Environmental Resources (ERS)

ERS 130 Soils and Environmental Quality. (4) F, S
Introduction to soil resources, their physical and chemical properties, classification energy dynamics, and the role they play in environmental quality. Lecture, lab.

ERS 225 Soils. (3) F
Fundamental properties of soils and their relation to plant growth and the nutrition of man and animals. Relation of soils to environmental quality. Prerequisite: CHM 101 or 113 or equivalent.

ERS 226 Soils Laboratory. (1) F
Selected exercises to broaden the background and understanding of basic soil principles. Lab. Corequisite: ERS 225.

ERS 246 Natural Resource Conservation. (3) S
Effective starting spring 1997; replaces ERS 346.
A global perspective on the conservation of wildland and agricultural resources. Development/resource conservation interrelationships. General Studies: G.

ERS 332 Agricultural Chemicals. (3) N
Composition, properties, and use of agricultural commercial fertilizers and pesticides and their effects on soil, air, and water quality.

ERS 333 Water Resources Management. (3) S
Sources, their development, and conservation in arid regions for agricultural, natural resources, and urban uses. Prerequisite: CHM 101 or 113.

ERS 346 Natural Resource Conservation. (3) S
Effective through fall 1996; to be replaced by ERS 246.
A global perspective on the conservation of wildland and agricultural resources. Development/resource conservation interrelationships. General Studies: G.

ERS 350 Environmental Statistics. (3) F
Statistical methods with applications in natural resource management and environmental conservation. Prerequisite: CSE 180, MAT 117. General Studies: N2.

ERS 360 Range Ecosystem Management. (4) F
Interrelationships between vegetation, soils, and grazing animals. Evaluation of grazing animal impact (livestock and wildlife). Multiple use of rangeland resources. Lecture, recitation. Prerequisites: BIO 320 and ERS 346 or equivalents.

ERS 365 Watershed Management. (3) N
Hydrologic, physical, biological, and ecological principles applied to watershed management. Impact of ecosystem manipulations on water yield and quality. 1 weekend field trip. Prerequisites: ERS 225, 346.

ERS 370 Forest Ecosystem Dynamics. (3) S
Dynamics of forest ecosystem with applications from landscape ecology. Silvicultural principles, measurements, and multiple use of forests. Field trips required. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: BIO 320; ERS 346, 350.

ERS 402 Range Habitat Inventory. (4) S
Vegetation sampling and inventory as related to animal-habitat relations. Lecture, lab, 1 weekend field trip. Prerequisites: CSE 180, ERS 350, 360, department major, or instructor approval.

ERS 407 Range Plants and Habitats. (4) F
The distribution, ecological characteristics, identification of key plants, and values of habitats on western rangelands. Laboratory emphasis on grass identification. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: BOT 370 or equivalent.

ERS 410 Wildlife Habitat Relations. (3) N
Interactions among animal populations and their habitat. Systems simulation of population dynamics as influenced by competition and management strate gies. Lecture, 1 weekend field trip. Prerequisite: ERS 360.

ERS 420 Range Habitat Improvements. (3) S
Techniques of restoration ecology applied for the improvement of arid and semiarid rangelands with associated riparian habitats. Weekend field trips. Prerequisite: ERS 360.

ERS 425 Soil Classification and Management. (3) N
Principles of soil genesis, morphology, and classification. Management and conservation practices will be presented. Prerequisite: ERS 225.

ERS 433 Riparian Ecosystem Management. (3) N
Examination of the functions and components that make up riparian ecosystems and the management of these ecosystems. Lecture, field trip. Prerequisite: ERS 225 or instructor approval.

ERS 446 Soil Fertility. (3) S
Ability of soils to retain and supply plant nutrients. Reactions of fertilizers in soils. Prerequisites: ERS 225, 226.

ERS 448 Soil Ecology. (3) N
Soils viewed in an ecosystem context, soil-plant relationships, nutrient budgets, and abiotic factors that influence soil processes. Prerequisites: BIO 320 and ERS 225 and 226 or instructor approval.

ERS 452 Soil, Water, and Irrigation. (3) N
Water measurement, conveyance, and conservation, with emphasis on crop production and soil-plant water relations. Prerequisite: ERS 225.

ERS 460 Applied Systems Ecology. (3) N
The systems approach applied to analysis and management of natural resource ecosystems. Use of simulation models. Prerequisites: ERS 350 or equivalent; 1 course in ecology.

ERS 470 Land Reclamation. (3) N
Problems of reestablishing vegetation on disturbed sites. Special revegetation techniques, surface modifications, and government regulations. 1 weekend field trip. Prerequisites: ERS 407 and 420 and 446 and 448 or instructor approval.

ERS 475 Wildlife and Range Animal Management. (3) S
Principles and techniques for management of domestic and nondomestic animals using rangeland ecosystems. Emphasis on practical applications of management. Weekend field trips. Prerequisite: instructor approval.

ERS 480 Natural Resource Planning. (3) S
Planning for management and conservation of wildland ecosystems. Ecological, economic, and social constraints on long-term sustainable resource development. Computer tools for resource planning. Lecture, 1 weekend field trip. Prerequisites: ERS 402 or equivalent; senior standing.

ERS 485 GIS in Natural Resources. (3) F
Principles of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) utilized in natural resource management. Use of computers for spatial analysis of natural resources. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: CSE 180 or equivalent.

ERS 486 Remote Sensing in Environmental Resources. (4) S
Principles and application of remote sensing technologies in natural resource management. Integration of computerized data from aerial photography and LanSat imagery in resource management. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: ERS 485 or equivalent.

ERS 490 Recent Advances in Environmental Resources. (1) N
Current literature and significant developments involving environmental resources. May be repeated for credit.

ERS 540 Plant Responses to Environmental Stresses. (3) N
Reaction of plants to environmental stresses; herbivores, fire, pesticides, mechanical treatments, aerial pollutants, and soil amendments. 1 weekend field trip. Prerequisites: BOT 360 and ERS 420 or instructor approval.

ERS 548 Plants, Soils, and Environmental Quality. (3) N
Effects of air quality on plants and soils, and their role in removing contaminants from the atmosphere. Prerequisite: ERS 325.

ERS 550 Vegetation Dynamics. (4) F
Dynamics of vegetation emphasizing concepts of ecological succession, applications of landscape ecology, and impacts of herbivory. Field trips required. Lecture, lab.

ERS 553 Advanced Animal Nutrition. (4) F
Metabolic and physiological interactions of nutrients in wild and domesticated animals consuming natural feeds. Lecture, lab.

ERS 560 Systems Ecology. (3) N
Quantitative description and mathematical modeling of ecosystem structure and function. Techniques for model construction and simulation. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: ERS 350 or equivalent; computer programming; 6 hours in ecological studies.

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