Bilingual Education (BLE)

BLE 400 Principles of Instruction in Language Minority Education. (3) F, S
History, theory, and practice of educating bilingual and ESL students. Addresses second language acquisition, program models, methodology, public policy, research, and linguistic diversity. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisite: PTPP admission.

BLE 401 Teaching Science and Social Studies to Children.(4) F, S
Introduction of teaching strategies to be utilized in working in bilingual/ESL classroom settings. Corequisites: BLE 402, 405, 406, 407, 496.

BLE 402 Teaching Strategies in Mathematics.(2) F, S
Introduction and implementation concepts for teaching mathematics to minority language populations. Prerequisites: MAT 114 or 117 or equivalent; MTE 180 or equivalent. Corequisites: BLE 401, 405, 406, 407, 496.

BLE 405 Teaching Reading in BLE/ESL. (3) F, S
Teaching reading in BLE/ESL settings. An integrated classroom curriculum and literature-based instruction will be emphasized. Strategies for teaching decoding (phonics), vocabulary, comprehension, study skills, and area reading are also included. Prerequisite: ENG 213 or equivalent. Corequisite: BLE 406.

BLE 406 Reading Practicum. (3) F, S
Supervised school-based experience in teaching reading to bilingual/ESL students. Prerequisite: ENG 213 or equivalent. Corequisite: BLE 405.

BLE 407 Language Arts. (2) F, S
Theory of the social nature of oral and written language and congruent classroom practices for students preparing to teach bilingual and ESL students. Corequisites: BLE 401, 402, 405, 406, 496.

BLE 478 Student Teaching in the Elementary School.(3–15) F, S
Supervised teaching in the area of specialization. A synthesized experience in curriculum instruction and classroom management in a bilingual education/ESL setting. Prerequisites: 2.50 GPA; completion of professional course sequence; approval of Office of Professional Field Experiences.

BLE 496 Field Experience. (0) F, S
Application of course content in a bilingual/ESL school setting. Emphasis on observation, pupil management, planning and delivering instruction, and assessment. Corequisites: BLE 401, 402, 405, 406, 407.

BLE 511 Introduction to Language Minority Education.(3) A
Historical, philosophical, theoretical, and pedagogical foundations of language minority education in the United States.

BLE 514 Bilingual/Multicultural Aspects of Special Education. (3) S
Theories and issues related to the education of bilingual and culturally diverse exceptional children.

BLE 515 Instructional Methods for Bilingual Students.(3) F
An introduction to general dual language teaching approaches and assessment strategies. Focuses on the effective teaching of limited English proficient populations. Prerequisite: BLE 511.

BLE 520 ESL For Children. (3) S
Examines approaches to second language development and assessment for children congruent with recent research in second language acquisition in children. Prerequisite: BLE 511.

BLE 521 Primary/Elementary Communication Arts in Bilingual Education. (3) S
Examination of bilingual/biliterate development of elementary school children, bringing together native and second language, oral language, and literacy development findings with educational practices. Cross-listed as ECD 521. Prerequisite: BLE 511.

BLE 522 Literacy/Biliteracy Development. (3) F
Acquaints teachers with first and second language literacy research, practice, and assessment in elementary school settings (Spanish-English emphasis). Lecture, discussion. Cross-listed as RDG 522. Prerequisite: BLE 511.

BLE 524 Secondary Sheltered ESL Content Teaching. (3) F
Teaching and assessing ESL adolescents in the content areas with an emphasis on integrating language acquisition principles with content learning. Lecture, small group work. Corequisite: BLE 541.

BLE 528 Social Studies for Bilingual/ESL Teachers. (3) S
Provides language and instructional methodologies and assessment strategies relevant to bilingual/multicultural students in social studies content delivered in Spanish and English. Prerequisite: BLE 511.

BLE 533 Literacy in Secondary BLE/ESL Settings.(3) F, S
Examines first and second language literacy research, practice, and assessment across content areas in secondary school settings. Lecture, discussion. Cross-listed as RDG 533. Prerequisite: BLE 511.

BLE 535 Sociolinguistic Issues in Bilingual Education.(3) F
Survey of major theoretical issues (e.g., language situations, communicative competence, language attitudes) interrelating language, social processes, and bilingual education. Prerequisite: BLE 511.

BLE 541 Nature of Bilingualism/Second Language Acquisition. (3) A
Bilingual and second language acquisition, with emphasis on children and adolescents. Cognitive, social, and cultural aspects are stressed. Prerequisite: BLE 511.

BLE 543 Bilingual Education Models. (3) A
Bilingual education programs in other countries; analysis of political, social, economic, and educational implications; practice in planning bilingual education curricula. See also offerings under MCE, SED, SPE, and SPF. Prerequisite: BLE 511.

BLE 561 Parent Involvement in Language Minority Education Programs.(3) F, S
Examines issues, approaches, and strategies for improving parental and community involvement in the schooling of language minority children and youth. Prerequisite: BLE 511.

BLE 565 Literature for Hispanic Youth/Literatura para Jóvenes Hispanoparlantes.(3) S
Selecting, analyzing, and utilizing literature for Hispanic and Spanish speaking children and adolescents. Cross-listed as LIS 565.

BLE 580 Practicum. (1–6) F, S
Provides for practical application in school settings of principles of bilingual education or English as a Second Language. Special permission required.

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