Counselor Education (CED)

CED 512 Introduction to Helping Relationships and Community Counseling. (3) F, S, SS
Introduction to the skills used in the helping professions and an examination of the settings in which they occur.

CED 522 Personality Development. (3) F, S, SS
Interaction of affective and cognitive factors in personality development at different age levels. Various personality theories examined.

CED 523 Psychological Tests. (3) F, S, SS
Standardized tests in the study of the individual, with emphasis on test score interpretation in counseling.

CED 534 Occupations and Careers. (3) F, S, SS
The world of work, career development, education, and training for occupational entry and mobility.

CED 545 Analysis of the Individual. (3) F, S, SS
Theory and methods commonly used in studying the individual. Observational methods, diagnostic interviews, structured, and semi-structured methods for assessing personality. Pre- or corequisite: CED 523.

CED 567 Group Procedures. (3) F, S, SS
Social psychological factors determining interaction, effectiveness, and morale in small groups. Techniques of observation, assessment, and leadership.

CED 577 Counseling. (3) F, S, SS
Principles and application of counseling with particular emphasis on counseling theories. Prerequisites: CED 512, 534, 545; admission to M.C. or school counselor certification program.

CED 655 Student Development Programs in Higher Education.(3) A
Emerging conceptual models of student development. Overview of student personnel and student affairs programs in community colleges, four-year colleges, and universities. Observation on campuses.

CED 656 The American College Student. (3) A
Selected theories of human development with application to academic/sociopsychological learning tasks of postsecondary environmental influences, including faculty expectations and campus subcultures.

CED 672 Marriage and Family Counseling I.(3) F
Introduction to marriage and family counseling theories. Emphasis is on a systems-communication model utilizing cocounseling.

CED 681 Supervised Practice. (3) F, S
Supervised experiences in schools or community agencies. Prerequisite: instructor approval.

CED 684 Internship in Community Counseling. (3–6) F, S, SS

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