Humanities Education (HUE)

HUE 101 Ideas and Values in the Humanities. (4) F, S
Interrelation of art, architecture, literature, music, philosophy, religion, theatre, and other performing arts in the modern world. 2 hour lectures, 2 hour discussion meetings per week. General Studies: HU.

HUE 102 Ideas and Values in the Humanities. (4) F, S
See HUE 101. General Studies: HU.

HUE 118 Encountering the Arts. (3) F, S
Introductory course emphasizing personal contacts with the fine and performing arts. Attendance of a wide range of events, with analysis and evaluation.

HUE 130 Introduction to Popular Culture. (3) F, S
Reflections of American values in 20th-century popular arts. Music, print, art, television, radio, movies, and the esthetics of popular culture. General Studies: HU.

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