Financing Graduate Studies

University Scholarship Programs
Private Fellowships/Awards
Need-Based Financial Aid
Higher Education Tax Incentives
Taxability of Financial Aid Programs
Campus Services and Online Services

Financial assistance for graduate study consists of scholarships, fellowships, assistantships, student loans, and work-study. Assistance can come from the university, private sources, and/or the federal government. The Graduate College Financial Assistance Office provides information and assistance to graduate and professional students. Students can also access the Web site for more information at or send an e-mail to For guidelines on assistantships and associateships, see “Assistantships and Associateships.”


ASU offers several university-sponsored awards and scholarships for which both the Graduate College and the academic units conduct nominations and selections. To be considered for any of these award programs, students must apply directly to their academic department.

Regents Graduate Academic Scholarships. These scholarships are available on a competitive basis to graduate students with outstanding academic records. This scholarship covers the resident tuition only (not nonresident tuition) and is granted for the academic year or one semester only (not including summer sessions). Applicants must be regularly admitted to a graduate degree program; continuing students must also be in good standing (3.00 postbaccalaureate GPA at ASU). A graduate student may be nominated for this scholarship by the head of the student’s academic unit. Application forms and further information may be obtained from each academic unit. Forms are also available from the Graduate College. Applications should be completed and returned to the academic unit. The Graduate College does not accept direct applications. Applicants must meet deadlines established by the academic units and the Graduate College.

Regents Graduate Tuition Scholarships. These scholarships are available on a competitive basis to nonresident graduate students with outstanding academic records. This scholarship is granted for the academic year or one semester only (not including summer sessions). Graduate students awarded with this scholarship will pay the resident tuition. Applicants must be regularly admitted to a graduate degree program; continuing students must also be in good standing (3.00 postbaccalaureate GPA at ASU). Application forms and further information may be obtained from each academic unit. Forms are also available from the Graduate College. Applications should be completed and returned to the academic unit. The Graduate College does not accept direct applications. Applicants must meet deadlines established by their academic unit and the Graduate College.

University Graduate Scholars Program. This program offers competitive three-year merit packages that include scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $4,500, an annual stipend, plus waiver of resident and nonresident tuition. This scholarship program is for outstanding graduate students with high credentials such as GRE scores, GPA, publications, and prestigious awards.

Herman E. DeMund Memorial Scholarship. This scholarship is an annual award of $2,000 for a deserving graduate student at ASU. Students who are regularly admitted to a graduate degree program are eligible to be nominated for this award. Nominations are made by the heads of the individual academic units to the Graduate College and the recipient is chosen from these nominees. The selection for this award is made on the basis of scholastic ability.

Phelps Dodge Scholarships. Two graduate scholarships of $5,000 are awarded to regularly admitted graduate students who are residents of Arizona and graduates of ASU. Awards for any academic year are limited to (1) a student chosen from the engineering student body for advanced study in mining, geology, metallurgy, or other fields allied with or pertaining to the mineral industry, or, if no suitable candidate is available for postgraduate study in these fields, then for advanced study in any engineering field, and (2) a student chosen from the student body for advanced study in any field that the student may select and for which he or she may be qualified. Nominations are made by the head of the individual academic unit to the Graduate College and the recipients are chosen from those nominees. The selection for these awards is made on the basis of academic achievement.

James J. Sweitzer Memorial Scholarship. This scholarship provides a stipend of $1,200 to $1,500 to a graduate student in Agribusiness. Regularly admitted graduate students planning a career in agribusiness are eligible to apply as first- or second-year students. The selection committee considers financial needs but gives preference to high scholarship and potential in the field.

Reiganji Graduate Scholarship Fund. This scholarship fund offers $1,400 annual scholarships plus waiver of resident and nonresident tuition to students majoring in East Asian history and philosophy.

Travel and Research Grants. The Graduate College collaborates with the Graduate Student Research Office (GSRO) to fund small grants to support graduate student research. These grants usually are made to defray expenses incurred by students completing their theses or dissertations. The Graduate College funds travel grants for doctoral students who wish to present their research results at regional and national conferences. Meeting scholars in their fields and participating with faculty in professional organizations presents opportunities for students to get involved in activities that will become central to their professional lives. - Back to Top


ASU attracts a large number of graduate students who are honored with external sources of assistance such as national research fellowships and prestigious, private scholarships. In addition, the Graduate College assists in nominating graduate students for national competitions and provides support services to the recipients. These awards are targeted by academic discipline and/or student category.

Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS). Scholarships are given to gifted and needy scholars in the natural sciences, medicine, and engineering to complete their career preparation. The annual award is $6,000 in addition to resident and nonresident tuition waivers. Students must be nominated through their major department.

