Introductory Statement

All colleges, schools, divisions, and departments establish certain academic requirements that must be met before a degree is granted. Advisors, directors, department chairs, and deans are available to help the student understand these requirements, but the student is responsible for fulfilling them. At the end of a student’s course of study, if requirements for graduation have not been satisfied, the degree is not granted. For this reason, it is important for all students to acquaint themselves with all regulations, to be informed throughout their college careers, and to be responsible for completing requirements. Courses, programs, and requirements described in the catalog may be suspended, deleted, restricted, supplemented, or changed in any other manner at any time at the sole discretion of the university and the Arizona Board of Regents. The catalog does not establish a contractual relationship but summarizes the total requirements the student must currently meet before qualifying for a faculty recommendation to the Arizona Board of Regents to award a degree.

Address requests for additional information to

Graduate Admissions Office
Arizona State University
PO Box 871003
Tempe AZ 85287–1003
Web site:

Arizona State University reserves the right to change without notice any of the materials—information, requirements, regulations—published in this catalog.

POSTMASTER: ASU BULLETIN  •  (USPS 031–000)  •  Volume CXIII  •  Number 4  •  May 1998.

Published four times a year in January, March, April, and May by Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85287. Periodical-class postage paid at Tempe, Arizona.

POSTMASTER: Send change of address to

ASU Bulletin
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Arizona State University
PO Box 870710
Tempe AZ 85287–0710

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