Professional Master’s Degrees
Master of Music

Music Education

The faculty in the School of Music offer a graduate program leading to the professional degree Master of Music (M.M.). Three majors are available: Composition, Music Education, and Performance. For the Music Education major, concentrations are available in

  1. choral music,
  2. general music, and
  3. instrumental music.

For the Performance major, concentrations are available in

  1. music theatre musical direction,
  2. music theatre performance,
  3. performance pedagogy,
  4. piano accompanying, and
  5. solo performance (voice, keyboard, instrumental).

Prerequisites. A Bachelor of Music degree or its equivalent from an accredited institution is required for admission to the M.M. program.

Admission. Admission to all concentrations under the major in Performance, with the exception of music theatre musical direction, is dependent on a successful audition, either in person or by taped performance. For admission to the major in composition, the applicant must submit three major works showing technical facility in composition. For admission to the M.M. in Music Education degrees, the applicant must have completed all requirements for music teacher certification. Postbaccalaureate certification is available and may be completed concurrently with master’s degree work.

Students majoring in Performance with a concentration in solo performance (voice) and performance pedagogy (voice) are required to take a diction examination in French, German, and Italian during registration week of their first semester. Students who do not pass this examination are required to take the appropriate semester(s) of MUP 250.

For admission to the concentration in performance pedagogy (piano), a minimum of one semester of prior piano pedagogy study including significant intern teaching experience is required. In addition, the student must submit an in-person or videotaped demonstration of teaching.

Program of Study. The student must complete a minimum of 32 semester hours of graduate courses, of which at least one-third must be in the area of concentration.

Foreign Language Requirements. Solo performance (voice only) and performance pedagogy (voice only) require a total of 16 semester hours of college-level credit in more than one language chosen from French, German, or Italian. The concentration in piano accompanying requires two semesters of college-level study in French, German, or Italian and two semesters of diction (or the equivalent) in the remaining languages in that group. These requirements may be fulfilled in whole or in part through language instruction in secondary and/or undergraduate school or by other means (see the General Catalog for Fine Arts graduation requirements). These language requirements are not part of the 32-hour program of study. However, hours toward the requirements may be taken concurrently with the program of study if a deficiency exists.

Final Examination. A final written or oral examination, or both, is required. An oral examination in defense of the thesis is required if the thesis is an option.


Composition. MTC 523 (four semester hours), 525, 599; six hours of music history. - Back to Top

Music Education

Choral Music. MUE 548, 549, 550 (or 579), 568, 570; six semester hours of music history (including MHL 575); five hours of music theory. One MHL or MTC course must be in 20th-century music.

General Music. MUE 548, 549, 550 (or 579), 551, 552; six semester hours of music history; five hours of music theory. One MHL or MTC course must be in 20th-century music.

Instrumental Music. MUE 548, 549, 550 (or 579), 564, 566; six semester hours of music history; five hours of music theory. One MHL or MTC course must be in 20th-century music. - Back to Top


Solo Performance (Voice). MUP 527, 541 (eight semester hours), 551, 595, 596; performing ensembles (two hours); five hours of music history; five hours of music theory.

Solo Performance (Keyboard). MUP 527 (eight semester hours), 551 (or 581), 595, 596; performing ensembles (two hours); five hours of music history and literature; five hours of music theory.

Solo Performance (Instrumental). MUP 527 (eight semester hours), 551, 581, 595, 596; performing ensembles (two hours); five hours of music history; five hours of music theory.

Piano Accompanying. MUP 527 Studio Instruction (eight semester hours), 511 (or 521 Studio Instruction [four hours]), 588 (four hours), 595, 596; five hours of music history; five hours in music theory.

Performance Pedagogy. MUP 527 (eight semester hours), 541 (voice only), 551 and/or 581, 595, 596; performing ensembles (two hours), (piano only: MUP 440, 507, 508, 581 [four hours], or proficiency); five hours in music history; five hours of music theory.

Music Theatre Musical Direction. MUP 521 Studio Instruction (four semester hours), 540, 551, 571 (three hours), 591, 595, 596; a three-hour graduate THP course designed for directors (as approved by supervisory committee); musical direction of two musical theatre productions; five hours of music history; five hours of music theory.

Music Theatre Performance. MUP 511 Studio Instruction (six semester hours), 551, 570 (three hours), 571 (three hours), 595, 596; a three-hour graduate THP course designed for actors (as approved by supervisory committee); leading roles in two musical theatre productions; five hours of music history; five hours of music theory.

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