Health Services Administration

Eugene Schneller
(BA 554) 602/965–7778
Fax: 602/965–6654


The faculty in the School of Health Administration and Policy, College of Business, offer a graduate program leading to the Master of Health Services Administration degree.

The faculty also participate in the programs leading concurrently to the Master of Business Administration/Master of Health Services Administration (M.B.A./M.H.S.A.), Master of Health Services Administration/Juris Doctor (M.H.S.A./J.D.), and Master of Health Services Administration/Master of Science in Nursing (M.H.S.A./M.S. in Nursing with a concentration in nursing administration). See M.H.S.A. “Concurrent Degree Programs” for more information.

The faculty also offer a concentration in health services research under the Ph.D. degree in Business Administration. (Applications for the Ph.D. degree in Business Administration with a concentration in health services research are not being accepted at this time.) See the Ph.D. in “Business Administration” degree.


See “Master of Health Services Administration” for information on the M.H.S.A. degree.


The School of Health Administration and Policy, College of Nursing, and the Department of Anthropology at ASU, in conjunction with the University of Arizona and Northern Arizona University, offer courses leading to the Master of Public Health degree. Three concentrations are offered at ASU (community health nursing, cultural and behavioral dimensions of public health, and health administration and policy). For general information, contact the MPH Program Coordinator at ASU at 602/965–6633.

Admission. Applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree or equivalent from an accredited college or university, provide three letters of recommendation, and submit an official Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT) score. The GRE or MCAT must be taken within five years of the application date. Applicants whose native language is not English are required to submit a score on the Test of English as a Foreign Language. Students should submit their application to the University of Arizona by February 1 for fall admission. Applications are accepted only for fall admission.

Program of Study. The program of study for community health nursing requires 36 semester hours: 15 semester hours of core courses, 18 semester hours of concentration courses, and three semester hours of electives. The cultural and behavioral dimensions of public health concentration requires 39 semester hours: 15 semester hours of core courses, 18 concentration hours, and six semester hours of electives. The health administration and policy concentration requires 39 semester hours: 15 semester hours of core courses, 18 concentration hours, and six semester hours of electives. All concentrations require the student to successfully complete an internship. In addition, each student will be required to produce a comprehensive, analytical, problem solving report integrating the in-class learning into the internship experience. The student will also be required to make an oral presentation before a student and faculty colloquium, reporting on activities during the internship and relating those activities to broader public health issues.

The Arizona Graduate Program in Public Health: Core Courses < P>
EPI 596AEpidemiology (3)
HSA 598EHealth Services Administration and Policy (3)
HSA 598GBiostatistics (3)
PHL 575Environmental and Occupational Health (3)
PHL 577Social and Behavioral Aspects of Public Health (3)
Total: 15


The School of Health Administration and Policy is a major teaching and research component of the College of Business at ASU. The school is committed to an active program in research and development, promoting a deeper understanding of the delivery of health services at the local, state, and national level. Faculty at the school are frequent contributors to health services research and disciplinary journals. It is the goal of the school to serve as a focal point for addressing the problems confronting practitioners in the health care field. Faculty frequently advise policy makers in major health care organizations, state and federal governments, and corporations.

Current faculty research endeavors include assessment of Arizona’s Health Care Cost Containment System, enhancing care of the elderly, assessment of organizational modeling for multi-hospital systems, the changes facing physicians in American society, the public policy implications of AIDS, analysis of causes and consequences of medical malpractice, discrimination against persons with disabilities, the health care costs of work injuries, and studies of behavioral factors in health care and health services utilization.

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Health Services Administration (HSA) Courses

Omnibus Graduate Courses: See omnibus graduate courses that may be offered.

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