Construction (CON)

CON 101 Construction and Culture: A Built Environment. (3) F, S
An analysis of the cultural context of construction, emphasizing its centrality in the evolution and expansion of built environments as expressions of ethical and historical value systems. Lecture, speakers, field trips. General Studies: HU, G.

CON 221 Applied Engineering Mechanics: Statics. (3) F, S
Vectors, forces and moments, force systems, equilibrium, analysis of basic structures and structural components, friction, centroids, and moments of inertia. Prerequisite: MAT 270.

CON 243 Heavy Construction Equipment, Methods, and Materials. (3) F, S
Emphasis on "Horizontal" construction. Fleet operations, maintenance programs, methods, and procedures to construct tunnels, roads, dams, and the excavation of buildings. Lab, field trips.

CON 244 Construction Graphics. (2) F, S
Sketching and architectural drafting of building materials and systems. Computer graphic applications for construction. Lecture, lab, field trips. Prerequisite: ECE 100.

CON 251 Microcomputer Applications for Construction. (3) F, S
Applications of the microcomputer as a problem-solving tool for the constructor. Use of spreadsheets, information management, and multimedia software. Prerequisite: ECE 100.

CON 252 Building Construction Methods, Materials, and Equipment. (3) F, S
Emphasis on "Vertical" construction. Methods, materials, codes, and equipment used in building construction corresponding to the 16 division "Master Format." Lecture, lab.

CON 273 Electrical Construction Fundamentals. (3) F, S
Circuits and machinery. Power transmission and distribution, with emphasis on secondary distribution systems. Measurements and instrumentation. Field trips. Prerequisites: MAT 270 or equivalent; PHY 112, 114.

CON 323 Strength of Materials. (3) F, S
Analysis of strength and rigidity of structural members in resisting applied forces. Stress, strain, shear, moment, deflections, combined stresses, connections, and moment distribution. Both US and SI units of measurement. Prerequisite: CON 221.

CON 341 Surveying. (3) F, S
Theory and field work in construction and land surveys. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: MAT 170.

CON 344 Route Surveying. (3) S
Simple, compound, and transition curves, including reconnaissance, preliminary, and location surveys. Calculation of earthwork. Dimensional control for construction projects. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: CON 243, 341.

CON 345 Mechanical Systems. (3) F, S
Design parameters and equipment related to heating and cooling systems for mechanical construction. Computer-aided calculations. Lecture, field trips. Prerequisites: CON 252; PHY 111, 113.

CON 371 Construction Management and Safety. (3) F, S
Organization and management theory applied to the construction process. Leadership functions. Safety procedures and equipment. OSHA requirement for construction. Prerequisite: Junior standing.

CON 377 Residential Construction Production Procedures. (3) F
The process used in residential construction. How a house is built: design, permits, scheduling, codes, contracting, site management, mechanical/electrical. Prerequisite: CON 252.

CON 383 Construction Estimating. (3) F, S
Methods, techniques, and organizational approaches to construction quantity surveys for cost estimating. Microcomputer usage for estimating and bid preparation. Lecture, project workshops. Prerequisites: CON 243, 251, 252, 273; construction major or instructor approval.

CON 389 Construction Cost Accounting and Control. (3) F, S
Nature of construction cost. Depreciation and tax theory and variable equipment costs. Cash flow theory, investment models, profitability, and analysis. Computer applications. Funding sources and arrangements. Builder's insurance. Prerequisites: ACC 294 ST: Survey of Accounting; CON 251. General Studies: N3.

CON 424 Structural Design. (3) F, S
Economic use of steel, reinforced concrete, and wood in building and engineered structures. Design of beams, columns, and connections. Elastic and ultimate strength design. Student design projects. Field trips. Prerequisite: CON 323.

CON 453 Construction Labor Management. (3) F, S
Labor and management history, union, and open shop organization of building and construction workers; applicable laws and government regulations; goals, economic power, jurisdictional disputes, and grievance procedures. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: CON 371; ECN 112.

CON 455 Construction Office Methods. (3) F, S
Administrative systems and procedures for the construction company office, including methods improvement and work simplification, policy and procedures. Prerequisite: CON 389.

