Legal and Ethical Studies (LES)

LES 305 Legal, Ethical, and Regulatory Issues in Business. (3) F, S
Legal theories, ethical issues, and regulatory climate affecting business policies and decisions.

LES 306 Business Law. (3) A
Legal and ethical aspects of contracts, sales, commercial paper, secured transactions, documents of title, letters of credit, and bank deposits and collections.

LES 307 Business Law. (3) A
Legal and ethical aspects of agency, partnerships, corporations, bankruptcy, antitrust, securities, and other regulations of businesses.

LES 308 Business and Legal Issues in Professional Sports. (3) N
The economic structure of professional sports and application of contract, antitrust, arbitration, and labor laws in the industry.

LES 411 Real Estate Law. (3) A
Legal and ethical aspects of land ownerships, interests, transfer, finance development and regulations of the real estate industry.

LES 412 Insurance Law. (3) N
Legal concepts and doctrines applicable to the field of insurance. Prerequisite: professional program business student.

LES 532 Negotiation Agreements. (3) F, S
Course develops negotiation competencies to build partnerships and create lasting agreements with internal/external customers, suppliers, work teams, and external constituencies. Lecture and substantial student interaction through team exercises.

LES 579 Legal, Political, and Ethical Issues for Business. (3) N
Study of legal, ethical, and political components of business decisions; self-regulation and social responsibility as regulatory and political strategies. Prerequisites: ACC 503; FIN 502; MGT 502; MKT 502.

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