Greetings from the Dean

I extend a warm welcome to new and continuing graduate students at Arizona State University. ASU is a national leader in many professional and scholarly areas. We offer 46 doctoral and 90 master’s degree programs, supported by 1,600 faculty members whose teaching and research are recognized nationally and internationally.

The close collaboration of our programs with organizations in the private and public sectors fosters research and professional opportunities for our graduate students in the surrounding greater metropolitan area and beyond. As an integral part of our doctoral education, we emphasize professional development through ASU’s Preparing Future Faculty program, one of the first in the nation.

We are proud of our commitment to graduate education: to prepare our students to become scholarly and professional leaders in a new century in which technology will continue to transform the boundaries of knowledge. Our partnership with ASU students provides a nurturing environment to enhance their intellectual and personal growth. Please call on us if we may be of assistance.

I wish you success in the pursuit of your goals at Arizona State University.


Bernstein Signature

Bianca L. Bernstein
Dean of the Graduate College

1998–99 Graduate Catalog Table of Contents

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