Botany (BOT)

BOT 108 Plants and Society. (4) F, S, SS
The study of plants in relation to human affairs. Emphasis on edible, medicinal, and commercially significant plants, how they live and grow, and how mankind has applied knowledge to manipulate them. Not for majors in the biological sciences. 3 hours lecture, 3 hours lab. General Studies: S1/S2.

BOT 231 Horticultural Science. (4) S
Principles and practices of horticulture, emphasizing growth, development, and propagation of horticultural plants and environmental factors that affect these processes. 3 hours lecture, 3 hours lab. Prerequisite: BIO 182 or BOT 108. General Studies: S2.

BOT 300 Survey of the Plant Kingdom. (4) F
Systematic and evolutionary survey of the plant kingdom, emphasizing diversity of gross and cellular structure, reproduction, life cycles, and habitat. 3 hours lecture, 3 hours lab. Prerequisite: BIO 100 or 182 or BOT 108 or equivalent. General Studies: L2/S2.

BOT 301 Economic Botany. (3) F
Plants/plant products used by people throughout the world. Cultivation, processing, and uses in modern life (fibers, medicinals, beverages, perfumes, and foods). Prerequisite: BIO 182; BOT 108 or equivalent.

BOT 350 Plant Anatomy. (4) F
Development and mature structure of tissues of vascular plants; patterns and modifications of the leaf, stem, root, and the flower. 3 hours lecture, 3 hours lab. Prerequisite: BIO 182 or equivalent.

BOT 360 Plant Physiology. (4) S
Plant growth and development, nutrition, water relations, reproduction, metabolism, and photosynthesis. 3 hours lecture, 3 hours lab. Prerequisites: BIO 182 or equivalent; CHM 101 or 115 or 231.

BOT 370 The Flora of Arizona. (4) S
Principles of taxonomy; identification of Arizona plants. 2 hours lecture, 6 hours lab. Prerequisite: BIO 182 or equivalent or instructor approval.

BOT 380 Landscape Plants. (3) S
Identification, culture, and use of plants in urban landscapes. Prerequisite: BOT 231 or equivalent.

BOT 381 Landscape Practices. (3) S '97
Installation, irrigation, and maintenance of amenity plants in urban landscape with an emphasis on integrated landscaping technologies. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab. Prerequisite: BOT 380 or equivalent.

BOT 382 Urban Forestry. (3) F
The establishment, care, and maintenance of ornamental trees, shrubs, and vines. Prerequisite: BOT 231 or equivalent.

BOT 386 Indoor Plants. (3) F '97
Identification, culture, and use of container-grown plants for interior environments. Prerequisite: BOT 231 or instructor approval.

BOT 410 Lichenology. (3) S '97
Chemistry, ecology, physiology, and taxonomy of lichens. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab. Prerequisite: BIO 182 or equivalent.

BOT 420 Plant Ecology. (4) S
Plants in relation to environments, emphasizing terrestrial population, community and ecosystem processes. 3 hours lecture, 3 hours lab or field trip, 1 weekend field trip. Prerequisite: BIO 320 or equivalent.

BOT 425 Plant Geography. (3) N
Plant communities of the world and their interpretation, emphasizing North American plant associations. Prerequisite: BIO 182 or equivalent or instructor approval.

BOT 434 General Mycology. (3) S
Fundamentals of fungal morphology and systematics with an introduction to fungal cell biology, growth and development, ecology, and economic significance. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab. Prerequisite: BIO 182 or MIC 206 or equivalent.

BOT 445 Morphology of the Vascular Plants. (4) S '98
Comparative form and evolutionary trends in the major groups of vascular plants. 3 hours lecture, 3 hours lab. Prerequisite: BOT 300 or equivalent.

BOT 448 Palynology. (3) S
Significance of fossil and extant pollen, spores, and other palynomorphs to systematics, evolution, ecology, and stratigraphy. 2 hours lecture, 1 hour lab. Prerequisite: instructor approval.

BOT 450 Phycology. (4) S
The algae (both fresh water and marine forms), emphasizing field collection and identification of local representatives. Morphological, ecological, and economic aspects of the algae. 3 hours lecture, 3 hours lab. Prerequisite: BIO 182 or instructor approval.

