Management (MGT)

MGT 301 Management and Organization Behavior. (3) F, S, SS
Administrative, organizational, and behavioral theories and functions of management, contributing to the effective and efficient accomplishment of organizational objectives. Prerequisites: 1 psychology (social and behavioral) course and 1 sociology course.

MGT 311 Human Resource Management. (3) F, S, SS
Human resource planning, staffing, training and development, compensation, appraisal, and labor relations. Prerequisite: MGT 301.

MGT 352 Human Behavior in Organizations. (3) F, S, SS
Human aspects of business as distinguished from economic and technical aspects and how they influence efficiency, morale, and management practice. Prerequisite: MGT 301.

MGT 413 Compensation Management. (3) A
Establishing base and incentive pay with job analysis, job evaluation, and wage surveys; performance appraisal; conformance to compensation laws. Prerequisites: MGT 311; professional program business student.

MGT 422 Training and Development. (3) N
Learning theory, orientation and basic level training, management development, resource materials and methods. Prerequisites: MGT 311; professional program business student.

MGT 423 Employee-Management Relations. (3) F, S
Employment relationship in union/nonunion setting. Employee-management rights/responsibilities, complaint administration, negotiations, union structure, and mock government negotiations.

MGT 424 Employee Selection and Appraisal. (3) F, S
Concepts and methods of personnel selection and performance appraisal. Includes job analysis, measurement, and legal issues. Experiential exercises emphasized. Prerequisite: MGT 311.

MGT 433 Management Decision Analysis. (3) F, S
Decision-making concepts and methods in the private and public sectors and their application to organizational problems. Understanding of individual and group decision making. Prerequisites: MGT 301; professional program business student.

MGT 434 Social Responsibility of Management. (3) F, S
Relationship of business to the social system and its environment. Criteria for appraising management decisions. Managers as change agents. Prerequisites: MGT 301; professional program business student.

MGT 440 Entrepreneurship. (3) A
Opportunities, risks, and problems associated with small business development and operation.

MGT 441 Venture Design and Development. (3) N
Analysis, design, and development of a business plan for a new venture. Prerequisite: ACC 240.

MGT 442 Small Business Management. (3) N
Students, acting as management consultants, apply business principles and make recommendations to small businesses while learning to manage small firms. Prerequisite: business core except MGT 463.

MGT 447 Management and the Impact of Technology. (3) N
The impact of technology on strategic planning and human resources management in business organizations.

MGT 452 Organizational Behavior Applications. (3) A
The complex set of behavioral forces and relationships that influence organizational effectiveness. Intervention strategies and application skills. Prerequisites: MGT 352; professional program business student.

MGT 459 International Management. (3) A
Concepts and practices of multinational and foreign firms. Objectives, strategies, policies, and organizational structures for operating in various environments. Prerequisite: MGT 301.

MGT 463 Strategic Management. (3) F, S, SS
Strategic formulation and administration of the total organization, including integrative analysis and strategic planning. To be taken last semester of senior year. Prerequisites: completion of 108 hours, including all other business administration core requirements; professional program business student. General Studies: L2.

MGT 468 Management Systems. (3) F, S
Systems theory and practice applied to organization process and research. Organizations seen as open systems interacting with changing environments. Prerequisite: MGT 301.

MGT 494 Special Topics. (3) N
Chosen from topics in human resources, strategic management, and international management, including seminars in international management in Asia or Europe.

MGT 502 Organization Theory and Behavior. (3) F, S
Important concepts and applications in management including motivation, leadership, group dynamics, organization design, decision-making, communication, and organization change. Prerequisites: calculus; computer literacy; graduate degree program student.

MGT 503 Complex Organizations. (3) N
Concepts and applications in macro organization theory. Topics include organization structure, strategic choice, culture, boundary spanning, effectiveness, and different perspectives of interorganizational relations.

MGT 504 Competitive Strategy. (3) N
Industry, competitor, and firm strategic positioning analysis aimed at gaining sustainable competitive advantage. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisites: ECN 502, FIN 502, MGT 502, MKT 502.

MGT 520 Problems in Personnel Management. (3) A
Selecting, developing, maintaining, and utilizing a competent labor force. Case studies of personnel problems. Preparation of a written personnel program.

MGT 522 Labor Relations and Public Policy. (3) A
State and federal legislation. Recent decisions of courts and labor boards. Legal rights and duties of employers, unions, and the public.

MGT 559 International Comparative Management. (3) A
Analysis of comparative management practices, problems, and issues. Management strategies for the multinational organization. Impact of national and cultural environments.

MGT 589 Strategic Management. (3) F, S
Formulation of strategy and policy in the organization, emphasizing the integration of decisions in the functional areas. Prerequisites: ACC 503; BUS 502; CIS 502; ECN 502; FIN 502; MGT 502; MKT 502; OPM 502; QBA 502; completion of at least 36 hours of program of study credits.

MGT 591 Seminar. (3) N
Topics such as the following will be offered:
(a) Competitive Strategy
(b) Ethics
(c) Human Resources Systems
(d) Managerial Planning and Control

MGT 598 Special Topics. (3) N
Graduate special topics chosen from human resources, strategic management, and international management, including special topics in international management in Asia or Europe.

MGT 791 Seminar: Doctoral Seminar in Management. (3) A
Topics such as the following will be offered:
(a) Compensation
(b) Human Resource Management
(c) Organizational Behavior
(d) Organizational Theory
(e) Research Design and Methodology
(f) Strategic Management

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