Humanities (HUM)

HUM 110 Contemporary Issues in Humanities. (3) F, S
Responses of literature, art history, history, philosophy, religion, and other disciplines to common problems affecting modern American life. General Studies: HU.

HUM 194 Special Topics in the Humanities. (3) N
Open to all students. Topics include:
(a)American Fine Arts
(b)Comparative Fine and Performing Arts
(c)Cultures of Ethnic Minorities
(d)Non-Western Cultures
(e)Western Historical or Contemporary Cultures

HUM 200 Encountering the Humanities. (3) S
Introduction to the languages, methods, and objectives of the study of the interdisciplinary humanities. Intersections of ideas, values, and cultural institutions. Lecture, studio, workshop. Prerequisite: Humanities major. General Studies: HU.

HUM 294 Special Topics in the Humanities. (3) N
Open to all students. Topics include:
(a)American Fine Arts
(b)Comparative Fine and Performing Arts
(c)Cultures of Ethnic Minorities
(d)Non-Western Cultures
(e)Western Historical or Contemporary Cultures

HUM 301 Humanities in the Western World. (4) F
Interrelation of arts and ideas in Western Civilization, Hellenic through medieval. 3 hours lecture, 1 discussion meeting per week. General Studies: L1/HU, H.

HUM 302 Humanities in the Western World. (4) S
Interrelation of arts and ideas in Western Civilization, Renaissance to the present. 3 hours lecture, 1 discussion meeting per week. General Studies: L1/HU, H.

HUM 310 Japanese Cities and Cultures to 1800. (3) S
Relations among ideas and literary, visual, and performing arts of the ancient aristocracy, medieval samurai, and early modern townspeople. Cross-listed as REL 355. General Studies: LI/HU, H.

HUM 312 Interpreting China’s Classics. (3) F
Study of select Confucian and/or Taoist classics and ways they have been read in both Asian and Western scholarship. Cross-listed as HIS 312. General Studies: L2/HU, H.

HUM 320 Hispanic Cultures: Europe and the Americas. (3) F
Examination of European expansion into the Americas from 15th to 20th centuries with focus on cultural contact, conflict, and compromises. General Studies: L1/HU, H.

HUM 340 Contemporary American Film and Popular Culture. (3) F
Study of American film, television, and popular music of past three decades as cultural documents. General Studies: HU.

HUM 394 Special Topics in the Humanities. (3) N
Open to all students. Topics include:
(a)American Fine Arts
(b)Comparative Fine and Performing Arts
(c)Cultures of Ethnic Minorities
(d)Non-Western Cultures
(e)Western Historical or Contemporary Cultures

HUM 401 The Culture and Legacy of the European Enlightenment. (3) S
Historical survey of eighteenth century European enlightenment and its status within contemporary intellectual culture. Lecture, discussion.

HUM 420 Interpreting Latin America. (3) S
Introduction to protocols and methodologies for cultural interpretation of Latin America, with emphasis on four principal cities as cultural space. General Studies: HU, G, H.

HUM 440 Los Angeles and Cultural Theory. (3) S
Analysis of representations of Los Angeles in literary, film, and musical texts and broader implications for contemporary American society. General Studies: L1/HU, C.

HUM 450 Technology and Culture. (3) S
Explores sociocultural, ideological, postmodern implications of technology and the role technology plays in social constructions as well as the spaces it creates. Seminar discussion. General Studies: L1/HU.

HUM 460 Postmodern Culture and Interpretation. (3) F
Currents and interpretations of postmodern culture; international, comparative perspective on the culture and traditions of contemporary “Europes” and “Americas.” Seminar discussion. General Studies: L2.

HUM 462 Psychoanalysis and Culture. (3) F
Introduction to intellectual history of psychoanalytic movement of twentieth century and its contribution to humanities disciplines. General Studies: L2/HU/SB.

HUM 465 Narrative in the Human Sciences. (3) F
Theories of narrative and narrativity in the Humanities, concentrating on the problems of specific disciplines and interdisciplinary solutions. General Studies: L2/HU.

HUM 494 Special Topics in the Humanities. (3) N
Open to all students. Topics include:
(a)American Fine Arts
(b)Comparative Fine and Performing Arts
(c)Cultures of Ethnic Minorities
(d)From Courbet to Cézanne: History of European Art 1860–WWI. Cross-listed as ARS 434.
(e)From David to Daumier: European Art 1780–1860. Cross-listed as ARS 432.
(f)Italian Cinema. Cross-listed as FLA 494/ITA 420.
(g)Non-Western Cultures
(h)Western Historical or Contemporary Cultures

HUM 498 Pro-Seminar in the Humanities. (3) A
Methodologies and comparative theories for the study of relationships between various aspects of culture, the history of ideas, and the arts. For students with a major in humanities with upper-division standing. May be repeated for a total of 6 semester hours, when topics vary. General Studies: L2/HU.

HUM 511 Structures of Knowledge. (3) F
Theories and examples of structures of knowledge, including such topics as metaphor, semiotics, and knowledge of the “other.”

HUM 512 Writing Cultures. (3) S
Theories and methods of representing Western and non-Western cultures in literature, history, ethnography, and pictorial media.

HUM 513 Interpretation of Cultures. (3) A
Methodologies and comparative theories for the study of relationships between various aspects of culture, the history of ideas, and the arts. May be repeated for a total of 6 semester hours, when topics vary.

HUM 549 Contemporary Critical Theory. (3) F
An advanced survey of major schools of 20th-century literary and critical theory. Lecture, discussion. Cross-listed as ENG 502.

HUM 591 Seminar. (3) A
Topics include:
(a)Comedy: Meaning and Form
(b)Theory and Culture
(c)Tragedy: Meaning and Form

HUM 598 Special Topics in the Humanities. (3) N
Open to all students. Topics include:
(a)American Fine Arts
(b)Comparative Fine and Performing Arts
(c)Cultures of Ethnic Minorities
(d)Non-Western Cultures
(e)Western Historical or Contemporary Cultures

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