Philanthropic Educational Organization (PEO) National Scholarship Award. This award is offered to outstanding women doctoral students. The successful applicant will receive a cash stipend of $7,000, matched by tuition remission. The award is renewable for a second year. Students must be nominated through their major department.

Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship. This fellowship provides an annual stipend of $14,000 for three years with tuition scholarships from ASU. The program supports fellows in research-based doctoral programs.

Jacob K. Javits Fellowship Program. This fellowship program offers an annual stipend of $14,400 based on a Fellow’s need with tuition scholarships from ASU. This program is designed to assist students of superior ability to pursue studies leading to a doctoral or master’s degree in fine arts.

National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowships and Minority Graduate Fellowships. These fellowships provide a stipend of $14,400 for 12-month tenures. ASU provides additional tuition scholarships to fellows beginning their graduate study in science, mathematics, and engineering.

National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering and Science, Inc. (GEM). This fellowship program offers opportunities for underrepresented ethnic minority students to obtain master’s degrees in engineering, through a program of paid summer internships and graduate financial assistance. Fellowships consist of a stipend of $6,000 per academic year; when combined with the summer internship, the total value is between $20,000–$40,000. ASU provides additional support to GEM Fellows with tuition scholarships for both resident and nonresident tuition.

Other Forms of Scholarship Support. Students are encouraged to contact the academic unit in which they intend to study and the Graduate College Financial Assistance Office to determine if other sources of support are available.

The Graduate College publishes Grad News, a newsletter listing current grant and scholarship information. Reference books on national and regional scholarships for which students may be eligible are on reserve at Hayden Library. Announcements are available for review in the center lobby, Wilson Hall. - Back to Top


To be considered for need-based support, applicants must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the Renewal FAFSA each year. U.S. citizens and permanent residents are eligible.

The FAFSA is available in a variety of formats.

  1. The paper FAFSA is available after January 1 at any U.S. college or university, and the Graduate College Financial Assistance Office. The paper Renewal FAFSA is automatically mailed to the student from the federal processor if the student has applied for aid in the previous year. Both processes take about four to six weeks.
  2. The electronic FAFSA is available through FAFSA Express and FAFSA on the Web. Both versions require that the student has access to a computer, modem and printer. A copy of the FAFSA Express software is available by calling 800/801–0576. FAFSA on the Web at allows the student to complete the application on the Web site. Both processes take approximately two weeks.

Federal (College) Work-Study. This federal, campus-based work program is administered by ASU. Awards for 1997–98 ranged from $3,000 to $4,000. All graduate students who apply for financial aid by the priority filing date of March 1 and demonstrate need will be considered for this program. The student usually works 10 to 20 hours per week either on campus or for an off-campus, nonprofit agency to earn the award amount.

Federal Perkins Loan. This loan is a low interest, long-term, federal, campus-based loan administered by ASU. Awards for 1997–98 range from $1,000 to $3,000. Graduate students who apply by the March 1 priority filing date and demonstrate need will be considered.

William D. Ford Federal Direct Student Loans (Subsidized and Unsubsidized). These are long-term loans available through the federal government. Students may borrow up to $8,500 per academic year in a subsidized Federal Direct Loan. An additional unsubsidized Federal Direct Loan of up to $10,000 per academic year may also be borrowed. Students applying for financial aid are automatically considered for this program. - Back to Top


The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 provides assistance (Lifetime Learning Tax Credit) to graduate and professional students in meeting college expenses. For more information, visit the U.S. Department of Education Web site at - Back to Top


Scholarships, grants, fellowships, and stipends (but not loan funds) are taxable income to the recipient, except for the portion of these funds used for tuition and other university fees, or books, supplies, and equipment required for the courses being taken. Special tax regulations also apply to nonresident alien students and may require withholding of taxes at the time of aid disbursements to these individuals. Information on the taxability of scholarships can be obtained from the following Internal Revenue Service (IRS) publications and forms: Publication 4—Student’s Guide to Federal Income Tax; Publication 519—U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens; Publication 520—Scholarships and Fellowships; Form 1040EZ and Instructions—Income Tax Return for Single and Joint Filers with no dependents; and Form 1040NR and Instructions—U.S. Nonresident Alien Income Tax Return.

These publications and forms can be obtained from the IRS at its toll-free number 800/829–FORM (3676). These publications and forms can also be accessed online at - Back to Top


Students can access personal informa-tion regarding financial aid by using FASTT Web at or FASTT Phone at 602/968–4400. Students can check on

  1. documents still needed to complete the financial aid file;
  2. converttabaward information; and
  3. converttabfinancial aid forms, both for printing on a printer for mailing and interactive forms that can be sent across the Web.

For more information about financial assistance, visit the Graduate College Financial Assistance Office, located in the center lobby, Wilson Hall, or phone 602/965–3521. - Back to Top

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