Professional Master’s Degrees
Master of Technology

The Master of Technology degree program is offered by the faculty in four departments of the College of Technology and Applied Sciences: Aeronautical Management Technology, Electronics and Computer Engineering Technology, Information and Management Technology, and Manufacturing and Aeronautical Engineering Technology. Courses are offered at ASU East. The following eight areas of concentration are available:

  1. aeronautical engineering technology,
  2. aeronautical management technology,
  3. electronics and computer engineering technology,
  4. graphic communications technology,
  5. industrial management and supervision,
  6. manufacturing engineering technology,
  7. mechanical engineering technology, and
  8. welding engineering technology.

The professional programs leading to the Master of Technology degree are intended as preparation for a career in a selected branch of technology or as the foundation for further advanced study. Graduates of this program are provided with technical and professional skills for use in leadership positions in industry and education.

Faculty members administering the program have been selected because of relevant backgrounds in industry and business along with their academic training and teaching experience.

Admission. Admission to the Master of Technology degree program requires the completion of all general admission requirements and procedures set forth by the Graduate College. The College of Technology and Applied Sciences also requires an appropriate baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university, with a minimum of 30 semester hours in technology or equivalent and 16 hours of physical science and mathematics appropriate to the program pursued. The specific requirements vary within each department.

Graduate work presupposes an adequate technical preparation in a selected technology at the undergraduate level. Deficiencies for admission to the graduate program, if any, are specified at the time of admission. The applicant’s past work and professional experience is also evaluated and taken into consideration when determining admission classification.

To be considered for regular admission, a 3.00 GPA is required.

Program of Study. The program of study is designed to promote greater depth of understanding and preparation in technology as it can be applied to industry and education. The program of study is planned in consultation with the appointed supervisory committee. It is designed for flexibility, permitting the student to select a combination of courses in a technological area and a supporting area to meet individual career goals.

A minimum of 32 semester hours is required for the Master of Technology degree program. Of these 32 hours, a minimum of 15 hours must be 500-level courses and part of the approved program. Specific credit requirements vary within each department. The minimum requirements are as follows:

Technical area (15–18)
Supporting area (9–11)
Research course (3)
Applied Project (3)
     Total: 32

A maximum of nine semester hours of appropriate course work completed before admission may be included in the program of study for the Master of Technology degree program.

A master’s degree candidate forms a supervisory committee, the chair of which is from one of the three technology departments within the College of Technology and Applied Sciences. The chair and the committee members assist the student in selecting appropriate courses to meet the degree requirements and the student’s goals. Specific program patterns are approved by the committee.

The Department of Aeronautical Management Technology provides students the opportunity to select courses, to be included in the technical area of their program of study, in aeronautical management technology.

The Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering Technology offers several areas of study within the electronics and computer engineering technology concentration. These include electronic communication systems, digital/computer systems, systems control and instrumentation, microelectronics, and electronics engineering technology education.

The Department of Information and Management Technology provides students the opportunity to study in graphic communications technology, industrial management and supervision, safety management, hazardous materials and waste management, and interactive computer graphics.

The Department of Manufacturing and Aeronautical Engineering Technology provides students the opportunity to select courses to be included in the technical area of their program of study, under the concentrations of aeronautical engineering technology, manufacturing engineering technology, mechanical engineering technology, and welding engineering technology. Students may also select course work from computer integrated manufacturing engineering technology and from robotics and automation engineering technology.

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