BME 201 Introduction to Bioengineering. (3) F
Impact of bioengineering on society. Developing an awareness of the contributions of bioengineering to solve medical and biological problems. Cross-listed as STE 201. Credit is allowed for only BME 201 or STE 201. Prerequisite: ENG 102 or 105 or 108. General Studies: L.
BME 202 Global Awareness Within Biomedical Engineering Design. (3) N
Introduction to ethical, legal, social, economic, and technical issues arising from the design and implementation of bioengineering technology. Lecture, critical discourse. Prerequisites: ECE 100; ECN 111 or 112; ENG 102. General Studies: L/HU.
BME 318 Biomaterials. (3) S
Material properties of natural and artificial biomaterials. Tissue and blood biocompatibility. Uses of materials to replace body parts. Prerequisite: ECE 350.
BME 331 Biomedical Engineering Transport I: Fluids. (3) F, S
Transport phenomena with emphasis on biomedical engineering fluid systems. Prerequisites: MAT 274; PHY 131.
BME 334 Bioengineering Heat and Mass Transfer. (3) S
Application of the principles of heat and mass transfer phenomena to solution of problems in medicine and medical device design. Prerequisite: ECE 340. Prerequisite with a grade of C or higher: BME 331.
BME 350 Signals and Systems for Bioengineers. (3) S
Application of principles of calculus and ordinary differential equations to modeling and analysis of responses, signals, and signal transfers in biosystems. Prerequisites: ECE 301; MAT 272, 274.
BME 411 Biomedical Engineering I. (3) A
Review of diagnostic and prosthetic methods using engineering methodology. Introduction to transport, metabolic, and autoregulatory processes in the human body. Prerequisite with a grade of C or higher: BME 334.
BME 412 Biomedical Engineering II. (3) A
Review of electrophysiology and nerve pacing applications, introduction to biomechanics and joint/limb replacement technology, cardiovascular and pulmonary fluid mechanics, and the application of mathematical modeling. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
BME 413 Biomedical Instrumentation. (3) F
Principles of medical instrumentation. Studies of medical diagnostic instruments and techniques for the measurement of physiologic variables in living systems. Prerequisites: ECE 300, 334. Prerequisite with a grade of C or higher: BME 435. Corequisite: BME 423. General Studies: L.
BME 415 Biomedical Transport Processes. (3) A
Principles of momentum, heat, and mass transport with applications to medical and biological systems and medical device design. Prerequisites: MAT 274; PHY 131.
BME 416 Biomechanics. (3) F
Mechanical properties of bone, muscle, and soft tissue. Static and dynamic analysis of human movement tasks such as locomotion. Prerequisite with a grade of C or higher: BME 318.
BME 417 Biomedical Engineering Capstone Design I. (3) F
Technical, regulatory, economic, legal, social, and ethical aspects of medical device systems engineering design. Lecture, field trips. Prerequisite: ECE 300. Prerequisites with a grade of C or higher: BME 318, 334.
BME 419 Biocontrol Systems. (3) F
Application of linear and nonlinear control systems techniques toward analysis of neuromusculoskeletal, cardiovascular, thermal, and mass transfer systems of the body. Prerequisites: ECE 301; MAT 274.
BME 423 Biomedical Instrumentation Laboratory. (1) F
Laboratory experience with problems, concepts, and techniques of biomedical instrumentation in static and dynamic environments. Lab. Prerequisites: ECE 300, 334. Prerequisite with a grade of C or higher: BME 435. Corequisite: BME 413. General Studies: L.
BME 435 Physiology for Engineers. (4) F
Physiology of the nervous, muscular, cardiovascular, endocrine, renal, and respiratory systems. Emphasizes use of quantitative methods in understanding physiological systems. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: BIO 181 and CHM 116 and PHY 131 or instructor approval.
BME 470 Microcomputer Applications in Bioengineering. (4) S
Use of microcomputers for real-time data collection, analysis, and control of experiments involving actual and simulated physiological systems. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: ECE 100, 334. Prerequisite with a grade of C or higher: BME 435.
BME 490 Biomedical Engineering Capstone Design II. (15) F, S
Individual projects in medical systems or medical device design and development. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite with a grade of C or higher: BME 417.
