Biology (BIO)

BIO 100 The Living World. (4) F, S, SS
Principles of biology. Cannot be used for major credit in the biological sciences. 3 hours lecture, 3 hours lab. General Studies: S1/S2.

BIO 181 General Biology. (4) F, S, SS
Biological concepts emphasizing fundamental principles and the interplay of structure and function at the molecular, cellular, organismal, and population levels of organization. 3 hours lecture, 3 hours lab. For majors in biological sciences and preprofessional students in health-related sciences. Secondary school chemistry strongly recommended. General Studies: S1/S2.

BIO 182 General Biology. (4) F, S, SS
Continuation of BIO 181. Secondary school chemistry strongly recommended. Prerequisite: BIO 181. General Studies: S2.

BIO 217 Conservation Biology. (3) F
The scientific and technical means for management, protection, maintenance, and restoration of biological resources on this planet. Prerequisite: 8 hours of biology.

BIO 218 Medical History. (1) F
Brief survey of humankind's important inventions and discoveries in the art and science of medicine, illustrating interrelationships of medical ideas.

BIO 300 Natural History of Arizona. (3) F, S
Plant and animal communities of Arizona. Cannot be used for major credit in the biological sciences. Prerequisite: junior standing.

BIO 301 Field Natural History. (1) F, S
Organisms and their natural environment. 2 weekend field trips, field project. Cannot be used for major credit in the biological sciences. Pre- or corequisite: BIO 300.

BIO 310 Special Problems and Techniques. (1–3) F, S
Qualified undergraduates may investigate a specific biological problem under the direction of a faculty member. May be repeated for a total of 6 semester hours. Prerequisites: formal conference with the instructor; approval of the problem by the instructor and department chair.

BIO 320 Fundamentals of Ecology. (3) F, S
Organization, functioning, and development of ecological systems; energy flow; biogeochemical cycling; environmental relations; population dynamics. Prerequisite: BIO 182 or instructor approval.

BIO 321 Introductory Ecology Laboratory. (3) S
Laboratory and field observations and experiments to test current concepts and theories in ecology. Lab. Pre- or corequisite: BIO 320. General Studies: L2.

BIO 330 Ecology and Conservation. (3) F
Ecological and biological concepts of conservation used to understand ecological problems caused by humans. Cannot be used for major credit in the biological sciences. General Studies: G.

BIO 332 Cell Biology. (3) F
Survey of major topics in cell biology, including structural, biochemical, and molecular aspects of cell function. Prerequisite: BIO 182.

BIO 340 General Genetics. (4) F, S, SS
Science of heredity and variation. 3 hours lecture, 1 hour recitation. Prerequisite: BIO 182.

BIO 343 Genetic Engineering and Society. (3) F
Introduction to genetic engineering, with emphasis on applications (gene therapy, DNA fingerprinting, bioremediation, transgenic animals and plants). Prerequisite: BIO 100 or 181 or equivalent.

BIO 360 Cancer and Heart Disease. (3) F
Incidence and mortality statistics for cancer and heart disease; host and environmental risk factors; diagnosis, treatment and prevention strategies. Cannot be counted toward a Zoology major. Prerequisites: 12 hours in life sciences; CHM 231 or equivalent; L1 course; or instructor approval.General Studies: L2.

BIO 361 Radiation and Life. (3) S
Benefits and risks of radiation exposure in society; medical applications, food irradiation, nuclear power, solar UV, population health effects. Cannot be counted toward a Zoology major. Prerequisites: 12 hours in life sciences; CHM 231 or equivalent; L1 course; or instructor approval.General Studies: L2.

BIO 410 Professional Values in Science. (2–3) A
Considers issues related to values in science such as collaboration, finances, legal issues, media, mentoring, ownership of ideas, scientific integrity. Discussion, student projects. Cross-listed as HPS 410.

BIO 415 Biometry. (4) F
Statistical methods applied to biological problems, design of experiments, estimation, significance, analysis of variance, regression, correlation, chi square, and bioassay; the use of computers. Does not satisfy laboratory requirements for the liberal arts general studies program. 3 hours lecture, 3 hours lab. Prerequisite: MAT 210 or equivalent. General Studies: N2.

