Professional Master’s Degrees
Master of Fine Arts

Major in Art
Major in Creative Writing
Major in Dance
Major in Theatre

The faculty in the School of Art and Departments of Dance and Theatre offer programs leading to the Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.) degree with majors in Art, Dance, and Theatre, respectively. The faculty in the Departments of English and Theatre offer an interdisciplinary program leading to the M.F.A. degree in Creative Writing.

Major in Art

The M.F.A. degree in Art requires a minimum of 60 hours of graduate work beyond the bachelor’s degree. The objective of this degree is to provide advanced study in one or more of the following concentrations: ceramics, drawing, fibers, intermedia, metals, painting, photographic studies, photography, print-making, sculpture, or wood.

Admission. A bachelor’s degree from a college or university recognized by ASU is required. All students applying for the M.F.A. degree must submit to the chair of the Graduate Studio Committee a portfolio of 20 slides of their work with a return envelope and postage. Three letters of recommendation and a statement of intent pertaining to the student’s educational objectives are also required. Because each area of specialization may have unique requirements, students are advised to contact the School of Art for additional information.

Selection Procedures. Faculty review committees appointed by the Graduate Studio Committee make the recommendations for regular or provisional admission or the denial of admission. All aspects of the application are evaluated with the purpose of selecting for the available openings those students who have the most reasonable prospect for success in the proposed programs of study. The application deadline is January 15 for the following fall semester. Each student whose application is complete by the deadline date should be advised of admission status within six weeks of the deadline. Qualified students submitting applications after the deadline may be admitted if openings are available.

Review Sequence

  1. All students admitted on provisional status are reviewed after completing the stipulated nine hours of graduate work.
  2. All students are reviewed after completing 15 hours of graduate studio work.
  3. A progress review may be called at any time during the course of the graduate program.

Following the 15-semester-hour review, the student must form a supervisory committee to direct the program through the completion of the M.F.A. exhibition and final oral examination. For more information, a student should request a copy of the Guide to M.F.A. Procedures from the School of Art.

Program of Study. A total of 60 semester hours of graduate credit subject to committee approval is required, including:

  1. 27–32 graduate studio hours in the major area(s) of concentration;
  2. nine hours of graduate-level art history;
  3. nine hours of graduate work outside the area of concentration. These hours may be taken in art history, art auxiliary, art education, or outside the school or college. At least three hours are recommended in a studio discipline; and
  4. 10–15 hours of ART 680 Practicum, resulting in an M.F.A. exhibition.

Credit before Admission. Subject to the recommendation of the review committee, students with a completed M.A. degree in Studio Art may have up to 24 hours (exclusive of thesis or project) applied to the M.F.A. program. In other cases a maximum of 12 semester hours of transfer credit may be applied to the degree program. However, only nine hours of nondegree graduate credit taken before admission at ASU or another institution may be used to fill degree requirements (see “Credit Completed before Admission”).

Foreign Language Requirements. None.

Final Examination. An oral defense of the M.F.A. exhibition (ART 680) is required.

Time Limit. The total program and all requirements for the degree, including transferred course work, must be completed within seven calendar years. - Back to Top

Major in Creative Writing

The M.F.A. degree in Creative Writing is an interdisciplinary program offered jointly by the Department of English, in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and the Department of Theatre, in the College of Fine Arts. This interdisciplinary program, overseen by the Graduate College, involves the faculty research, creative activity, and teaching interests of two academic units. It offers students a unique opportunity to tailor a course of study to fit individual needs, talents, and goals. The Department of English administers the program and reviews applications for admission. The studio/academic program is designed to provide students of demonstrated intelligence, motivation, and creative talent with the opportunity to work under the direction of faculty who are practicing, published writers. The program includes equal components in literature and writing.

Admission. In addition to meeting the general requirements of the Graduate College, applicants must have an undergraduate major in English or Theatre, with a GPA of 3.00 or above. Applicants who do not have an undergraduate major in English or Theatre may be admitted provisionally, on the condition that they make up deficiencies in course work. Deficiencies in undergraduate preparation may be removed while pursuing the M.F.A. degree; courses taken to remove deficiencies may not be counted toward the degree. Applicants must also submit the following:

  1. an acceptable score on the Miller Analogies Test;
  2. three letters of recommendation;
  3. a professional résumé; and
  4. a statement of career goals, including the designation of an area of specialization (options include nonfiction, fiction, poetry, screenwriting, and playwriting) and a manuscript sample of one of the following: 30 pages of drama; 20 pages of poetry; 30 pages of prose fiction or creative nonfiction; or 40 total pages of work in two of these literary forms.

