Scholarly Publishing

Beth Luey
(SS 225H) 602/965–5775


Graduate students in any discipline may pursue a Certificate in Scholarly Publishing in conjunction with their degree programs. The program is also open to students who already hold graduate degrees. Students gain an understanding of the structure of scholarly publishing (scholarly books, journals, reference books, college textbooks, and scholarly electronic media), its role and responsibility in society, the legal and ethical issues that impinge upon it, and its economics. They also learn to perform the responsibilities of editors, designers, or producers of scholarly publications. Course work includes a required core, required courses in editing or design, and electives from a variety of disciplines. The certificate requires 28 hours of course work, including six internship hours. Some courses may be applied to both the certificate and the student’s degree program. Applicants are strongly urged to submit Graduate Record Examination aptitude scores; a writing sample is required. Application deadline is February 1. For more information, contact the director, Scholarly Publishing Program, SS 225H, 602/965–5775.

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Scholarly Publishing (PUB) Courses

Omnibus Graduate Courses: See omnibus graduate courses that may be offered.

1998–99 Graduate Catalog Table of Contents

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