Agribusiness (AGB)

AGB 101 Global Resources. (3) F, S
Dependence of the quality, quantity, and cost of national food supplies on technology, marketing, and world agricultural policies.

AGB 150 Animal Science. (3) F
Comparative growth, development, and propagation of farm animals. Lecture, lab.

AGB 160 Veterinary Medicine Today. (3) S
Introduction to the role of the veterinarian as related to the fields of food supply and veterinary medicine.

AGB 250 World Food Dynamics. (3) S
Transition and development of raw agricultural commodities into nutritional food products. Emphasis given to food expansion in developing countries. General Studies: G.

AGB 258 International Agribusiness. (3) F
Identification and analysis of methods, problems, and future of international agribusiness operations. Emphasizes special problems associated with international agribusiness systems. General Studies: G.

AGB 300 Livestock Management. (3) F
Methods of managing livestock enterprises, economics, loss prevention, and marketing. Prerequisite: BIO 100.

AGB 302 Introduction to Agribusiness. (3) N
Impact of national policy and world agriculture on the cost, quantity, and quality of the U.S. food resources.

AGB 305 Cultural Diversity in Agribusiness. (3) S
Promotes the awareness and appreciation of cultural diversity within the U.S. through the study of cultural and social contributions in agribusiness of women and minorities.

AGB 310 Crop Management. (3) S
Crop production, management principles, and their application to crop growth and development.

AGB 312 Agribusiness Marketing. (3) F
Marketing arrangements for agricultural products. Prerequisite: ECN 111.

AGB 332 Agribusiness Finance. (3) F
Agribusiness investment management and financial institutions that serve agriculture. Prerequisite: ACC 230 or AGB 390.

AGB 335 Establishing an Agribusiness. (3) F
Establishing entrepreneurship in agriculture, including legal status, financing, planning, marketing, and management.

AGB 342 Agribusiness Management I. (3) F
Principles of management, including planning, organizing, integrating, measuring, and developing people in agribusiness organizations.

AGB 353 Wildlife and Domestic Animal Nutrition. (3) S
Feedstuffs, feeding standards, and their application in meeting nutritional needs of animals producing food and fiber.

AGB 364 Agribusiness Technology. (3) F
Biotechnology and other technologies of the three sectors of agribusiness, including input, production, and commodity and food processing and distribution. Prerequisite: BIO 100.

AGB 368 Food Processing. (3) N
An introduction to processed food quality assurance, statistical sampling, and inspection procedures. Prerequisite: AGB 364.

AGB 369 Food Analysis. (3) N
Processing control and scientific instrumentation used in food quality assurance laboratories. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: CHM 101.

AGB 390 Agribusiness Accounting. (3) N
Introduction to managerial accounting for agribusiness using computerized accounting systems for the development of financial data required for management decision making. Prerequisite: computer literacy.

AGB 402 Agricultural Cooperatives. (3) N
Organization, operation, and management of agricultural cooperatives.

AGB 404 Sales and Merchandising in Agribusiness. (3) SS
The principles and techniques of selling and commodity merchandising in the agricultural industries.

AGB 412 Agricultural Commodities. (3) F
Trading on futures markets. Emphasis on the hedging practices with grains and meats. Prerequisite: AGB 312 or 1 marketing or finance course.

AGB 413 Agribusiness Finance II. (3) S
Advanced agribusiness investment management and financial practices.

AGB 414 Advanced Commodity Trading. (3) N
Advanced analysis of trading techniques, with emphasis on hedging in the futures markets. Prerequisite: AGB 412 or 413.

AGB 423 Food and Industrial Microbiology. (3) N
Food- and industrial-related microorganisms; deterioration and preservation of industrial commodities. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: MIC 205 or 206 or instructor approval.

AGB 424 Food and Industrial Fermentations. (4) N
Management, manipulation, and metabolic activities of industrial microbial cultures and their processes. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: AGB 423 or instructor approval.

AGB 425 Food Safety. (3) N
Control, prevention, and prediction of microbial and chemical food-borne diseases. Prerequisite: AGB 423 or instructor approval.

AGB 426 Food Chemistry. (4) N
The biochemical and chemical interactions that occur in raw and processed foods. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: CHM 115, 231.

AGB 428 Comparative Nutrition. (3) N
Effects of nutrition on animal systems and metabolic functions. Prerequisite: CHM 231.

AGB 433 Diseases of Domestic Animals. (3) S
Control and prevention of infectious and noninfectious diseases of domestic animals. Prerequisite: MIC 206 or 220.