Selection Procedures. Completed application forms should be sent directly to the Graduate College. All other materials and manuscripts, including the teaching assistant application form, should be submitted to the Department of English by February 1. The Creative Writing Committee reviews the materials and manuscripts and makes recommendations for admission by March 15. Guidelines for admission recommendations used by the committee include the following: applicant’s academic record and capabilities for successful graduate study; talent and promise demonstrated in the manuscript sample; strength of letters of recommendation; quality of applicant’s undergraduate background; and compatibility of the applicant’s career goals with the purpose of the degree program.

Program of Study. The program of study requires a minimum of 48 semester hours of graduate credit approved by the student’s supervisory committee, the director of the Creative Writing Committee, and the dean of the Graduate College. Of these, 24 semester hours must be creative writing courses and must include nine hours of ENG 580 or THP 580, nine hours of ENG 455, 594 (which may be taken twice), or 598 or THP 460, 461, or 598. The literature component of 24 hours must include ENG 591 or THE 420 and two of the following courses: ENG 441, 443, 454, 457, 458. For playwrights, THE 504, 505, 520, and 521 are required.

Credit before Admission. Subject to the recommendation of the supervisory committee, students with a completed M.A. or Ph.D. degree in English or Theatre may have up to 15 hours of literature credit applied to the M.F.A. program of study. A maximum of nine hours taken before admission and not as part of a completed degree at ASU and/or another institution may be used to fulfill degree requirements. All course work for the degree must be completed within the six-year time limit.

Comprehensive Examinations. A final written comprehensive examination is required and is scheduled once in each semester and once during the summer. Upon completion of course work, the student is required to take the written examination. Official application is made through the Graduate College. The student is also required to notify the Creative Writing Committee of intent to take the examination at least 30 days in advance. A student is not eligible to apply for the written examination until a program of study has been filed. If the candidate fails the examination, a re-examination may be administered no sooner than three months and no later than one year from the date of the original examination. Permission for re-examination must be obtained from the student’s supervisory committee, the director of the Creative Writing Committee, and the dean of the Graduate College. Only one re-examination is permitted. Students are examined in the following areas:

  1. 20th-Century American Writers: Modern Period;
  2. 20th-Century Writers: Contemporary Period; and
  3. 20th-Century Critical Theory.

Playwrights are examined in the following areas: (1) European and American Drama and (2) Dramatic Theory and Criticism. The examination is constructed and graded by members of the Creative Writing Examination Committee.

Practicum and Performance Requirements. ENG 580 Practicum is required of all students in the program. For nine semester hours of credit, the student creates a book-length volume of poetry, short stories, novel, drama, translation, or creative nonfiction (except literary criticism). This project must be approved in advance by the student’s supervisory committee on the basis of sample pages and a summary of the proposal. The supervisory committee must evaluate and approve the final project. As the last requirement for the degree, the candidate must read or perform from the practicum project before students and members of the faculty. - Back to Top

Major in Dance

The M.F.A. degree in Dance is a 60 semester hour program. The program is designed to provide opportunities for the student to continue to develop in the areas of dance technique, choreography, performance and production; to gain further understanding of the philosophy, history, theory, and science of dance; and to begin to chart the directions of the future through technology and media opportunities.

Admission. A bachelor’s degree with a major in dance or its equivalent is required. Three letters of reference and a résumé must be filed with the Department of Dance for the purpose of assessing the qualifications of the candidate. All applicants must audition for admission to the program. The audition consists of performance of technical phrases in modern dance and ballet as well as the presentation of a solo work of no longer than five minutes, choreographed by the candidate. Videotaped documentation of a group work choreographed by the applicant must also be submitted. For more information, contact the Department of Dance.

Program of Study. A total of 60 semester hours of graduate credit is required, including:

  1. 30 hours of dance studio;
  2. 12 hours of dance theory;
  3. nine hours of electives; and
  4. nine hours of individual project (choreography, performance, or other approved project).

In consultation with the graduate director and the student’s supervisory committee a program of study may be tailored to meet specific interests, needs, and abilities.

Credit before Admission. Upon approval of the supervisory committee, a maximum of 24 semester hours of graduate credit completed before admission may be applied to the program if these courses were part of a completed master’s degree in Dance. All course work appearing on the program of study must meet the seven-year time limit requirement.

Foreign Language Requirements. None.

M.F.A. Project. Each candidate submits a prospectus to his or her supervisory committee outlining the nature of the M.F.A. project. This project may be choreography and/or performance, and may be designed to incorporate technology or other approved research components. Supporting documentation of the project may be written and bound, realized with CD-ROM, or completed through other means, which meet format approval from both the student’s supervisory committee and the Graduate College.

