Environmental Resources (ERS)

ERS 130 Soils and Environmental Quality. (4) F, S
Introduction to soil resources, their physical and chemical properties, classification, energy dynamics, and the role they play in environmental quality. Lecture, lab. General Studies: S1/S2.

ERS 225 Soils. (3) F
Fundamental properties of soils and their relation to plant growth and the nutrition of man and animals. Relation of soils to environmental quality. Prerequisite: CHM 101 or 113 or equivalent.

ERS 226 Soils Laboratory. (1) F
Selected exercises to broaden the background and understanding of basic soil principles. Lab. Corequisite: ERS 225.

ERS 246 Introduction to the Environmental Sciences. (3) F, S
A global and ecological perspective on environmental conservation and management. General Studies: G.

ERS 333 Water Resources Management. (3) S
Sources, their development, and conservation in arid regions for agricultural, natural resources, and urban uses. Prerequisite: CHM 101 or 113.

ERS 350 Environmental Statistics. (3) F
Statistical methods with applications in natural resource management and the environmental sciences. Use of computers and the Internet. Prerequisites: CSE 180; MAT 117. General Studies: N2.

ERS 353 Wildlife Nutrition. (3) F
Principles of nutrient metabolism in wildlife species, with emphasis on understanding the interaction of wildlife with their environment. Prerequisites: BIO 181 and 182 and CHM 101 and 230 or instructor approval.

ERS 360 Range Ecosystem Management. (3) F
Ecosystem management principles applied to rangelands. Herbivory as an ecological process, evaluation of rangeland health, multiple use of rangelands. Lecture, recitation. Prerequisites: BIO 320 (or equivalent); ERS 246.

ERS 365 Watershed Management. (3) N
Hydrologic, physical, biological, and ecological principles applied to watershed management. Impact of ecosystem manipulations on water yield and quality. 1 weekend field trip. Prerequisites: ERS 225, 246.

ERS 370 Forest Ecosystem Dynamics. (3) S
Dynamics of forest ecosystem with applications from landscape ecology. Silvicultural principles, measurements, and multiple use of forests. Field trips required. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: BIO 320; ERS 246, 350.

ERS 402 Vegetation Measurement. (4) S
Vegetation sampling and inventory as related to animal-habitat relations. Lecture, lab, 1 weekend field trip. Prerequisites: CSE 180 and ERS 350 and 360 and department major or instructor approval.

ERS 407 Range Plants and Habitats. (4) F
The distribution, ecological characteristics, identification of key plants, and values of habitats on western rangelands. Laboratory emphasis on grass identification. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: PLB 310 or equivalent.

ERS 410 Wildlife Habitat Relations. (4) F
Interactions among animal populations and their habitat. Systems simulation of population dynamics as influenced by competition and management strategies. Lecture, lab, 1 weekend field trip. Prerequisite: ERS 360.

ERS 420 Ecological Restoration. (3) S
Techniques of ecological restoration applied for the improvement of arid and semi-arid land and sensitive habitats. Weekend field trips. Prerequisite: ERS 360.

ERS 425 Soil Classification and Management. (3) N
Principles of soil genesis, morphology, and classification. Management and conservation practices will be presented. Prerequisite: ERS 225.

ERS 433 Riparian Ecosystem Management. (3) N
Examination of the functions and components that make up riparian ecosystems and the management of these ecosystems. Lecture, field trip. Prerequisite: ERS 225 or instructor approval.

ERS 446 Soil Fertility. (3) S
Ability of soils to retain and supply plant nutrients. Reactions of fertilizers in soils. Prerequisites: ERS 225, 226.

ERS 448 Soil Ecology. (3) N
Soils viewed in an ecosystem context, soil-plant relationships, nutrient budgets, and abiotic factors that influence soil processes. Prerequisites: BIO 320 and ERS 225 and 226 or instructor approval.

ERS 452 Soil, Water, and Irrigation. (3) N
Water measurement, conveyance, and conservation, with emphasis on crop production and soil-plant water relations. Prerequisite: ERS 225.

ERS 460 Applied Systems Ecology. (3) N
The systems approach applied to analysis and management of natural resource ecosystems. Use of simulation models. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab. Prerequisites: ERS 350 or equivalent; 1 course in ecology.

ERS 470 Land Reclamation. (3) N
Problems of reestablishing vegetation on disturbed sites. Special revegetation techniques, surface modifications, and government regulations. 1 weekend field trip. Prerequisites: ERS 407 and 420 and 446 and 448 or instructor approval.

ERS 475 Wildlife and Range Animal Management. (3) S
Principles and techniques for management of domestic and nondomestic animals using rangeland ecosystems. Emphasis on practical applications of management. Weekend field trips. Prerequisite: instructor approval.

ERS 477 Environmental Risk Assessment and Management. (3) S
Survey of methods related to identification, evaluation, comparison, and management of environmental risks. Prerequisite: senior standing.

ERS 480 Ecosystem Management and Planning. (3) S
Planning for management and conservation of wildland ecosystems. Ecological, economic, and social constraints on long-term sustainable resource development. Computer tools for resource planning. Lecture, 1 weekend field trip. Prerequisites: ERS 402 or equivalent; senior standing.

ERS 485 GIS in Natural Resources. (3) F
Principles of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) utilized in natural resource management. Use of computers for spatial analysis of natural resources. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: CSE 180 or equivalent.

ERS 486 Remote Sensing in Environmental Resources. (4) S
Principles and application of remote sensing technologies in natural resource management. Integration of computerized data from aerial photography and LanSat imagery in resource management. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: ERS 485 or equivalent.

ERS 490 Recent Advances in Environmental Resources. (1) N
Current literature and significant developments involving environmental resources. May be repeated for credit.

ERS 533 Riparian Ecology. (3) N
Review of recent literature, developments, and methods related to riparian ecology. Applications of soil and landscape ecology to riparian systems. Lecture, discussion, field trips.

ERS 540 Plant Responses to Environmental Stresses. (3) N
Reaction of plants to environmental stresses; aerial pollutants, fire, herbivores, mechanical treatments, pesticides, and soil amendments. 1 weekend field trip. Prerequisite: ERS 360 or instructor approval.

ERS 548 Plants, Soils, and Environmental Quality. (3) N
Effects of air quality on plants and soils, and their role in removing contaminants from the atmosphere. Prerequisite: ERS 225.

ERS 550 Vegetation Dynamics Studio. (4) F
Dynamics of vegetation emphasizing ecological succession, applications of landscape ecology and GIS, and analysis of vegetation data. Field trips, studio. Prerequisite: introductory statistics course.

ERS 551 Environmental Statistics Studio. (4) S
Advanced statistical procedures for environmental resources. Techniques for analyzing research data that do not meet assumptions. Studio. Prerequisite: ERS 350 or equivalent.

ERS 553 Advanced Animal Nutrition. (4) F
Metabolic and physiological interactions of nutrients in wild and domesticated animals consuming natural feeds. Lecture, lab.

ERS 560 Systems Ecology. (3) N
Quantitative description and mathematical modeling of ecosystem structure and function. Techniques for model construction and simulation. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: ERS 350 or equivalent; computer programming; 6 hours in ecological studies.

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