AET 150 Introduction to Aeronautical Engineering Technology. (1) F
Introduction to the fields of aeronautical engineering and engineering technology.
AET 210 Measurements and Testing. (3) F
Measurement systems, components, system response, and the characteristics of experimental data. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: MET 230; PHY 112, 114.
AET 215 Mechanics of Aerospace Systems. (3) S
Basic physics of flight. Principles and design of aircraft systems and powerplants. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: AET 210.
AET 300 Aircraft Design I. (3) F
Basic applied aerodynamics, propeller performance, and airplane performance analysis. Prerequisites: AET 210 and 215 (or AMT 280 and 287); ETC 100; MAT 260; PHY 112, 114.
AET 310 Instrumentation. (3) F
Measurement systems, components, system response, and the characteristics of experimental data. Methods of collecting and analyzing data. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: ETC 201; MAT 261. Pre- or corequisite: MET 313.
AET 312 Applied Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics. (3) F
Masses; motion kinematics; dynamics of machinery. Prerequisites: ETC 211; MAT 261.
AET 396 Aerospace Professional Orientation. (1) F
Career focus for Aeronautical Engineering Technology students. Familiarization with the aerospace industry. Prerequisite: junior standing.
AET 409 Nondestructive Testing and Quality Assurance. (1) N
Purpose of inspection and quality assurance. Theory and application of nondestructive inspection methods. Application of pertinent standards, specifications, and codes. Lecture, lab. Cross-listed as AMT 409. Credit is allowed for only AET 409 or AMT 409. Prerequisite: AMT 280 or MET 230.
AET 415 Gas Dynamics and Propulsion. (3) S
Introduction to compressible flow, internal and external flow, and aerothermodynamic analysis of propulsion systems. Prerequisites: ETC 340; MAT 262.
AET 417 Aerospace Structures. (3) F
Analysis and design of aircraft and aerospace structures. Shear flow. Semimonocoque structures. Effects of dynamic loading. Prerequisites: AET 300, 312, 420; MAT 262; MET 313.
AET 420 Applied Aerodynamics and Wind Tunnel Testing. (4) F
Introduction to viscous and inviscid flow and their relationship to aircraft lift and drag. Wind tunnel design and testing. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: AET 300; MAT 262.
AET 432 Applied Heat Transfer. (3) F
Steady-state and transient conduction, heat transfer by convection and radiation. Applications of heat transfer. Prerequisite: MET 434 or instructor approval.
AET 487 Aircraft Design II. (3) S
Basic aerodynamics and airplane performance analysis methods applied to practical design project. Prerequisite: AET 300.
AET 490 Advanced Applied Aerodynamics. (3) N
Study of fluid motion and aerodynamics. Essentials of incompressible aerodynamics and computational fluid dynamics. Elements of laminar and turbulent flows. Prerequisites: AET 312; ETC 100; MAT 262.
AET 524 Application of Heat Transfer. (3) F
Energy conservation, steady-state and transient conduction, convection transfer, free and forced convection Reynolds analogy, blackbody and environmental radiation. Prerequisite: MET 434 or instructor approval.
AET 525 Advanced Propulsion. (3) S
Mechanics and thermodynamics of propulsion systems. Solid, liquid propellant rocket design performance. Electrical nuclear propulsion systems. Space missions. Prerequisites: AET 420 (or MET 434) and 415 or instructor approval.
AET 560 Numerical Methods in Engineering Technology. (3) N
Analyzing problems in physical sciences, modeling of physical problems, perturbation techniques, curvefitting, data analysis, numerical solutions, ordinary and partial differential equations.