Economics (ECN)

ECN 111 Macroeconomic Principles. (3) F, S, SS
Basic macroeconomic analysis. Economic institutions and factors determining income levels, price levels, and employment levels. General Studies: SB.

ECN 112 Microeconomic Principles. (3) F, S
Basic microeconomic analysis. Theory of exchange and production, including the theory of the firm. General Studies: SB.

ECN 304 Current Issues in Economics and Politics. (3) A
Application of basic economic principles to contemporary issues such as crime, the environment, discrimination, health care, and the national debt. Not for Economics majors. Lecture, student projects, discussion. Prerequisites: ECN 111 or 112; 2.00 ASU GPA; junior standing. General Studies: L1/SB.

ECN 306 Survey of International Economics. (3) F, S
Survey of international trade issues, commercial policy, trade theory, customs unions, and international monetary topics. Not for Economics majors. Lecture, discussion. Cross-listed as IBS 306. Credit is allowed for only ECN 306 or IBS 306. Prerequisites: ECN 111 or 112; 2.00 ASU GPA; junior standing. General Studies: SB, G.

ECN 313 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory. (3) F, S
Determinants of aggregate levels of employment, output, and income of an economy. Prerequisites: ECN 111, 112. Prerequisite with a grade of “C” or higher: MAT 210. General Studies: SB.

ECN 314 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory. (3) F, S
Role of the price system in organizing economic activity under varying degrees of competition. Prerequisites: ECN 111, 112. Prerequisite with a grade of “C” or higher: MAT 210. General Studies: SB.

ECN 315 Money and Banking. (3) SS
Functions of money. Monetary systems, credit functions, banking practices, and central banking policy. This course cannot be applied to the Economics major. Prerequisite: ECN 111.

ECN 331 Comparative Economic Systems. (3) N
Alternative institutions, past and present, for organizing the social division of labor. Property rights, information, and incentives in industrial societies. Prerequisite: ECN 111 or 112. General Studies: SB, G.

ECN 360 Economic Development. (3) N
Theories of economic growth and development. Role of capital formation, technological innovation, population, and resource development in economic growth. Prerequisite: ECN 111 or 112. General Studies: SB, G.

ECN 365 Economics of Russia and Eastern Europe. (3) A
Origins and analysis of contemporary institutions. Comparative development and differentiation in the 20th century. Prerequisite: ECN 111 or 112. General Studies: SB, G.

ECN 394 ST: Special Topics. (3) N
Current topics of domestic or international interest. Analytical emphasis may be macro, micro, or both. See current Schedule of Classes for offerings. Not for Economics majors. Prerequisite: ECN 111 or 112.

ECN 404 History of Economic Thought. (3) N
Development of economic doctrines, theories of mercantilism, physiocracy, classicism, neoclassicism, Marxism, and contemporary economics. Prerequisite: ECN 314 or instructor approval. General Studies: SB.

ECN 421 Earnings and Employment. (3) A
Analysis of earnings, employment, unemployment, training, education, and related topics. Policy issues are emphasized. Prerequisite: ECN 314 or instructor approval. General Studies: L2/SB.

ECN 436 International Trade Theory. (3) A
The comparative-advantage doctrine, including practices under varying commercial policy approaches. The economic impact of international disequilibrium. Prerequisite: ECN 314 or instructor approval. General Studies: SB, G.

ECN 438 International Monetary Economics. (3) A
History, theory, and policy of international monetary economics. Balance of payments and exchange rates. International financial markets including Eurocurrency markets. Prerequisite: ECN 313 or instructor approval. General Studies: SB, G.

ECN 441 Public Finance. (3) A
Public goods, externalities, voting models, public expenditures, taxation, and budget formation with emphasis on the federal government. Prerequisite: ECN 314 or instructor approval. General Studies: L2/SB.

ECN 450 Law and Economics. (3) A
Economics of the legal system including analysis of property, contracts, torts, commercial law, and other topics. Discussion, analysis. Prerequisite: ECN 314. General Studies: L2.

ECN 453 Government and Business. (3) A
Development of public policies toward business. Antitrust activity. Economic effects of government policies. Prerequisite: ECN 314 or instructor approval.

ECN 480 Introduction to Econometrics. (3) A
Elements of regression analysis: estimation, hypothesis tests, prediction. Emphasis is on use of econometric results in assessment of economic theories. Prerequisite: instructor approval. General Studies: N2.

ECN 484 Economics Internship. (3) F, S, SS
Academic credit for professional work organized through the Internship Program. Prerequisites: ECN 313, 314; outstanding academic record.

ECN 485 Mathematical Economics. (3) A
Integration of economic analysis and mathematical methods into a comprehensive body of knowledge within contemporary economic theory. Prerequisite: instructor approval.

ECN 493 Honors Thesis. (3) N

ECN 494 ST: Special Topics. (3) N
Current economic topics of domestic or international interest. Analytical emphasis may be macro, micro or both. See current Schedule of Classes for offerings.
(a)Manufacturing Processes
(b)Multinational Firm in the World Economy
(c)Public Choice
Prerequisites: ECN 313 and 314 or instructor approval.

ECN 498 PS: Pro-Seminar. (3) A
Topic chosen from current area of interest. Prerequisites: ECN 313 and 314 or instructor approval.

ECN 502 Managerial Economics. (3) F, S
Application of microeconomic analysis to managerial decision-making in areas of demand, production, cost, and pricing. Evaluation of competitive strategies. Prerequisite: MBA degree program student.

ECN 503 Global Economics for Managers. (3) F, S
Macroeconomic analysis of issues related to economic growth, inflation, interest rates behavior, unemployment, exchange rate determination, and global competitiveness.

