Chemistry (CHM)

CHM 101 Introductory Chemistry. (4) F, S, SS
Elements of general chemistry. Adapted to the needs of students in nursing, home economics, agriculture, and physical education. Recommended for general studies credit. Normally followed by CHM 231. 3 hours lecture, 1 hour discussion, 2 hours lab. Credit is allowed for only CHM 101, 113, 114, or 117. General Studies: S1/S2.

CHM 107 Chemistry and Society. (4) F, S
General chemical principles and concepts presented in context of social and technological issues, e.g., energy, pollution, global warming, and others. 3 hours lecture, 1 hour discussion, 2 hours lab. General Studies: S1/S2.

CHM 113 General Chemistry. (4) F, S, SS
Principles of chemistry. Adapted to the needs of students in the physical, biological, and earth sciences. 3 hours lecture, 1 hour discussion, 2 hours lab. 1 year of high school chemistry recommended. Credit is allowed for only CHM 101, 113, 114, or 117. Prerequisite: MAT 106 or 3 semesters of high school algebra. General Studies: S1/S2.

CHM 114 General Chemistry for Engineers.(4) F, S
One semester college chemistry with emphasis toward engineering. 3 hours lecture, 1 hour discussion, 2 hours lab. Students without high school chemistry or chemical engineering majors must enroll in the CHM 113, 116 sequence instead of CHM 114. Credit is allowed for only CHM 101, 113, 114, or 117 and for only CHM 114, 115, 116, or 118. Prerequisites: MAT 106 or 3 semesters of high school algebra; 1 year of high school chemistry. General Studies: S1/S2.

CHM 115 General Chemistry with Qualitative Analysis.(5) F, S, SS
Continuation of CHM 113. Equilibrium theory, chemistry of metals, nonmetals, and metalloids and the introduction to organic chemistry. Laboratory includes qualitative analysis. 3 hours lecture, 2 hours discussion, 4 hours lab. Credit is allowed for only CHM 114, 115, 116, or 118. Prerequisite: CHM 113 or 2 years of high school chemistry. General Studies: S1/S2.

CHM 116 General Chemistry. (4) F, S
Continuation of CHM 113. Equilibrium theory, chemistry of metals, nonmetals, and metalloids and the introduction to organic chemistry. 3 hours lecture, 1 hour discussion, 2 hours lab. Credit is allowed for only CHM 114, 115, 116, or 118. Prerequisite: CHM 113 or 2 years of high school chemistry. General Studies: S1/S2.

CHM 117 General Chemistry for Majors I. (4) F
Atomic and molecular structure, properties and physical states of matter, thermodynamics, kinetics, acids and bases, chemical analysis, and stoichiometry. 3 hours lecture, 1 conference, 2 hours lab. Credit is allowed for only CHM 101, 113, 114, or 117. Prerequisites: 3 years of high school mathematics; minimum of 1 year of high school physics. Prerequisite with a grade of “B” or higher: minimum of 1 year of high school chemistry. General Studies: S1/S2.

CHM 118 General Chemistry for Majors II.(5) S
Continuation of CHM 117. 3 hours lecture, 1 conference, 5 hours lab. Credit is allowed for only CHM 114, 115, 116, or 118. Prerequisite: CHM 117. Corequisite: MAT 270 or 290. General Studies: S1/S2.

CHM 231 Elementary Organic Chemistry. (3) F, S
Survey of organic chemistry, with emphasis on the reactivity of basic functional groups. Credit is allowed for only CHM 231, 317, or 331. Prerequisite with a grade of “B” or higher: CHM 101 or 114 or 115 or 116 or 117 or 1 year of high school chemistry or instructor approval. General Studies: S1/S2 (if credit also earned in CHM 235).

CHM 235 Elementary Organic Chemistry Laboratory. (1) F, S
Organic chemistry experiments in synthesis, purification, analysis, and identification. Lab. Pre- or corequisite: CHM 231. General Studies: S1/S2 (if credit also earned in CHM 231).

