Architectural Communication (AVC)

AVC 141 Design Graphics. (2) N
Orthographic, paraline, axonometric, and perspective projection, shades and shadows, and basic descriptive geometry for designers. 1 hour lecture, 4 hours studio. Prerequisite: major in the College of Architecture and Environmental Design.

AVC 161 Advanced Freehand Perspective Drawing. (2) N
Introduction to color media, and analytical and design drawing exercises. 4 hours studio. Prerequisite: major in the College of Architecture and Environmental Design.

AVC 301 Architectural Communication. (2) F
Communication skills for architecture studios. Emphasis on graphics, drawing conventions, media, computer-aided design, design of presentations, and oral presentations. Lecture, studio. Corequisite: ADE 321.

AVC 410 Architectural Presentation Techniques. (3) F, S
Special techniques of graphic communications as preliminary presentation tools for the design professional. Prerequisite: AVC 301 or instructor approval.

AVC 411 Architectural Watercolor Presentation Techniques. (2) N
Introduction of architectural presentation techniques using watercolor as a primary media. Emphasis on color, composition, and technique. Prerequisite: AVC 301 or instructor approval.

AVC 444 Architectural Photography. (2–3) N
Use of photography as a means of architectural study, evaluation, and record. Introduction to 35 mm camera and darkroom techniques. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: instructor approval.

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