Final Examinations. An oral defense of the M.F.A. project is required. - Back to Top

Major in Theatre

The M.F.A. degree in Theatre is a 60-semester-hour professional program with concentrations in acting, scenography, and theatre for youth. It is a terminal degree for students interested in pursuing careers in professional and educational theatre. The concentration in acting is focused on the actor as a creative artist. It emphasizes skills for approaching and creating new work and developing entrepreneurship, performance applications in multimedia interdisciplinary collaboration, artistic integrity, and social responsibility.

In the scenography concentration, students learn skills and methodologies to create and execute designs in at least two areas, selected from costumes, lighting, and scenery.

The concentration in theatre for youth is designed to prepare candidates for work in elementary and secondary schools as drama specialists; for college and university teaching in the field of theatre for youth; for professional careers in children’s theatre; and for work in community theatres, recreational programs, and various social agencies.

Admission. Applicants must meet all admission requirements of the Graduate College. In addition, the Department of Theatre requires a minimum of 30 semester hours of course work in theatre, a minimum GPA of 3.20 for all course work in theatre, and acceptable scores on either the GRE or MAT.

For the concentration in acting, requirements include:

  1. an audition consisting of two selections, one classical and one contemporary, not to exceed four minutes total;
  2. three letters of recommendation; and
  3. a statement of educational and career goals.

Dates and sites for auditions may be obtained from the Department of Theatre.

For the concentration in scenography, three letters of recommendation are required from leaders in the field of theatre, education, or art. In addition, applicants must provide a portfolio of 12 slides of their work with a return envelope and postage, as well as a statement of educational and artistic objectives. An interview is recommended; dates and sites may be obtained from the Department of Theatre.

For the concentration in theatre for youth, three letters of recommendation are required from leaders in the field of theatre for youth, theatre education, or recreation, as well as a statement of educational and career goals. Certification at either the elementary or secondary level is strongly recommended but not required for admission.

More detailed information regarding admission requirements for three areas of concentration may be obtained from the Department of Theatre.

Application Deadline. The first deadline for receipt of applications and test scores is March 1. After that date, admission is subject to space availability.

Program of Study. Each student works closely with a supervisory committee to develop a program of study in required and elective course work. All M.F.A. candidates majoring in Theatre are evaluated at the end of each semester by their supervisory committee, with the responsibility resting on each student for documenting professional development. The advancement of each student through each of the three years in the M.F.A. program is dependent upon a positive recommendation of the supervisory committee.

The program for the acting concentration consists of a minimum of 60 semester hours, distributed as follows: 48 hours of required course work in the major (THE 500, 504, 505, 520, 521; THP 501, 502, 503, 504, 507, 509, 510, 519, 570, 571, 572, 573, 575, 576, 577, 578, 581, 582); six hours of THP 684 Internship; and six hours of THP 693 Applied Project.

The program for the scenography concentration consists of 60 semester hours distributed as follows: 43 hours of required course work in the major (THE 500 [one hour], 504, 505, 520, 521; THP 506, 530, 540, 545, 649 [three hours], 691, six hours each of THP 684 Internship and THP 693 Applied Project); 12 hours of additional design and/or technical theatre classes which may be selected from THE 430, 431; THP 419, 431, 435, 440, 441, 442, 444, 445, 494 e, f, g, h; and five additional hours of electives subject to the approval of the supervisory committee.

The program for theatre for youth consists of 60 semester hours, distributed as follows: 39 hours of required course work in the major (THE 500, 504, 505, 520, 521, 524; THP 411, 511, and 611 or 618, six hours each of THP 684 Internship and THP 693 Applied Project); and 21 hours of approved electives in the major and related areas.

Credit before Admission. Subject to approval by the supervisory committee, a maximum of 24 semester hours of graduate work from a completed master’s degree program earned at ASU or another accredited institution may be applied to the program of study. In other cases, a maximum of nine semester hours of nondegree graduate work from ASU or another institution may be applied (see “Credit Completed before Admission”). All course work for the degree must be completed within the six-year time limit.

Foreign Language Requirements. Optional.

Final Examinations. A comprehensive examination or comprehensive review in the area of concentration is required. In addition, students failing to receive a grade of “B” or higher in THE 504, 505, 520 and 521 must pass a written comprehensive examination on the subject-matter of those courses. A final project (THP 693 Applied Project, six hours credit), supported by written documentation and defended in an oral defense, is required.

Deficiencies. Deficiencies in undergraduate preparation of no more than 12 hours may be removed while pursuing the M.F.A. degree; courses taken to remove deficiencies may not be counted toward the degree.

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