CHM 302 Environmental Chemistry. (3) S
Explores major environmental issues, problems, and solutions from analytical and chemistry perspectives. Prerequisites: CHM 114 (or 115 or 116 or 118), 231 (or 331).

CHM 317 Organic Chemistry for Majors I. (3) F
Structures, reaction mechanisms and kinetics, and systematic syntheses of organic compounds. Credit is allowed for only CHM 231, 317, or 331. Prerequisite: CHM 115 or 118. Corequisite: CHM 319.

CHM 318 Organic Chemistry for Majors II.(3) S
Continuation of CHM 317. Credit is allowed for only CHM 318 or 332. Prerequisite: CHM 317. Corequisite: CHM 320.

CHM 319 Organic Chemistry Laboratory for Majors I.(1) F
Emphasis on mechanisms, kinetics, and products of organic reactions. 1 conference, 3 hours lab. Credit is allowed for only CHM 319 or 335. Pre- or corequisite: CHM 317.

CHM 320 Organic Chemistry Laboratory for Majors II.(2) S
Continuation of CHM 319. 1 conference, 7 hours lab. Credit is allowed for only CHM 320 or 336. Prerequisite: CHM 319. Corequisite: CHM 318.

CHM 325 Analytical Chemistry. (3) F, SS
Principles and methods of chemical analysis. Prerequisite: CHM 115 or 116.

CHM 326 Analytical Chemistry Laboratory.(1) F, SS
Experiments in chemical analysis. 4 hours lab. Corequisite: CHM 325.

CHM 331 General Organic Chemistry. (3) F, S, SS
Chemistry of organic compounds. Credit is allowed for only CHM 231, 317, or 331. Prerequisite: CHM 115 or 116 or 118.

CHM 332 General Organic Chemistry. (3) F, S, SS
Continuation of CHM 331. Credit is allowed for only CHM 318 or 332. Prerequisite: CHM 331.

CHM 335 General Organic Chemistry Laboratory.(1) F, S, SS
Microscale organic chemical experiments in separation techniques, synthesis, analysis and identification, and relative reactivity. 4 hours lab. Credit is allowed for only CHM 319 or 335. Corequisite: CHM 331.

CHM 336 General Organic Chemistry Laboratory.(1) F, S, SS
Continuation of CHM 335. 4 hours lab. Credit is allowed for only CHM 320 or 336. Prerequisite: CHM 335. Corequisite: CHM 332.

CHM 341 Elementary Physical Chemistry. (3) F
Thermodynamics, equilibrium, states of matter, solutions, and chemical kinetics. For students in premedical, biological, and educational curricula. Not open to students who have taken CHM 441. Prerequisites: CHM 115 (or 114 or 118 or 325), 231 (or 331); MAT 271; PHY 112.

CHM 343 Physical Chemistry Laboratory. (1) F
Physical chemistry experiments. 1 hour conference, 3 hours lab. Credit is allowed for only CHM 343 or 444. Corequisite: CHM 341 or 441.

CHM 361 Principles of Biochemistry. (3) F, SS
Structures, properties, and functions of proteins, enzymes, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and lipids; the utilization and synthesis of these materials by living systems, and the relationship of these processes to energy production and utilization. Not open to students who have taken CHM 461. Credit is allowed for only CHM 361 or 461. Prerequisite: CHM 231 or 318 or 332.

CHM 367 Elementary Biochemistry Laboratory.(1) F, SS
Qualitative/quantitative analyses of constituents of biological systems, enzyme activity measurements and metabolic studies. 1 hour conference, 3 hours lab. Pre- or corequisite: CHM 361 or instructor approval.

CHM 392 Introduction to Research Techniques.(1–3) F, S, SS
Instrumental methods and philosophy of research by actual participation in chemical research projects. May be repeated for a total of 6 semester hours. Prerequisites: approvals of advisor and research supervisor.

