Learning and Instructional Technology (LNT)

LNT 501 Foundations of Educational Technology. (3) F, S
Introduction to instructional development. An examination of accomplishments and problems in the field.

LNT 502 Design and Development of Instruction. (3) F, S
Design, development, and formative evaluation of objectives-based instructional materials.

LNT 503 Research Techniques for Instructional Development. (3) F
Procedures for analyzing the effects of alternative instructional practices.

LNT 504 Educational Evaluation. (3) S
Evaluation procedures in instruction and training.

LNT 510 Essentials of Classroom Learning. (3) F, S, SS
Theoretical and empirical foundations of learning in the classroom milieu. Critical exposure to research and method in instructional psychology. Cross-listed as EDP 510.

LNT 530 Educational Technology and Training. (3) S
Applications of educational technology to training and performance systems in business and industry. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: LNT 501, 502, 540.

LNT 540 Theoretical Views of Learning. (3) F, S
Classical and cognitive theories of learning, plus recent orientations. Illustrative experimental and rational foundations; implications for educational practice. Cross-listed as EDP 540.

LNT 542 The Psychology of Learning and Instruction. (3) S
Critical review and evaluation of research on learning variables relevant to acquisition and retention of instructional materials. Lab. Cross-listed as EDP 542.

LNT 545 Cognition and Instruction. (3) F
Current developments in research relating cognitive models to the instructional process. Seminar. Prerequisites: EDP 552; LNT 540.

LNT 584 Educational Technology Internship. (1–6) F, S, SS
Prerequisites: LNT 501, 502; instructor approval. Pre- or corequisite: EMC 521.

LNT 780 Advanced Instructional Development. (1–3) S
Conducting and documenting selected instructional development activities. Prerequisites: LNT 502; instructor approval.

LNT 792 Advanced Instructional Research. (3) F
Design and execution of instructional research on selected topics. Prerequisites: LNT 503; instructor approval.

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