Graphic Communications (GRC)

GRC 135 Graphic Communications. (3) F, S
Introduction to the technologies involved in the design image generation, transmission, and production of multiple images for consumer utilization. Lecture, lab, field trips.

GRC 237 Introduction to Composition Systems. (3) F
An introduction to traditional and electronic composition systems and procedures used in the graphics communication industry including desktop publishing. Lecture, lab.

GRC 331 Quality Assurance for the Reproduction Processes. (3) S
Instrumentation and methodologies for materials testing and quality control in the major reproduction processes. Field trips.

GRC 332 Film Assembly and Platemaking. (3) F
Stripping negatives and positives; line, halftone, duo-tone, and full color; contacting flats onto various types of image carriers. Lecture, lab, field trips. Prerequisite: GRC 135.

GRC 333 Sheetweb Press Technology. (3) S
Function of the offset printing equipment. Lithographic dynamics of both sheetfed and sheetweb systems. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: GRC 332 or instructor approval.

GRC 334 Image Conversion. (3) F
Theory and production of line work, halftones, contact work, and special effects for the graphic arts industry. Lecture, lab.

GRC 335 Printing and Finishing Techniques. (3) S
Analysis of major printing processes of flexography, screen process, and relief; production bindery and finishing procedures. Prerequisite: GRC 135.

GRC 336 Color Separation. (3) S
Methods of producing separation negatives and positives. Prerequisite: GRC 334.

GRC 337 Production Management. (3) F
Planning and controlling work flow of manufacturing processes. Prerequisite: ITC 200.

GRC 339 Estimating and Cost Analysis. (3) S
Management relationship between financial, production, and sales departments in printing industries; analysis of equipment, labor, and material costs; use of paper and standard pricing catalogs. Prerequisite: GRC 135.

GRC 433 Production Techniques. (3) N
Systematic production planning experience. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: GRC 333, 334.

GRC 435 Plant Management. (3) F
Concepts, practices, and processes used by the commercial printing plant manager relating to the operation of the plant. Prerequisite: GRC 135 or instructor approval.

GRC 436 Gravure Technology. (3) S
In-depth study of the market profile and production sequences related to the gravure method of printing. Prerequisite: GRC 336.

GRC 437 Advanced Color Reproduction. (3) F
Scientific analysis for the engineering of color reproduction systems used in the graphic arts industry. Field trips. Prerequisite: GRC 336.

GRC 438 Graphic Arts Techniques and Processes. (3) F, S, SS
Survey of production sequences and profile of the printing and publishing industry. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: junior standing.

GRC 439 Electronic Publishing Systems. (3) S
The study of electronic publishing systems and how text and graphics are integrated into a publication using desktop publishing technologies.

GRC 537 Current Issues in Quality Assurance. (3) N
Directed group study of selected issues relating to quality assurance in the printing and publishing industry.

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