CHM 421 Instrumental Analysis. (3) S
Principles of instrumental methods in chemical analysis. Electroanalytical and optical techniques. Prerequisites: CHM 325, 326. Pre- or corequisite: CHM 442.

CHM 422 Instrumental Analysis Laboratory.(2) S
Experiments in chemical analysis by electroanalytical and optical techniques. 6 hours lab. Corequisite: CHM 421.

CHM 424 Separation Science. (3) N
Basic theory and practical aspects of gas, liquid, ion-exchange, and gel-permeation chromatographies, and other important industrial and research techniques. 2 hours lecture, 4 hours lab. Prerequisite: CHM 318 or 332 or 442 or instructor approval.

CHM 431 Qualitative Organic Analysis. (3) S
Systematic identification of organic compounds. 1 hour lecture, 6 hours lab. Prerequisites: CHM 118 (or 326) and 320 (or 336) or instructor approval.

CHM 441 General Physical Chemistry. (3) F
Laws of thermodynamics and their applications, properties of gases, solids, liquids and solutions, reaction kinetics, wave mechanics, molecular spectroscopy, and statistical thermodynamics. Credit is allowed for only CHM 341 or 441. Prerequisites: MAT 272 (or 291); PHY 241. Corequisite: MAT 274.

CHM 442 General Physical Chemistry. (3) S
Continuation of CHM 441. Prerequisite: CHM 441; MAT 274.

CHM 444 General Physical Chemistry Laboratory.(2) S
Physical chemical experiments. 1 conference, 5 hours lab. Credit is allowed for only CHM 343 or 444. Prerequisite: CHM 441. General Studies: L2 (if credit also earned in CHM 452).

CHM 452 Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory. (1–2) S
Preparation and characterization of typical inorganic substances, emphasizing methods and techniques. 1 conference, 5 hours lab. Prerequisite: instructor approval. General Studies: L2 (if credit also earned in CHM 444).

CHM 453 Inorganic Chemistry. (3) S
Principles and applications of inorganic chemistry. Prerequisite: CHM 341 or 441.

CHM 461 General Biochemistry. (3) F
Structure, chemistry, and metabolism of biomolecules and their role in the biochemical processes of living organisms. Credit is allowed only for CHM 361 or 461. Prerequisites: CHM 318 (or 332) and 341 (or 441) or instructor approval.

CHM 462 General Biochemistry. (3) S
Continuation of CHM 461. Prerequisite: CHM 461 or instructor approval.

CHM 463 Biophysical Chemistry. (3) S
Principles of physical chemistry as applied to biological systems. Prerequisite: CHM 341 or 441.

CHM 464 Biophysical Chemistry Laboratory. (2) S
Introduction to physical methods in modern biochemistry. Prerequisite: CHM 463. General Studies: L2 (if credit also earned in CHM 467).

CHM 467 General Biochemistry Laboratory.(2) S
The application of modern chemical and physical methods to biochemical problems; purification and characterization of biological macromolecules; quantitative measurement of enzyme activity and properties; evaluation of metabolic processes. 1 conference, 5 hours lab. Prerequisite: CHM 461. General Studies: L2 (if credit also earned in CHM 464).

CHM 471 Solid-State Chemistry. (3) F
Crystal chemistry, thermodynamics and electrochemistry of solids, nonstoichiometric compounds, diffusion and solid-state reactions, crystal growth, and selected topics. Pre- or corequisite: CHM 441 or instructor approval.

CHM 480 Methods of Teaching Chemistry. (3) S
Organization and presentation of appropriate content of chemistry; preparation of reagents, experiments, and demonstrations; organization of stock rooms and laboratories; experience in problem solving. Prerequisite: instructor approval.

CHM 481 Geochemistry. (3) F
Origin and distribution of the chemical elements. Geochemical cycles operating in the earth’s atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere. Cross-listed as GLG 481. Prerequisite: CHM 341 (or 441) or GLG 321.

