Special Class Fees and Deposits

Refunds of special class fees and deposits are processed automatically if the related course is dropped during the first week of class. After the first week, refunds, if any, are determined by the department offering the course. Refund determination is based on withdrawal date, type of activity, and costs already incurred by the department. For more information, see “Fees, Deposits, and Other Charges” and “Refunds.”

Special Fees
ART 401Non-Silver Photography$30.00
ART 403Senior Photographic Projects$25.00
ART 404Portraiture Photography$25.00
ART 405Advanced Color Photography$35.00
ART 407View Camera$25.00
ART 414Advanced Life Drawing $25.00
ART 415Art Anatomy$20.00
ART 423Advanced Painting (fall only)$40.00
ART 425Advanced Figure Painting $25.00
ART 427Advanced Watercolor$40.00
ART 431Special Problems in Sculpture$40.00
ART 432Neon Sculpture$45.00
ART 436Architectural Sculpture$40.00
ART 437Film Animation$20.00
ART 438Experimental Systems in Sculpture$40.00
ART 444Computer Art I$40.00
ART 446Computer Art II$35.00
ART 448Computer Animation$20.00
ART 451Advanced Intaglio$40.00
ART 452Advanced Lithography$40.00
ART 454Advanced Screen Printing$35.00
ART 455Advanced Photo Processes for Printmaking$30.00
ART 456Fine Printing and Bookmaking I$30.00
ART 457Fine Printing and Bookmaking II$30.00
ART 458Papermaking$20.00
ART 459Monoprinting$20.00
ART 460Ceramic Clay$25.00
ART 463Ceramic Glaze$25.00
ART 466Special Problems in Ceramics$25.00
ART 472Advanced Jewelry$15.00
ART 473Advanced Metalworking$15.00
ART 474Advanced Wood$25.00
ART 476Fibers: Multiple Harness Weaving$25.00
ART 477Printed Textiles$30.00
ART 494ST: Advanced Sculpture$20.00
ART 494ST: Carving$25.00
ART 494ST: Color for Jewelry$15.00
ART 494ST: Computer Animation II$40.00
ART 494ST: Computer Animation III$40.00
ART 494ST: Experimental Paper$25.00
ART 494ST: Fibers and Surface$25.00
ART 494ST: Forging Techniques$15.00
ART 494ST: Foundry$40.00
ART 494ST: Introduction to Printmaking$30.00
ART 494ST: Mold Making and Casting$15.00
ART 494ST: Neon Workshop$40.00
ART 494ST: Photo Design$25.00
ART 494ST: Portraiture Photography$25.00
ART 494ST: Print Textiles$25.00
ART 494ST: Relief Printmaking$35.00
ART 494ST: Turning$25.00
ART 494ST: Vapor Glazes$15.00
ART 551Intaglio Projects$40.00
ART 594Carving$25.00
ART 594Turning$25.00
ART 598ST: Advanced Color Photography$35.00
ART 598ST: Advanced Photo Processes for Printmaking$30.00
ART 598ST: Advanced Screen Printing$35.00
ART 598ST: Advanced Sculpture$20.00
ART 598ST: Architectural Sculpture$40.00
ART 598ST: Art Anatomy$20.00
ART 598ST: Ceramic Clay$25.00
ART 598ST: Ceramic Glaze$25.00
ART 598ST: Experimental Paper$25.00
ART 598ST: Experimental Systems in Sculpture$25.00
ART 598ST: Fibers and Surface$25.00
ART 598ST: Figure Painting$25.00
ART 598ST: Fine Printing and Bookmaking I$30.00
ART 598ST: Fine Printing and Bookmaking II$30.00
ART 598ST: Forging Techniques$15.00
ART 598ST: Foundry$40.00
ART 598ST: Introduction to Printmaking$30.00
ART 598ST: Jewelry Metalworking$15.00
ART 598ST: Life Drawing$25.00
ART 598ST: Lithography$40.00
ART 598ST: Mold Making and Casting$15.00
ART 598ST: Monoprinting$20.00
ART 598ST: Neon Sculpture$45.00
ART 598ST: Neon Workshop$40.00
ART 598ST: Nonsilver Photography$30.00
ART 598ST: Papermaking$20.00
ART 598ST: Photography Processes for Printmaking$25.00
ART 598ST: Portraiture Photography$25.00
ART 598ST: Printed Textiles$30.00
ART 598ST: Relief Printmaking$35.00
ART 598ST: Screen Printing$35.00
ART 598ST: Special Problems in Ceramics$25.00
ART 598ST: Special Problems in Sculpture$40.00
ART 598ST: View Camera$35.00
ART 598ST: Watercolor$40.00
ART 598ST: Wood$25.00
ART 598ST: Wood Carving$30.00
ART 621SP: Ceramics$25.00
ART 621SP: Metal$15.00
ART 621SP: Printmaking$25.00
BIO 502Transmission Electron Microscopy$20.00
BIO 505Scanning Electron Microscopy$20.00
BUS 502Managerial Communication$8.00
CHM 424Separation Science1$15.00
CHM 431Qualitative Organic Analysis1$15.00
CHM 444General Physical Chemistry Laboratory1$15.00
CHM 452Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory1$15.00
CHM 467General Biochemistry Laboratory1$15.00
CHM 480Methods of Teaching Chemistry1$15.00
COM 584Communication Internship$20.00
EDP 560Individual Intellectual Assessment$12.50
EED 578Student Teaching in the Elementary School$25.00
EED 598ST: Using Math Manipulative/Elementary Schools$5.00
EED 598ST: Using Math Manipulative/Middle Schools$5.00
EPE 505Applied Exercise Physiology Techniques$15.00
FON 442Experimental Foods$15.00
FON 445Quantity Food Production$15.00
FON 446Human Nutrition Assessment Lecture/Laboratory$25.00
FON 545Recent Development in Institutional Feeding$15.00
FON 598Research Methods in Nutrition$15.00
GLG 405Geology of the Moon$10.00
GLG 406Geology of Mars$10.00
GLG 420Volcanology$35.00
GLG 424Petrology$5.00
GLG 435Sedimentology$15.00
GLG 436Principles of Stratigraphy$20.00
GLG 441Ore Deposits$20.00
GLG 455Advanced Field Geology$35.00
GLG 456Cordilleran Regional Geology$10.00
GLG 490Topics in Geology: Clastic Sedimentology and Petrology$20.00
GLG 490Topics in Geology: Moon$10.00
GLG 490Topics in Geology: Pyroclastic Rocks$25.00
GLG 490Topics in Geology: Remote Sensing$10.00
GLG 490Topics in Geology: Volcano$25.00
GLG 510Advanced Structural Geology$10.00
GLG 520Advanced Physical Volcanology$35.00
GLG 524Advanced Igneous Petrology$20.00
GLG 525Advanced Metamorphic Petrology$5.00
GLG 591Volcanology$35.00
GLG 598ST: Advanced Field Geology$35.00
GLG 598ST: Clastic Sedimentology and Petrology$20.00
GLG 598ST: Cordilleran Regional Geology$10.00
GLG 598ST: Geology of Mars$10.00
GLG 598ST: Ore Deposits$20.00
GLG 598ST: Petrology-Petrography$5.00
GLG 598ST: Principles of Stratigraphy$20.00
GLG 598ST: Sedimentology$15.00
GLG 598ST: Volcanology$35.00
GPH 418Landforms of the Western United States$20.00
GPH 491Geographic Field Methods$20.00
IEE 591Seminar: Manufacturing Strategy$50.00
IEE 591Seminar: Effects of Economics/New Products Market$50.00
IEE 591Seminar: Strategic Product Development$50.00
IEE 591Seminar: New Product Strategic$50.00
JUS 584Internship $20.00
MIC 421Experimental Immunology$20.00
MIC 470Bacteriology Diversity and Systematics$25.00
MUP 511Studio Instruction$60.00
MUP 521Studio Instruction$40.00
MUP 527Studio Instruction$60.00
MUP 727Studio Instruction$60.00
NUR 560Advanced Health Assessment (Spring 1998)$45.00
NUR 580Adult Health Nursing Assessment/Promotion Practicum (Fall 1998)$45.00
SED 578Student Teaching in the Secondary School$25.00
SED 598ST: Using Math Manipulative/Middle Schools$5.00
THP 440Advanced Scene Design$5.00
THP 441Scene Painting$20.00
THP 444Drafting for the Stage$5.00
THP 445Advanced Lighting Design$5.00
THP 506Scenography$5.00
THP 512Puppetry Workshop$10.00
UET 415Electronic Manufacturing Engineering Principles$10.00