BOT 461 Physiology of Lower Plants. (3) N
Cellular physiology and biochemistry of algae and fungi; responses of these organisms to chemical and physical stimuli and their process of morphogenesis. Prerequisites: BIO 182 or equivalent; CHM 231.

BOT 465 Plant Growth and Development. (3) S '97
Molecular basis of development, role of signal transduction pathways/gene regulation in control of organ formation, pollination, germination and growth. Prerequisites: BIO 182 or instructor approval.

BOT 475 Angiosperm Taxonomy. (3) S '98
Principles underlying angiosperm phylogeny. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab. Prerequisite: BOT 370 or instructor approval.

BOT 480 Plants: Pleasures and Poisons. (3) N
Poisonous, medicinal, and other drug plants. Plant products and their effects on humans; historical and modern perspectives. Prerequisites: BIO 100, 182; BOT 108 or equivalent; CHM 231 or equivalent.

BOT 485 Plant Pathology. (3) F
Identification and control of biotic and abiotic factors that cause common disease problems to plants. Prerequisite: BOT 360. General Studies: L2.

BOT 488 Greenhouse/Nursery Management. (3) F '96
Greenhouse structures, environment, and nursery operation. Includes irrigation, nutrition, and other principles relative to container-grown species. Prerequisites: BOT 381; ERS 225.

BOT 490 Paleobotany. (4) S '97
A broad survey of plant life of the past, including the structure of plant fossils, their geologic ranges, geographic distribution, and paleoenvironment. 3 hours lecture, 3 hours lab or field trip. Prerequisite: BIO 182 or equivalent.

BOT 510 Experimental Design. (3) S '98
ANOVAS, 1-way classification of factorial and partially hierarchic designs; introductory multivariate statistics. 1 3-hour lecture at night. Prerequisite: BIO 415 or equivalent.

BOT 520 Plant Structural Adaptation. (2–3) F '96
Adaptive traits of leaf size/unique growth form on energy transfer efficiency; stomatal architecture and water-use efficiency; applications of stable isotopes. Prerequisite: BIO 320 or BOT 350 or 360 or equivalent.

BOT 525 Plant Photosynthetic Adaptation. (3) F '97
Evolution and ecology of C4 and CAM; adaptive traits improving competitive ability in natural environments; comparative physiology of desert plants. Prerequisite: BOT 360 or instructor approval.

BOT 560 Plant Molecular Biology. (2) S '98
Biochemistry and molecular biology of plant organelles, including protein targeting, plant viruses, and molecular designs for plant improvements. Prerequisite: instructor approval.

BOT 562 Plant Genetic Engineering. (3) S '98
Plant transformation utilization of transgenetic plants, transient gene expression assays, and applications of plant genetic engineering. Prerequisite: instructor approval.

BOT 563 Plant Genetic Engineering Laboratory. (2) S '98
Plant transformation, utilization of transgenetic plants, transient gene expression assays, and applications of plant genetic engineering. 6 hours lab. Prerequisite: instructor approval.

BOT 564 Plant Metabolism. (3) N
General plant metabolism and typical plant products, emphasizing biosynthesis and functions of storage products, cell wall constituents, plant acids, pigments, hormones, and numerous secondary products. Prerequisite: BOT 360 or CHM 231 or instructor approval.

BOT 568 Molecular Mechanisms of Photosynthesis. (3) S '98
Structure and function of photosynthetic complexes; mechanism of energy conversion in plants, bacteria and model systems. Cross-listed as CHM 568. Prerequisite: instructor approval.

BOT 570 Plant Secondary Chemistry. (3) N
Biosynthesis and distribution of plant natural products within various plant taxa. 3 hours lecture. Prerequisite: CHM 332 or equivalent.

BOT 581 Plant Tissue and Cell Culture. (3) N
Aseptic, clonal propagation of plants and in vitro culture of cells, tissues, and organs. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab. Prerequisite: BOT 360 or 381.

BOT 585 Diagnosis of Plant Problems. (4) N
Principles and techniques for diagnosis of biotic and abiotic agents that cause problems in economic plants. 2 hours lecture, 2 3-hour labs. Prerequisite: BOT 485.

BOT 591 Seminar. (1) F, S
Topics may be selected from the following participatory seminars:
(a) Algae/Fungi
(b) Biosystematics
(c) Ecology
(d) Horticulture
(e) Photosynthesis
(f) Plant Physiology

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