CHM 485 Meteorites and Cosmochemistry. (3) N
Chemistry of meteorites and their relationship to the origin of the earth, solar system, and universe. Cross-listed as GLG 485.

CHM 501 Current Topics in Chemistry. (1) F, S
May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: instructor approval.

CHM 521 Computer Enhanced Analytical Chemistry.(3) N
Overview of chemometric tools in analytical chemistry, including multivariate calibration, spectral deconvolution, and experimental design. 2 hours lecture, 4 hours lab.

CHM 523 Advanced Analytical Chemistry. (3) A
Theoretical principles of analytical instrumentation and measurements. Prerequisites: CHM 325 and 442 or instructor approval.

CHM 525 Spectrochemical Methods of Analysis.(4) N
Theoretical and practical considerations involving the use of optical instruments for chemical analyses. Emphasis on state of the art trends. 3 hours lecture, 3 hours lab. Prerequisite: CHM 442 or instructor approval.

CHM 526 X-ray Methods of Analysis. (4) N
Theoretical and practical considerations involving the use of X-ray diffraction and spectroscopy for chemical and structural analyses. 3 hours lecture, 3 hours lab. Prerequisite: CHM 442.

CHM 527 Electrical Methods of Chemical Analysis.(4) N
Theoretical and practical considerations of polarographic, potentiometric, amperometric techniques, including modern electrochemical methods. 2 hours lecture, 6 hours lab. Prerequisite: CHM 442.

CHM 531 Advanced Organic Chemistry I. (3) F
Reaction mechanisms, reaction kinetics, linear free energy relationships, transition state theory, molecular orbital theory, and Woodward-Hoffmann rules. Prerequisites: CHM 318 (or 332), 442.

CHM 532 Advanced Organic Chemistry II. (2) S
Continuation of CHM 531. Prerequisite: CHM 531.

CHM 537 Organic Reactions. (3) S
Important synthetic reactions of organic chemistry emphasizing recently discovered reactions of preparative value. Prerequisite: CHM 531.

CHM 541 Advanced Thermodynamics. (3) F
Equilibrium thermodynamics, chemical reactions, and phase equilibria. Introduction to statistical thermodynamics, critical phenomena, and kinetics. Prerequisite: CHM 442.

CHM 545 Quantum Chemistry I. (3) F
Basic quantum theory, chemical bonding, and molecular structure. Prerequisite: CHM 442.

CHM 546 Quantum Chemistry II. (3) S
Quantum theory of rate processes. Principles of spectroscopy and nonlinear optics. Prerequisite: CHM 545.

CHM 548 Chemical Kinetics. (2) N
Kinetic theory and rate processes. Prerequisite: CHM 545.

CHM 553 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry. (3) S
Principles of modern inorganic chemistry and their applications over the entire periodic system. Prerequisites: CHM 442 and 453 or equivalents.

CHM 556 Topics in Inorganic Chemistry. (3) N
May be repeated for credit. Prerequisites: CHM 553; instructor approval.

CHM 563 Biophysical Chemistry. (3) N
Physical chemistry of macromolecules, especially proteins, nucleic acids, and polysaccharides. Thermodynamics, hydrodynamics, and spectroscopy of and their relation to structure. Prerequisites: CHM 442, 462.

CHM 568 Molecular Mechanisms of Photosynthesis.(3) N
Structure and function of photosynthetic complexes; mechanism of energy conversion in plants, bacteria, and model systems. Cross-listed as PLB 558. Prerequisite: instructor approval.

CHM 579 Topics in Solid-State Chemistry.(3) N
May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: instructor approval.

CHM 582 Topics in Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry.(3) N
Topics of current interest for students in chemistry and other fields. Sampling of data and thought concerning phase equilibria, element distribution, meteorites, the Earth, and other planets. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: instructor approval.

CHM 583 Phase Equilibria and Geochemical Systems.(3) N
Natural reactions at high temperatures and pressures; silicate, sulfide, and oxide equilibria. Cross-listed as GLG 583.

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