BIO 420 Computer Applications in Biology. (3) F
Computer analysis techniques in biology, emphasizing data entry, management and analysis, and graphic portrayal. Employs mainframe and microcomputers. Prerequisites: BIO 182 and MAT 117 and 170 or instructor approval. General Studies: N3.

BIO 426 Limnology. (4) S
Structure and function of aquatic ecosystems, with emphasis on freshwater lakes and streams. 3 hours lecture, 3 hours lab or field trip. Prerequisite: BIO 320 or instructor approval. General Studies: L2.

BIO 428 Biogeography. (3) F
Environmental and historical processes determining distributional patterns of animals and plants, emphasizing terrestrial life. Prerequisites: BIO 182 or equivalent; junior standing. General Studies: L2.

BIO 430 Advanced Developmental Biology. (3) S
Current concepts and experimental methods involving differentiation and biosynthetic activities of cells and organisms, with examples from microorganisms, plants, and animals. Prerequisite: ZOL 330.

BIO 441 Cytogenetics. (3) F '97
Chromosomal basis of inheritance. Prerequisite: BIO 340.

BIO 442 Cytogenetics Laboratory. (2) F '97
Microscopic analysis of meiosis, mitosis, and aberrant cell division. 6 hours lab. Pre- or corequisite: BIO 441.

BIO 445 Organic Evolution. (3) F
Processes of adaptive change and speciation in sexual populations. Prerequisite: BIO 340 or ZOL 241.

BIO 464 Photobiology. (3) F '96
Principles underlying the effects of light on growth, development, and behavior of plants, animals, and microorganisms. Prerequisites: CHM 231 or 331; 12 hours of courses in life sciences.

BIO 480 Methods of Teaching Biology. (3) S
Methods of instruction, experimentation, organization, and presentation of appropriate content in biology. Prerequisite: 20 hours in the biological sciences.

BIO 512 Transmission Electron Microscopy. (3) F
Theory, use, and methods of preparing biological materials for transmission electron microscopy. Materials fee. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: instructor approval.

BIO 515 Scanning Electron Microscopy. (3) S
Theory, use, and methods of preparing biological materials for scanning electron microscopy. Materials fee. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab. Prerequisite: instructor approval.

BIO 520 Biology of the Desert. (2) N
Factors affecting plant and animal life in the desert regions and adaptations of the organisms to these factors. Prerequisite: 10 hours of biological sciences or instructor approval.

BIO 524 Ecosystems. (3) F '97
Structure and function of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, with emphasis on productivity, energetics, biogeochemical cycling, and systems integration. Prerequisite: BIO 320 or equivalent.

BIO 526 Quantitative Ecology. (3) N
Sampling strategies, spatial pattern analysis, species diversity, classification, and applications of multivariate techniques to ecology. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab. Prerequisites: BIO 415 or equivalent; a course in ecology.

BIO 529 Advanced Limnology. (3) N
Recent literature, developments, methods, and limnological theory; field and lab application to some particular topic in limnology. Prerequisite: BIO 426.

BIO 532 Advanced Cell Biology. (3) S
Applications of contemporary electron microscopic and biochemical/molecular techniques for studying eukaryotic cell functions. Mechanisms of intracellular protein trafficking. Prerequisites: BIO 332 or BOT 360 or ZOL 360 or equivalent; CHM 231 or 331 or equivalent.

BIO 535 Biomembranes. (3) N
Structure and function of biological membranes, emphasizing synthesis, fluidity, exocytosis, endocytosis, and cell responses to hormones and neurotransmitters. Prerequisites: BIO 332 or equivalent; CHM 231 or 331 or equivalent.

BIO 543 Molecular Genetics. (3) F
Nature and function of the gene; emphasis on the molecular basis of inheritance and gene expression in procaryotes and eucaryotes. Prerequisites: BIO 340; a course in organic chemistry.

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