AST 111 Introduction to Solar Systems Astronomy. (3) F
History; properties of light; instruments; study of solar system and nearby stars. For nonscience majors. Optional lab (AST 113). General Studies: SQ (if credit also earned in AST 113).
AST 112 Introduction to Stars, Galaxies, and Cosmology. (3) S
Structure and evolution of stars; star clusters; galaxies; cosmology. For nonscience majors. Optional lab (AST 114). General Studies: SQ (if credit also earned in AST 114).
AST 113 Astronomy Laboratory I. (1) F
Astronomical observations and experiments designed to help the student become familiar with the sky, telescopes, and astronomical measurements. 2.5 hours lab. Pre- or corequisites: AST 111 (or 321); a working knowledge of high school algebra and geometry. General Studies: SQ (if credit also earned in AST 111 or 321).
AST 114 Astronomy Laboratory II. (1) S
Similar to AST 113, but material chosen to supplement AST 112 and 322. 2.5 hours lab. Pre- or corequisites: AST 112 (or 322); a working knowledge of high school algebra and geometry. General Studies: SQ (if credit also earned in AST 112 or 322).
AST 321 Introduction to Planetary and Stellar Astrophysics. (3) F
Physical laws; celestial mechanics; properties of planets, the sun, and other stars; formation and evolution of stars and planetary systems. Prerequisites: MAT 270 (or 290); PHY 150. General Studies: SQ (if credit also earned in AST 113).
AST 322 Introduction to Galactic and Extragalactic Astrophysics. (3) S
Evolved stars; introduction to relativity; galaxies and interstellar matter; structure and dynamics of galaxies; cosmology. Prerequisite: AST 321 or instructor approval. General Studies: SQ (if credit also earned in AST 114).
AST 421 Astrophysics I. (3) F
Selected astrophysical topics, including: stellar evolution, star formation, interstellar medium, galactic structure, extragalactic astronomy, high-energy astrophysics, and cosmology. Prerequisites: AST 321, 322; PHY 311, 314.
AST 422 Astrophysics II. (3) F
Same range of astrophysical topics as for AST 421 but different specific topics are emphasized in a given year. Prerequisites: AST 321, 322; PHY 311, 314.
AST 499 Individualized Instruction. (3) N
AST 598 Special Topics. (14) N
(a) | Astronomical Data Taking and Data Reduction |
(b) | Cosmology and High-Energy Astrophysics |
(c) | Extragalactic Astronomy |
(d) | Galactic Structure |
(e) | Interstellar Medium and Gaseous Astrophysics |
(f) | Stellar Interiors and Stellar Evolution |