Chinese (CHI)

CHI 101 Elementary Chinese. (5) F
Pronunciation, grammar, elementary conversation, and development of basic reading and writing skills. Standard dialect. 5 class hours.

CHI 102 Elementary Chinese. (5) S
See CHI 101. Prerequisite: CHI 101 or equivalent.

CHI 107 Chinese for International Professions I. (10) F
Accelerated program alternative to CHI 101, 102 sequence. Functional approach to needs of international professions. 10 class hours.

CHI 201 Intermediate Chinese. (5) F
Systematic review of grammar. Development of vocabulary through reading and writing. Drill in aural/oral skills. 5 class hours. Prerequisite: CHI 102 or equivalent. General Studies: G.

CHI 202 Intermediate Chinese. (5) S
See CHI 201. Prerequisite: CHI 201 or equivalent. General Studies: G.

CHI 205 Chinese Calligraphy. (1) F, S
An introduction to styles and techniques of Chinese writing. Knowledge of Chinese or Japanese is not required.

CHI 207 Chinese for International Professions II. (10) S
Continuation of CHI 107, alternative to CHI 201, 202 sequence. Expansion of communicative proficiency in specific areas of international professions. 10 class hours. Prerequisite: CHI 107 or instructor approval. General Studies: G.

CHI 309 Chinese Conversation. (2) F
Aural/oral drills using contemporary stories, articles, and essays. For students with lower-level proficiency. Prerequisite: CHI 202.

CHI 310 Chinese Conversation. (2) S
See CHI 309. Prerequisite: CHI 202.

CHI 311 Chinese Conversation. (2) F
Intensive aural/oral practice in Modern Chinese. For students who have lived in China or a Chinese-speaking environment. Discussion, drill. Prerequisite: CHI 202.

CHI 312 Chinese Conversation. (2) S
See CHI 311. Discussion, drill. Prerequisite: CHI 202.

CHI 313 Advanced Chinese. (3) F
The modern language in general or specific areas depending on the student’s needs or interests. 3 hours lecture, arranged lab. Prerequisite: CHI 202 or equivalent. General Studies: G.

CHI 314 Advanced Chinese. (3) S
Continuation of CHI 313. Prerequisite: CHI 313. General Studies: G.

CHI 321 Chinese Literature. (3) F
Masterworks of the tradition from the 6th century B.C.E. through the 13th century. Readings, lectures, and examinations are in English. General Studies: L1/HU.

CHI 322 Chinese Literature. (3) S
Masterpieces from the later tradition and its transition to modern times. Readings, lectures, and examinations are in English. General Studies: L1/HU, G.

CHI 413 Introduction to Classical Chinese. (3) F
Reading in various genres of pre-20th century literature (wen-yen), with analysis of the structure of the classical writings. Prerequisite: CHI 314 or instructor approval. General Studies: HU.

CHI 414 Introduction to Classical Chinese. (3) S
Continuation of CHI 413. Prerequisite: CHI 413. General Studies: HU.

CHI 494 ST: Special Topics. (1–4) N

CHI 499 Individualized Instruction. (1–3) N

CHI 500 Bibliography and Research Methods. (3) N
Introduction to research materials on China in Chinese, Japanese, and Western languages. Overview of research methods. Lecture, discussion.

CHI 514 Advanced Classical Chinese. (3) N
Close readings in selected premodern texts, with focus on special grammatical features, and increased vocabulary. Lecture, discussion.

CHI 520 Teaching of Chinese as a Second Language. (3) N
Theory and practice of teaching Chinese, including presentation, interaction, and evaluation, with consideration given to cultural factors. Lecture, discussion.

CHI 535 Advanced Readings. (3) N
Readings in primary and secondary sources in history, art, religious studies, economics, or other fields. Lecture, discussion.

CHI 543 Chinese Language and Linguistics. (3) F
Analysis and discussion, within the framework of linguistic theory, of selected problems in Chinese phonetics, morphology, and syntax. Lecture, discussion.

CHI 585 Problems of Translation. (3) N
Theories and practice of translation: strategies for handling a variety of Chinese texts. Lecture, discussion.

CHI 591 Seminar. (3) N
Topics in literary, linguistic, or cultural studies.

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