Telecommunication (TCM)

TCM 200 Fundamentals of Radio-Television. (3) F, S, SS
Structure of telecommunications in the United States: history, regulation, organization, with emphasis on broadcasting. Relationship to advertising, research, and government agencies. Prerequisites: MCO 110 or 120; successful completion of English proficiency requirement.

TCM 201 Radio-Television Writing. (3) F, S, SS
Writing for electronic media, news, and continuity. Prerequisites: MCO 110 or 120; successful completion of English proficiency requirement; demonstrated typing ability of 30 words per minute. General Studies: L1.

TCM 235 Production Techniques. (3) F, S, SS
Introduction to basic concepts of audio and video production. Operation of portable cameras, recorders, microphones, lights, editing, and postproduction equipment will be introduced. Prerequisites: TCM 200; successful completion of English proficiency requirement.

TCM 300 Advanced Broadcast Newswriting. (3) F, S
Technique and practice in newswriting for broadcast and cable applications. Prerequisite: TCM 201.

TCM 315 Broadcast News Reporting. (3) F, S
News and information practices of networks, stations, and industry. Practice in writing, reporting, and editing with emphasis on audio. Prerequisites: TCM 201, 235. General Studies: L2.

TCM 330 Advanced Broadcast Reporting. (3) F, S
News and information practices of networks, stations, and industry. Advanced practice in writing, reporting, and editing with emphasis on video. Prerequisite: TCM 300.

TCM 332 Broadcast Programming. (3) F, S, SS
Programming theory and evaluation, regulation, ethics, and responsibilities and basics of audience psychographics and effects. Prerequisite: TCM 200.

TCM 336 TV Studio Production. (3) N
Introduction of multicamera production in the studio. Teamwork and group production are emphasized through lab assignments covering a variety of program types. Prerequisites: TCM 235; major in the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Telecommunication.

TCM 343 Broadcast Announcing. (3) N
Techniques of radio and television announcing. Prerequisites: TCM 201, 235.

TCM 431 Advanced Radio-TV Writing. (3) N
Technique and practice in nonnews writing for radio and television, emphasizing creative and commercial approaches to copywriting and copy presentations. Prerequisite: TCM 201.

TCM 433 Broadcast Sales and Promotion. (3) F, S
Basics of electronic media marketing practices, including commercial time sales techniques and radio/TV promotion fundamentals. Prerequisite: TCM 200.

TCM 435 Cable TV and Emerging Telecommunication Systems. (3) F, S
Structures and utilization of cable, industrial, and instructional television, satellite, and videocassettes. Prerequisite: TCM 200.

TCM 437 Advanced TV Production. (3) F, S
Emphasis on individual production projects of the student's own conception and design utilizing studio, field, and postproduction techniques. Prerequisite: TCM 235.

TCM 472 Broadcast Station Management. (3) F, S, SS
Management principles and practices, including organization, procedures, policies, personnel problems, and financial aspects of station management. Prerequisite: TCM 332.

TCM 480 Television News Practicum. (1–3) F, S
Writing, reporting, and production of the television newscast. Prerequisite: TCM 330.

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