CON 463 Foundations and Concrete Structures. (3) F, S
Subsurface construction theory and practice for foundations of buildings, engineered facilities, shallow and deep foundations, pavements, and excavations. Concrete form design. Lecture, recitation, field trips. Prerequisites: CEE 450; CON 424.

CON 468 Conceptual and Electrical Estimating. (3) F
System of estimating construction costs before design has been initiated. Cost estimating for large projects. Analysis and organization of electrical estimate. Prerequisite: CON 383.

CON 472 Development Feasibility Reports. (3) S
Integration of economic location theory, development cost data, market research data, and financial analysis into a feasibility report. Computer orientation. Prerequisites: CON 389; REA 394 ST: Real Estate Fundamentals. General Studies: L2.

CON 477 Residential Construction Business Practices. (3) S
Topics addressed will include development, marketing, financing, legal issues, and sales. Prerequisite: CON 377 or instructor approval.

CON 483 Advanced Building Estimating. (3) F, S
Concepts of pricing and markup, development of historic costs, life cycle costing, change order and conceptual estimating, and emphasizing microcomputer methods. Prerequisite: CON 383.

CON 486 Heavy Construction Estimating. (3) F, S
Methods analysis and cost estimation for construction of highways, bridges, tunnels, dams, and other engineering works. Field trips. Prerequisite: CON 383. Pre- or corequisite: CON 344.

CON 495 Construction Planning and Scheduling. (3) F, S
Various network methods of project scheduling, such as AOA, AON Pert, bar-charting, line-of-balance, and VPM techniques. Microcomputers used for scheduling, resource allocation, and time/cost analysis. Lecture, lab. General Studies: N3.

CON 496 Construction Contract Administration. (3) F, S
Survey administrative procedures of the general and subcontractors. Study documentation, claims, arbitration, litigation, bonding, insurance, and indemnification. Discuss ethical practices. Lecture, field trips. Prerequisites: CON 371; ETC 400; senior standing.

CON 512 Advanced Construction Contract Administration. (3) F, S
Advanced studies in construction contract administration. Survey the administrative procedures of the general and subcontractor. Study documentation, claims, arbitration, litigation, bonding, insurance, indemnification, legal practice, licensing, codes. Lecture, guest speakers, field trips.

CON 531 Economics of the Construction Industries. (3) F
The economic environment of construction, with emphasis on unique aspects; critical review of economic literature dealing with the construction industries. Prerequisite: CON 496 or instructor approval.

CON 533 Strategies of Estimating and Bidding. (3) F
Course will explore advanced concepts of the estimating process, such as modeling and statistical analysis, to improve bid accuracies. Prerequisite: CON 483 or 486 or instructor approval.

CON 540 Construction Productivity. (3) F
Productivity concepts. Data collection. Analysis of productivity data and factors affecting productivity. Means for improving production and study of productivity improvement programs. Pre- or corequisite: CON 495.

CON 543 Construction Equipment Engineering. (3) 3
Analysis of heavy construction equipment productivity using case studies. Applies engineering fundamentals to the planning, selection, and utilization of equipment. Lecture, case studies.

CON 545 Construction Project Management. (3) S
Theory and practice of construction project management. Roles of designer, owner, general contractor, and construction manager. Lecture, field trips. Pre- or corequisite: CON 495.

CON 547 Strategic Planning. (3) S
The business planning process of the construction enterprise. Differences between publicly held and closely held businesses and their exposure.

CON 548 Managing the Construction Enterprise for Survival. (3) F
Provides a thorough understanding of the business risks in the construction industry, and processes for avoiding them.

CON 551 Facilities Management. (3) S
Analysis of the facilities management organization and implementation of human resources, business management, building design and construction, work management, and physical plant operations.

CON 561 International Construction. (3) S
An investigation of the cultural, social, economic, political, and management issues related to construction in foreign countries and remote regions.

CON 577 Construction Systems Engineering. (3) F
Systems theory as applied to the construction process. Alternates for structuring information flows and the control of projects. Prerequisite: IEE 476 or equivalent.

CON 589 Construction Company Financial Control. (3) F
Financial accounting and cost control at the company level in construction companies. Accounting systems. Construction project profit calculations. Financial analysis. Lecture, case studies.

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