ADE 510Foundation Architectural Studio$25.00
ADE 511Core Architectural Studio I$25.00
ADE 512Core Architectural Studio II$25.00
ADE 521Advanced Architectural Studio I$25.00
ADE 522Advanced Architectural Studio II$25.00
ADE 621Advanced Architectural Studio III$25.00
ADE 622Advanced Architectural Studio IV$25.00
CHM 424Separation Science2$25.00
CHM 431Qualitative Organic Analysis2$20.00
CHM 452Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory2$20.00
CHM 467General Biochemistry Laboratory2$20.00
CHM 525Spectrochemical Methods of Analysis2$25.00
CHM 526X-ray Methods of Analysis2$25.00
CHM 527Electrical Methods of Chemical Analysis2$25.00
DSC 593Applied Projects$25.00
DSC 599Thesis$25.00
IND 460Design Project I$25.00
IND 461Design Project II$25.00
INT 466Interior Design Studio V$25.00
INT 467Interior Design Studio VI$25.00
PLA 461Landscape Architecture V$25.00
PLA 462Landscape Architecture VI$25.00
PUP 461Urban Planning V$25.00
PUP 572Planning Studio I: Data Inventory and Analysis$25.00
PUP 574Planning Studio II: Options and Implementation$25.00

1Chemistry classes may also carry a deposit. See “Deposits.”
2Chemistry classes may also carry a nonrefundable special class fee. See “Special Fees.”

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