ECN 504 History of Economic Thought. (3) S
Historical development of economic theory. Emphasis on the development of economic analysis from preclassical economics through Keynes. Prerequisite: ECN 510 or instructor approval.

ECN 509 Macroeconomic Theory and Applications. (3) F
Theory of income, output, employment, and price level. Influence on business and economic environment. Prerequisites: ECN 111 and calculus or instructor approval.

ECN 510 Microeconomic Theory and Applications. (3) F, S
Application of economic theory to production, consumer demand, exchange, and pricing in a market economy. Prerequisites: ECN 112 and calculus or instructor approval.

ECN 511 Macroeconomic Analysis I. (3) F
Current theories of output, employment, inflation, and asset prices as well as major aggregates. Introduction to dynamic optimization techniques. Prerequisites: ECN 313 and calculus or instructor approval.

ECN 512 Microeconomic Analysis I. (3) F
Theory of production, consumer demand, resource use, and pricing in a market economy. Prerequisites: ECN 314 and calculus or instructor approval.

ECN 513 Macroeconomic Analysis II. (3) F
Focus on growth theory, dynamic general equilibrium models, monetary theory, open-economy issues. Prerequisite: ECN 511 or instructor approval.

ECN 514 Microeconomic Analysis II. (3) S
General equilibrium, welfare economics, production, and capital theory. Prerequisite: ECN 512 or instructor approval.

ECN 515 Advanced Macroeconomic Analysis. (3) F
Focus on current research areas in macroeconomics and monetary theory with emphasis on methods in economic dynamics and numerical techniques. Prerequisite: ECN 511 or instructor approval.

ECN 516 Economics of Uncertainty, Information, and Strategic Behavior. (3) F
Economic behavior under uncertainty; markets and contracts under asymmetric information; the theory of games with incomplete information and applications. Prerequisite: ECN 512 or instructor approval.

ECN 517 Monetary Theory. (3) F
Traditional and post-Keynesian monetary theory, interest rate determination, the demand and supply of money. Prerequisite: ECN 511 or instructor approval.

ECN 521 Labor Economics I. (3) F
Development of basic theoretical models for analyzing labor market issues. Prerequisite: ECN 510 or instructor approval.

ECN 522 Labor Economics II. (3) N
Extensions/criticisms of labor market theories. Applications to a variety of policy issues. Prerequisite: ECN 521.

ECN 525 Econometrics I. (3) S
Problems in the formulation of econometric models. Emphasis on estimation, hypothesis testing, and forecast of general linear models. Prerequisite: 6 hours of statistics or instructor approval.

ECN 526 Econometrics II. (3) F
Estimation and inference of qualitative and limited dependent variable models as well as general multiple equation models. Prerequisite: ECN 525 or instructor approval.

ECN 527 Econometrics III. (3) S
Generalized method of moment estimation, estimation with censored and truncated samples, nonlinear models, panel-data models, econometrics of nonstationarities. Prerequisite: ECN 526 or instructor approval.

ECN 531 Comparative Economic Systems. (3) F
Philosophical foundations of major economic systems and of properties of principal system models. Comparison of alternative institutions and system components of contemporary economies. Prerequisites: ECN 509 and 510 or instructor approval.

ECN 536 International Trade Theory. (3) S
Theories of comparative advantage and their empirical verification. Theory and political economy of commercial policy. Resource transfers and the role of the multinational corporation. Prerequisites: ECN 509 and 510 or instructor approval.

ECN 538 International Monetary Theory and Policy. (3) F
The foreign exchange market, balance of payments, and international financial institutions and arrangements; theory and applications. Prerequisites: ECN 509 and 510 or instructor approval.

ECN 541 Public Economics. (3) S
Economics of collective action, public spending, taxation, and politics. Impact of central governmental activity on resource allocation and income distribution. Prerequisite: ECN 510 or instructor approval.

ECN 553 Industrial Organization. (3) S
Analysis of structure, conduct, and performance in industrial markets; the economics of organizations. Prerequisite: ECN 510 or instructor approval.

ECN 560 Economics of Growth and Development. (3) F
Economic problems, issues, and policy decisions facing the developing nations of the world. Prerequisites: ECN 509 and 510 or instructor approval.

ECN 584 Economics Internship. (1–3) SS
Academic credit for professional work organized through the Internship Program. Prerequisites: ECN 510 and 511 or instructor approval.

ECN 585 Mathematics for Economists. (3) F
Survey of mathematical ideas encountered in economics and econometrics: nonlinear programming, the Kuhn-Tucker theorem, concave programming, optimization over time. Prerequisite: calculus or instructor approval.

ECN 591 Economics Seminar. (1–3) F, S, SS
Presentations by outside speakers, department faculty, and graduate students of work in progress. Prerequisite: instructor approval.

ECN 593 Applied Projects. (3) F
Preparation of a supervised applied project typically in conjunction with an internship. Prerequisites: ECN 510, 511.

ECN 594 Conference and Workshop in Economics. (1–12) F, S, SS
Topics such as the following are offered:
(a)Economic Analysis Workshop.
Introduction to Economic Analysis. Prerequisite: Ph.D. degree program student.
(b)Macroeconomic Topics Workshop.
Issues in macroeconomic theory. Prerequisite: ECN 513 or instructor approval.
(c)Microeconomic Topics Workshop.
Issues in microeconomic theory. Prerequisite: ECN 514 or instructor approval.

ECN 598 ST: Special Topics. (3) N
Advanced topics in economics. Consult the Schedule of Classes for offerings. Prerequisite: instructor approval.

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