Social Work (SWU)

SWU 271 Introduction to Social Work. (3) F, S
Analysis of contemporary social welfare services and professional social work. Designed for freshmen/sophomores considering this major. Prerequisites: PGS 101; SOC 101.

SWU 291 Community Resources. (3) F, S
Generalist social work roles, including case management, in relation to the purpose, structure, and delivery system of community welfare agencies. Includes 40 hours of observational experience in local agencies. Prerequisites: SOC 101; PGS 101. Pre- or corequisite: SWU 271.

SWU 301 Human Behavior in the Social Environment I. (3) F, S
Introduction to interrelation of bio-psycho-sociocultural systems and their effect on behavior focused on southwestern ethnic and cultural groups. Prerequisites: PGS 101; SOC 101; Human Biology course. Pre- or corequisites: SWU 271, 291. General Studies: L2/SB.

SWU 310 Social Work Practice I. (3) F, S
Introduction to social work methods, emphasizing the following skills: role-playing, video training, cross-cultural interviewing, communication patterns, and recording. Prerequisites: SWU 271, 291. Pre- or corequisite: SWU 301.

SWU 331 Social Policy and Services I. (3) F, S
History, philosophy, and values of social welfare; function and role of social welfare in society; development of the social work profession and practice. Prerequisites: ECN 111; POS 110 or 310; SWU 271, 291. General Studies: H.

SWU 402 Human Behavior in the Social Environment II. (3) F, S
Sequel completing study of life span development and behavior which forms base for social work practice. Prerequisite: SWU 301. General Studies: SB.

SWU 410 Social Work Practice II. (3) F, S
Introduction to generalist social work; major areas of knowledge, values, and skills basic to the social work helping process focused on individuals and small groups. Prerequisites: PHI 101; SWU 301, 310; Social Work major. Corequisites: SWU 412, 413.

SWU 411 Social Work Practice III. (3) F, S
Applications of theoretical frameworks to social work practice at family and community levels. Prerequisites: SWU 410, 412, 413; Social Work major. Corequisites: SWU 414, 415. Pre- or corequisite: SWU 420.

SWU 412 Field Instruction I. (5) F, S
Sixteen hours a week of supervised practice in an approved placement. Prerequisite: Social Work major. Corequisites: SWU 410, 413.

SWU 413 Field Instruction Seminar I. (1) F, S
Field-focused seminar, including practice evaluation. 1.5 hours a week. Prerequisite: Social Work major. Corequisites: SWU 410, 412.

SWU 414 Field Instruction II. (5) F, S
Sixteen hours a week of supervised practice in an approved placement. Prerequisites: SWU 410, 412, 413; Social Work major. Corequisites: SWU 411, 415.

SWU 415 Field Instruction Seminar II. (1) F, S
Field-focused seminar, including practice evaluation. 1.5 hours a week. Prerequisite: Social Work major. Corequisites: SWU 411, 414.

SWU 420 Practice-Oriented Research. (3) F, S
Application of scientific principles to field practice, problem formulation, intervention procedures, and impact assessment in social work. Prerequisites: SWU 310; an approved course in data analysis techniques or instructor approval.

SWU 432 Social Policy and Services II. (3) F, S
Contemporary social, political, and economic issues. Special emphasis on poverty and inequality in the Southwest. Analysis and development of social welfare policies and programs. Prerequisite: SWU 331.

SWU 474 Ethnic/Cultural Variables in Social Work. (3) F, S
A basic conceptual approach to understanding ethnic/cultural variables of southwestern ethnic minorities and how these factors influence social work practice. Prerequisite: SWU 331 or instructor approval. General Studies: C.

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