Building Abbreviations

ADM AAdministration A-Wing
ADM BAdministration B-Wing
AEDCollege of Architecture and Environmental Design/North
AGAgriculture Building
AGB1–4Agribusiness Quads 1–4
(Located at ASU East.)
AGBFSAgribusiness Food Service Lab
(Located at ASU East.)
(Wings A–C)
Anthropology Building
(Wings A and B)
Mona Plummer Aquatics Center
ARCHCollege of Architecture and Environmental Design/South
ARCVUniversity Archives
ARTArt Building
ARWHArt Warehouse
ASUDCDowntown Center
BABusiness Administration Building
BACBusiness Administration C-Wing
BKSTRASU Bookstore
(Wings A and B)
Ceramics Annex
CFSCenter for Family Studies
CHAPLDanforth Chapel
CLCCClassroom Laboratory/Computer Building
(Located at ASU West.)
CLRBClassroom Building
(Located at ASU East.)
CMPINCampus Inn
CMSCCommunity Services Center Building
CNTRAcademic Center Building
(Located at ASU East.)
COWDNCowden Family Resources Building
CPCentral Plant
CPCOMComputing Commons Building
CRICancer Research Institute
CRNXClassroom Annex
(Located at ASU West.)
CTRSVCentral Services Complex
(Located at ASU West.)
(Wings A–G)
Engineering Center
ECANXEngineering Center Annex
ED Hiram B. Farmer Education Building
EDBIra D. Payne Education Hall
EDCEducation Lecture Hall
ELABElectronics Laboratory Building
(Located at ASU East.)
ENGRCEngineering Research Center
FABFaculty and Administration Building
(Located at ASU West.)
FACNelson Fine Arts Center
FIELDUniversity Field Lab
FLHLBFletcher Library
(Located at ASU West.)
GGMAGrady Gammage Memorial Auditorium
GHALLDixie Gammage Hall
GWCBarry M. Goldwater Center for Science and Engineering Research
IAPNXInterdisciplinary Arts and Performance Annex
(Located at ASU West.)
ICAIntercollegiate Athletics
IRISHFrederick M. Irish Hall
(Wings A and B)
John W. Schwada Classroom (Office Building)
LAWJohn S. Armstrong Hall
LAWLBJohn J. Ross-William C. Blakley Law Library
LIBCharles T. Hayden Library
(Wings A–C)
G. Homer Durham Language and Literature Building
(Wings A–C)
Life Sciences Center
LSELife Sciences E-Wing
LYCLyceum Theatre
MAINOld Main
MCENTA.J. Matthews Center
MCLJames H. McClintock Hall
MHALLCarrie Matthews Hall
MOEURB.B. Moeur Administration
MTCHLMitchell School (Tempe)
MUMemorial Union
MURJohn Murdock Lecture Hall
MUSICMusic Building
NEEBL.S. Neeb Hall
NOBLEDaniel E. Noble Science and Engineering Library
NURNursing Building
PBSPackard Baseball Stadium
PEBEPhysical Education Building East
PEBWPhysical Education Building West
PPSFacilities Management
PRNTAcademic/Business Services Complex
(Located at ASU East.)
(Wings A–H)
George M. Bateman Physical Sciences Center
PSYPsychology Building
(Wings A and B)
Ritter Building
SANDSSands Classroom Building
(Located at ASU West.)
SDFSolar Demonstration Facility
(Wings A and B)
Student Health Service
SIMFlight Simulator Building
(Located at ASU East.)
SRCStudent Recreation Complex
SSSocial Sciences Building
SSVStudent Services Building
STADSun Devil Stadium
(Wings A and B)
Charles Stauffer Communication Arts Building
TCTechnology Center
TCBAeronautics Building
TCCTechnology Center Annex
THWHTheatre Warehouse
(Wings A and B)
University Tower Center
TRACKJoe Selleh Track
UACUniversity Activity Center
UASBUndergraduate Academic Services Building
UCBUniversity Center Building
(Located at ASU West.)
UCLUBUniversity Club
VISITASU Visitor’s Information Center
WHALLWest Hall
WILSNGeorge W. Wilson Hall
WTCWhiteman Tennis Center

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