AGB 435 Animal Physiology I. (3) N
Control and function of the nervous, muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory, and renal systems of domestic animals. Prerequisites: BIO 181; CHM 113.

AGB 439 Veterinary Practices. (3) F, S
Observation of and participation in veterinary medicine and surgery supervised by local veterinarians. Prerequisite: advanced preveterinary student.

AGB 440 Food Marketing. (3) S
Food processing, packaging, distribution, market research, new food research and development, and social implications. Prerequisite: AGB 312.

AGB 443 Agribusiness Management II. (3) S
Principles of human resource management, with emphasis on the special problems of agribusiness systems.

AGB 444 Agribusiness Analysis. (3) S
Analysis of agribusiness firm decisions in the ecological, economic, social, and political environments. Special emphasis on ethical issues surrounding food production and consumption. General Studies: L2.

AGB 450 International Agricultural Development. (3) S
Transition of developing countries from subsistence to modern agriculture. Technology transfer and food improvement programs are emphasized. General Studies: G.

AGB 453 World Agricultural Resources. (3) SS
World production and consumption of agricultural products, international relationships, and agencies concerned with world agricultural development problems. General Studies: G.

AGB 454 International Agricultural Trade. (3) S
Dimensions, locations, mix, methods, and changes of international trade in agricultural products. Prerequisite: AGB 312.

AGB 455 Agricultural Marketing Channels. (3) F
Operational stages of agricultural commodities in normal distribution systems and implementation of marketing strategies. Prerequisite: AGB 312.

AGB 460 Agribusiness Management Systems. (4) S
The development and use of decision support systems for agribusiness management and marketing. Lecture, lab.

AGB 474 Agribusiness Policy and Government Regulations. (3) F
The development and implementation of government food, drug, pesticide, and farm policies and regulations that affect the management of agribusiness.

AGB 490 Recent Advances in Agribusiness. (1) F, S
Reports and discussions of current topics and problems associated with agribusiness. May be repeated for credit.

AGB 505 Commodity Analysis. (3) N
Analysis of commodity markets. Prerequisite: 1 year of economics or marketing.

AGB 508 Advanced Agribusiness Marketing. (3) F
Theory and analysis of marketing farm commodities, risks, and the effect of future trading on cash prices.

AGB 509 Advanced Agribusiness Marketing Channels. (3) S
Analysis of agribusiness market channel systems. Formulation of marketing strategies.

AGB 510 Advanced Agribusiness Management I. (3) F
Managing and financing agribusiness emphasizing environmental and economic sustainability in a global economy undergoing radical change. Prerequisite: AGB 342.

AGB 511 Advanced Agribusiness Management II. (3) S
Analysis of organization behavior, change, and resource requirements within agribusiness systems. Prerequisite: AGB 342.

AGB 512 Food Industry Management. (3) S
Operations and management of food-processing factories, food distribution centers, and retail food-handling firms.

AGB 516 International Agricultural Techniques. (3) N
Coordination of production and marketing techniques to consumption objectives with agricultural products in foreign countries.

AGB 518 World Agricultural Development. (3) N
Factors that influence production, processing, and marketing of agricultural products in developing countries.

AGB 520 Advanced Agribusiness Analysis I. (4) S
Vertical integration and differentiation in food and agricultural industries. Lecture, recitation. Prerequisite: AGB 508 or 510.

AGB 521 Agribusiness Coordination. (4) N
Organizational alternatives for agribusiness, with emphasis on cooperatives and trading companies. Lecture, recitation. Prerequisite: AGB 508 or 510.

AGB 525 Advanced Agribusiness Management Systems. (3) N
Development and use of decision support systems for agribusiness management decision making. Prerequisite: AGB 510.

AGB 527 Agribusiness Research Methods. (3) N
The use of model building, hypothesis testing, and empirical analysis in solving agribusiness problems. Prerequisite: basic statistics course.

AGB 530 Advanced Agribusiness Policy. (3) N
Policy-making history, structure, and process. Prerequisite: AGB 342.

AGB 532 Advanced Agribusiness Finance. (3) F
Financial management of agribusiness firms; agribusiness financial analysis, investment analysis, agricultural risk management, and introduction to agricultural financial intermediaries. Prerequisites: computer literacy and 1 finance course or instructor approval.

AGB 535 Advanced Food Science. (3) N
Chemical and physical nature of processed foods. Emphasis on food product development. Prerequisite: AGB 364.

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