Family Resources and Human Development

Richard A. Fabes
(HEC 106) 602/965–6978





The faculty in the Department of Family Resources and Human Development offer a graduate program leading to the M.S. degree in Family Resources and Human Development. Two concentrations are available: (1) family studies with areas of study in child development or family relationships and (2) general family resources and human development with an area of study in human nutrition and foods. Within the family relationships area, students may take courses in marriage and family therapy (MFT) sufficient to meet MFT certification requirements for the state of Arizona.

Students applying to this program are required to submit scores on the Graduate Record Examination (verbal and quantitative sections).


Admission. Applications for admission, teaching assistantships, and Cowden Fellowships are accepted until January 15 preceding the fall semester to which the applicant is seeking admission.

Program of Study. Courses are selected by the student along guidelines of the specific areas, after consultation with the supervisory committee. The program of study should be completed and approved by the supervisory committee by the end of the second semester of full-time graduate study upon completion of 12 semester hours. A program of study may include more than 30 semester hours, and the exact number will be determined by program requirements and the student’s supervisory committee. Acceptance of the proposed program of study must be verified by signature of the student and committee members. After approval within the department, the program of study is submitted to the Graduate College for final approval. The following requirements must be met for the two concentrations.

Family Studies. The required courses are CDE 531, FAS 500, and FAS 531; two statistics courses, one basic and one advanced, selected with the approval of the student’s advisor; and six semester hours of thesis/research. A minimum of 34 semester hours is required for this degree program; however, 37 hours are recommended.

Additional requirements must be fulfilled in the chosen area of study.

Child Development. The required courses are CDE 533, six semester hours of CDE electives, and one FAS course selected in consultation with the advisor.

Family Relationships. The required courses are FAS 539, six semester hours of FAS electives, and one CDE course selected in consultation with the advisor.

Within the family relationships area of study, students may take courses in marriage and family therapy to meet certification requirements for the state of Arizona. A separate application and acceptance is required for admission to the MFT specialization which includes clinical practica and supervision. Typically, the MFT specialization is a three-year program.

General Family Resources and Human Development. As part of the program of study, 20–23 semester hours of approved graduate course work emphasizing human nutrition and foods are required. Required courses are FAS 500, a 500-level statistics course (three to six semester hours) approved by an advisor, six semester hours of thesis/research credit, and two graduate seminars selected from the following: FON 531, 532, 533, 538, and/or 598. The student may select courses from the following upon consultation with an advisor: FON 540, 541, 542, 544, 545, 546, 548, 550, 551, and 580. Other courses may be selected upon consultation with the advisor. The prerequisites for graduate work in this area are as follows: anatomy and physiology and laboratory, biochemistry and laboratory, general chemistry and laboratory, introductory statistics, microbiology and laboratory, organic chemistry and laboratory, and general nutrition.

Thesis Requirements. A thesis is required.

Final Examinations. A final oral examination in defense of the thesis is required.


Recent faculty and student research include the following subjects: nutrition and public health problems of Hispanics, ethnic families; police family-work stress; gender issues, social support; premarital sexual influence strategies, sexual expression, and relationship development; prevention programs for families, process in MFT, client expectancies, sexual enhancement; social-emotional development, peer relationships, temperament; behavioral observation of marital and family interaction; women’s role as caregivers to elderly mothers; cross-cultural perspectives; family relations of mid- and later life; physician counseling; vitamin C metabolism; vegetarian nutrition; lactation/infant formula research; postdivorce relationships between former spouses; coparental relationships after divorce; nutrition and exercise, energy balance and obesity; nutrition assessment (especially vitamin B6), women’s health issues (amenorrhea, subclinical eating disorders, chronic dieting, female athlete triad), development of stereotypes, gender roles; employee assistance and wellness programs, work and the family; community mental health and consultation; development of nutritionally sound food products, food additive safety; parent-adolescent relationships, adolescent social competence, adolescent autonomy and connectedness, adolescent risk-taking, family theory; adolescent sexuality, pregnancy, parenting; parental influences; child development and mental health; prevention program development and evaluation; nutrition assessment of geriatric populations, and adolescent sexuality; adolescent educational aspirations.

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Child Development (CDE) Courses
Family Studies (FAS) Courses
Food and Nutrition (FON) Courses
Family Resources and Human Development (FRD) Courses

Omnibus Graduate Courses: See omnibus graduate courses that may be offered.

1998–99 Graduate Catalog Table of Contents

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