Industrial Management (IST)

IST 346 Management Dynamics. (3) S
Management challenges and the leadership skills needed to achieve organizational objectives in the changing industrial and technical environments.

IST 402 Industrial Laws, Contracts, and Regulations. (3) F
Review of city, state, county, and federal laws that affect industrial and construction operations, materials, supplies, and acquisition procedures.

IST 430 Ethical Issues in Technology. (3) N
Topics in social responsibility for industrial technology and engineering.

IST 445 Industrial Internship. (1–10) F, S, SS
Work experience assignment in industry commensurate with student's program. Specialized instruction by industry with university supervision. Prerequisites: advisor approval; junior status; 2.50 GPA.

IST 451 Materials Control. (3) N
Activities of material handling, including purchasing, receiving, warehousing, traffic, plant layout, inventory, and production control and shipping relating to technical procedures.

IST 452 Industrial Human Resource Management. (3) F, S
Concepts and practices of human resource management in a global industrial environment.

IST 453 Safety Management. (3) N
Development and management of safety programs, education and training, and relationships within an organization. Prerequisite: ITC 343 or instructor approval.

IST 454 Occupational Hygiene. (3) S
Offers an overview of occupational health hazards, their recognition, evaluation, and control. Discusses how industries are regulated and how occupational health standards are promulgated. Prerequisites: CHM 101 or 113 or 114; MAT 170.

IST 455 Industrial Sales and Demand. (3) N
Customer and sales strategies for industrial organizations, including current practice and future planning. Prerequisites: ECN 111; advisor and instructor approval; junior standing.

IST 461 Production Supervision Principles. (3) F
Introduction to supervisory principles as applied to production of goods and services. Prerequisite: ITC 444.

IST 480 Organizational Effectiveness. (3) F, S
Human aspects of supervisory behavior in the industrial setting and how they influence efficiency, morale, and organizational practice. Prerequisite: IST 346.

IST 491 Introduction to Labor Concerns. (3) S
Introduction to labor relations, organization of labor unions and federations, collective bargaining, grievances and arbitration, and applicable labor legislation.

IST 501 Principles of Hazardous Materials and Waste Management. (3) F
Foundation for courses in curriculum. Topics include definitions of toxic and hazardous substances and wastes, RCRA classification, and OSHA criteria. Pre- or corequisites: CHM 113 and 115; MAT 170.

IST 502 Regulatory Framework for Toxic and Hazardous Substances. (3) F
Provides an in-depth examination of federal, state, and local regulations and requirements for hazardous materials and wastes. Includes an overview of legislative history and trends, industry's role in regulatory development, and its impact. Prerequisite: IST 501.

IST 503 Principles of Toxicology. (3) S
Interaction of chemicals with life and environment. Mechanisms of toxic action, dose-response relationships, toxicity testing models, predictive toxicology, epidemiology. Prerequisite: CHM 113 and 115.

IST 504 Technology for Storage, Treatment, and Disposal of Hazardous Materials. (3) F
Current and state-of-the-art technologies, and future trends for storage, treatment, and disposal of hazardous materials and waste. Prerequisites: CHM 113 and 115; IST 501.

IST 505 Quantitative Analysis and Practical Laboratory Techniques. (3) F, S
Examines lab techniques for evaluation of hazardous materials, and discusses how to interpret data from analytical processes and regulatory lab requirements like SW 846. Lab will be arranged off site. Prerequisites: CHM 101 or 113 or 114; MAT 170.

IST 506 Chemistry of Hazardous Materials. (3) F
Chemical information needed for handling spilled hazardous substances. Response needs for oxidizers, organics and inorganics, and basic toxicology needs. Prerequisites: CHM 113 and 115; IST 501; MAT 170. Corequisite: CHM 231.

IST 522 Air Pollution and Toxic Chemicals. (3) F
Examines issues in the measurement analysis and control of toxic chemicals in air pollution. Prerequisites: CHM 113 and 115; IST 501; MAT 170.

IST 523 Soils and Groundwater Contamination. (3) N
Theoretical and practical hydrogeology as it applies to cleaning up contamination. Investigative techniques, monitoring, risk assumptions, and assessment methodology. Prerequisites: CHM 113 and 115; IST 501; MAT 170. Corequisite: CHM 231.

IST 524 Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Planning for Hazardous Materials. (3) S
In-house or on-site emergency response contingency planning. Preemergency assessment, resources for cooperation, equipment requirements, and coordination with other agencies. Prerequisites: CHM 113 and 115; IST 501; MAT 170.

IST 525 Risk Assessment for Hazardous Materials. (3) F
Examines the risk assessment process and its application in various situations ranging from citing hazardous facilities regulation to control of toxic substances in the environment. Prerequisites: CHM 101 or 113 or 114; IST 501; MAT 170.

IST 526 Current Issues: Radon, Asbestos. (3) S
Deals with the latest up-to-date topics in toxics management. New subjects may be added and others deleted as issues of the day become apparent. Prerequisites: CHM 101 or 113 or 114; IST 501; MAT 170.

IST 527 Environmental/Resources Regulations Concepts. (3) S
Covers development of environmental, natural resources and water law, from common law to modern statutory requirements. Specifics on Superfund, hazardous materials and toxics regulations and liability contracts. Prerequisites: CHM 101 or 113 or 114; IST 501.

IST 542 Global Management Philosophies. (3) N
Analysis and comparison of significant supervision philosophies developed in various industrial nations and their potential application in the United States.

IST 549 Research Techniques and Applications. (3) F, S
Selection of research problems, analysis of literature, individual investigations, preparing reports, and proposal writing.

IST 550 Industrial Training. (3) N
Training techniques and learning processes. Planning, developing, and evaluating training programs in industry and governmental agencies. Prerequisite: advisor approval.

IST 570 Project Management. (3) S
Planning, organizing, coordinating, and controlling staff and project groups to accomplish the project objective.

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