Environmental Analysis and Programming (ANP)

ANP 236 Introduction to Computer Modeling. (3) F, S
Fundamentals of computer operation, geographic informations systems, geometric modeling of three-dimensional forms and rendering of light, mathematical modeling of processes using spreadsheets. Lab. Cross-listed as DSC/PUP 236. Prerequisite: major in the College of Architecture and Environmental Design. General Studies: N3.

ANP 331 Analysis and Programming. (3) S
Analysis of natural and human environmental determinants as the basis of the programming and design of the built environment. Lecture, studio. Corequisite: ADE 322.

ANP 431 Architectural Programming Methods. (3) N
Theory and methods of architectural programming including determinants of architecture, information gathering techniques, program preparation, and methods of evaluation. Prerequisite: professional-level standing.

ANP 475 Computer Programming in Architecture. (3) F, S
Computer programming for architectural problems and applications. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: CSE 183 or equivalent.

ANP 477 Computer Applications to Design Problems. (3) F
Examination of generic microcomputer software in solving architectural design problems. Emphasis on the logic of problem formulation. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: instructor approval.

ANP 530 Computer Graphics in Architecture. (3) A
Fundamentals of computer graphics programming in architecture, including graphics hardware, device independent packages, 2- and 3- dimensional transformations, and data structures. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab. Prerequisite: ANP 475 or instructor approval.

ANP 561 Architectural Information Processing Systems. (3) A
Applications of information processing systems to architectural problems. Analysis of computing tools with respect to assumptions and theories. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: graduate standing; instructor approval.

ANP 562 Information Systems for Facilities Management. (3) N
Introduction to database design and implementation. Assessment of facility management problems from information system points of view. Seminar, lab. Prerequisites: ANP 477 or 561; graduate standing.

ANP 576 Community Housing. (3) N
History, practices, trends, and forms of housing; includes growth of public programs, national and local programs, zoning law, housing distribution, planning principles and policies, design review, standards, and private development practice.

ANP 577 Housing Environments. (3) A
Contemporary housing environments, housing types, and life styles as determined by user preference, density, development and property standards, cost, community and privacy, security, identity, movement, and the need for open space.

ANP 581 Urban Structure and Design. (3) F
The nature and dynamics of urbanization and its relationship to architecture and urban design, including growth, decay, socialization, planning processes, and visual perception. Case studies. Prerequisite: professional-level standing.

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