ecological, economic, social, and political environments. Special emphasis on ethical issues surrounding food production and consumption. Prerequisites: AGB 312 and 332 or equivalents. General Studies: L2.

AGB 450 International Agricultural Development. (3) F
Transition of developing countries from subsistence to modern agriculture. Technology transfer and food improvement programs are emphasized. General Studies: G.

AGB 452 World Food Dynamics. (3) N
Transition and development of raw agricultural commodities into nutritional food products. Emphasis given to food expansion in developing countries. General Studies: G.

AGB 453 World Agricultural Resources. (3) S
World production and consumption of agricultural products, international relationships, and agencies concerned with world agricultural development problems. General Studies: G.

AGB 454 International Agricultural Trade. (3) N
Dimensions, locations, mix, methods, and changes of international trade in agricultural products. Prerequisite: AGB 312.

AGB 455 Agricultural Marketing Channels. (3) S
Operational stages of agricultural commodities in normal distribution systems and implementation of marketing strategies. Prerequisite: AGB 312.

AGB 458 International Agribusiness. (3) N
Identification and analysis of methods, problems, and future of international agribusiness operations. Emphasizes special problems associated with international agribusiness systems. Prerequisite: AGB 312. General Studies: G.

AGB 460 Agribusiness Management Systems. (4) S
The development and use of decision support systems for agribusiness management and marketing. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: AGB 302.

AGB 474 Agribusiness Policy and Government Regulations. (3) F
The development and implementation of government food, drug, pesticide, and farm policies and regulations that affect the management of agribusiness. Prerequisite: AGB 302.

AGB 490 Recent Advances in Agribusiness. (1) F, S
Reports and discussions of current topics and problems associated with agribusiness. May be repeated for credit.

AGB 505 Commodity Analysis. (3) N
Analysis of commodity markets. Prerequisite: 1 year of economics or marketing.

AGB 508 Advanced Agribusiness Marketing. (3) F
Theory and analysis of marketing farm commodities, risks, and the effect of future trading on cash prices.

AGB 509 Advanced Agribusiness Marketing Channels. (3) S
Analysis of agribusiness market channel systems. Formulation of marketing strategies.

AGB 510 Advanced Agribusiness Management I. (4) F
Managing and financing agribusiness emphasizing environmental and economic sustainability in a global economy undergoing radical change. Prerequisite: AGB 342.

AGB 511 Advanced Agribusiness Management II. (3) S
Analysis of organization behavior, change, and resource requirements within agribusiness systems. Prerequisite: AGB 342.

AGB 512 Food Industry Management. (3) S
Operations and management of food-processing factories, food distribution centers, and retail food-handling firms.

AGB 516 International Agricultural Techniques. (3) N
Coordination of production and marketing techniques to consumption objectives with agricultural products in foreign countries.

AGB 518 World Agricultural Development. (3) N
Factors that influence production, processing, and marketing of agricultural products in developing countries.

AGB 520 Advanced Agribusiness Analysis I. (4) S
Vertical integration and differentiation in food and agricultural industries. Lecture, recitation. Prerequisites: AGB 508 or 510.

AGB 521 Agribusiness Coordination. (4) N
Organizational alternatives for agribusiness, with emphasis on cooperatives and trading companies. Lecture, recitation. Prerequisites: AGB 508 or 510.

AGB 525 Advanced Agribusiness Management Systems. (3) N
Development and use of decision support systems for agribusiness management decision making. Prerequisite: AGB 510.

AGB 527 Agribusiness Research Methods. (3) N
The use of model building, hypothesis testing, and empirical analysis in solving agribusiness problems.

AGB 530 Advanced Agribusiness Policy. (3) N
Policy-making history, structure, and process. Prerequisite: AGB 342.

AGB 532 Advanced Agribusiness Finance. (3) F
Financial management of agribusiness firms; agribusiness financial analysis, investment analysis, agricultural risk management, and introduction to agricultural financial intermediaries. Prerequisites: computer literacy and 1 finance course or instructor approval.

AGB 535 Advanced Food Science. (3) N
Chemical and physical nature of processed foods. Emphasis on food product development. Prerequisite: AGB 364.

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