Linguistics (LIN)

LIN 500 Research Methods. (3) F
Methodology and resource materials for research. Analysis of criticism and scholarship, including evaluation of sources.

LIN 505 American English. (3) F
Development of the English language in America, including a survey of geographical and social dialects.

LIN 510 English Linguistics. (3) F
Current approaches to the study of the English language.

LIN 511 Phonetics and Phonology. (3) S
Current trends in phonological theory and its basis in acoustic and articulatory phonetics. Prerequisite: LIN 510 or equivalent or instructor approval.

LIN 513 Semantics. (3) F '96
Current approaches to linguistic meaning with particular attention to English. Prerequisite: LIN 510 or equivalent or instructor approval.

LIN 514 Syntax. (3) S
The analysis of syntactic structure by contemporary theoretical models with a focus on English. Prerequisite: LIN 510 or equivalent or instructor approval.

LIN 516 Pragmatics and Discourse Theory. (3) F '97
The study of language use in context and of language structures in conversation and written text. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisite: LIN 510 or equivalent or instructor approval.

LIN 548 Studies in English Language. (3) N
This course offers selected authors or issues and may be repeated for credit.

LIN 572 Theories Underlying the Acquisition of English as a Second Language. (3) F
Theories of 2nd language acquisition including the linguistic, cognitive, affective, and sociocultural aspects.

LIN 574 The Teaching of English as a Second Language. (3) S
Methods of teaching English as a 2nd language, language teaching trends, practical applications, and the teaching of different skills. Prerequisite: LIN 572 or instructor approval.

LIN 575 Advanced Studies in the Teaching of English as a Second Language. (3) F
Current research issues in the teaching and learning of English as a 2nd language. Prerequisite: LIN 572 or instructor approval.

LIN 576 Sociolinguistic Aspects of Second Language Acquisition. (3) N
A survey of studies in 2nd language acquisition in the context of recent sociolinguistic theory.

LIN 577 Grammar for TESL. (3) N
A survey of major grammatical structures in English and how they can be taught to ESL speakers. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisite: LIN 510.

LIN 591 Seminar. (3) F, S
Selected topics.

LIN 593 Applied Project. (3) F, S
Preparation of a supervised applied project that is a graduation requirement in the TESL professional major. Independent study with consultation.

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