Industrial Technology (ITC)

ITC 200 Impact of Communications Technology on Society. (3) F, S
Organizational issues and development of technical communication. Activities include research, evaluations, and presentation of oral arguments in support of positions. Prerequisite: ENG 102 or 105 or 108. General Studies: L1.

ITC 202 Creative Thinking and Design. (3) F, S
Fundamental methods, concepts, and techniques of creative thinking, design, and problem solving. Also includes communication, managerial, cultural, and societal influences. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: ECE 106 or instructor approval.

ITC 343 Occupational Safety. (3) F
Accident prevention, accident factors, methods of recording and reporting, analysis, psychological aspects, attitudes, recent legislation, safety consciousness, and liability. Prerequisite: junior status.

ITC 444 Industrial Organization. (3) S
Industrial organization concepts. Topics relate to industrial relations, governmental regulations, organizational structure, labor relations, human factors, and current industrial practices. Field trips. Prerequisite: junior status.

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