BME 496 Professional Seminar. (13) F, S
Professional and ethical aspects with a discussion of responsibilities. Lecture, field trips. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
BME 511 Biomedical Engineering. (3) A
Diagnostic and prosthetic methods using engineering methodology. Transport, metabolic, and autoregulatory processes in the body.
BME 512 Biomedical Engineering II. (3) A
Electrophysiology and nerve pacing applications, introduction to biomechanics and joint/limb replacement, technology, cardiovascular and pulmonary fluid mechanics, and mathematical modeling.
BME 513 Biomedical Instrumentation I. (3) F
Principles of medical instrumentation. Studies of medical diagnostic instruments and techniques for the measurement of physiologic variables in living systems.
BME 514 Advanced Biomedical Instrumentation. (3) N
Principles of applied biophysical measurements using bioelectric and radiological approach. Prerequisites: ECE 334; MAT 274 (or equivalent).
BME 515 Biomedical Transport Processes. (3) N
Principles of momentum, heat, and mass transport with applications to medical and biological systems and medical device design. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
BME 516 Topics in Biomechanics. (3) F
Mechanical properties of bone, muscle, and soft tissue. Static and dynamic analysis of human movement tasks, including in-depth project. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
BME 518 Introduction to Biomaterials. (3) S
Topics include structure property relationships for synthetic and natural biomaterials, biocompatibility, and uses of materials to replace body parts. Prerequisite: ECE 350 or equivalent or instructor approval.
BME 519 Topics in Biocontrol Systems. (3) F
Linear and nonlinear control systems analysis of neuromusculoskeletal, cardiovascular, thermal, and mass transfer systems of the body, including in-depth project. Prerequisites: ECE 301 and MAT 274 or instructor approval.
BME 520 Bioelectric Phenomena. (3) N
Study of the origin, propagation, and interactions of bioelectricity in living things; volume conductor problem, mathematical analysis of bioelectric interactions, and uses in medical diagnostics.
BME 521 Neuromuscular Control Systems. (3) S
Overview of sensorimotor brain structures. Application of nonlinear, adaptive, optimal, and supervisory control theory to eye-head-hand coordination and locomotion.
BME 522 Biosensor Design and Application. (3) A
Theory and principles of biosensor design and application in medicine and biology. Principles of measurements with biosensors. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
BME 523 Physiological Instrumentation Lab. (1) F
Laboratory experience with problems, concepts, and techniques of biomedical instrumentation in static and dynamic environments. Lab. Pre- or corequisites: BME 413, 435; ECE 334.
BME 524 Fundamentals of Applied Neural Control. (3) A
Fundamental concepts of electrical stimulation and recording in the nervous system with the goal of functional control restoration. Pre- or corequisite: BME 435 or instructor approval.
BME 525 Surgical Techniques. (2) S
Principles of surgical techniques, standard operative procedures, federal regulations, guidelines, and state-of-the-art methods. Lecture, lab.
BME 532 Prosthetic and Rehabilitation Engineering. (3) A
Analysis and critical assessment of design and control strategies for state-of-the-art medical devices used in rehabilitation engineering. Pre- or corequisite: BME 416 or 516 or EPE 610.
BME 533 Transport Processes I. (3) F
Unified treatment of momentum, heat, and mass transfer from molecular theory, and continuum points of view. Continuum equations of microscopic and macroscopic systems and multicomponent and multiphase systems. Cross-listed as CHE 533. Credit is allowed for only BME 533 or CHE 533.
BME 534 Transport Processes II. (3) S
Continuation of BME/CHE 533, emphasizing mass transfer. Cross-listed as CHE 534. Credit is allowed for only BME 534 or CHE 534. Prerequisite: BME/CHE 533.
BME 543 Thermodynamics of Chemical Systems. (3) F
Classical and statistical thermodynamics of nonideal physicochemical systems and processes; prediction of optimum operating conditions. Cross-listed as CHE 543. Credit is allowed for only BME 543 or CHE 543.
BME 544 Chemical Reactor Engineering. (3) S
Reaction rates, thermodynamics, and transport principles applied to the design and operation of chemical reactors. Cross-listed as CHE 544. Credit is allowed for only BME 544 or CHE 544. Prerequisite: BME/CHE 543.
BME 551 Movement Biomechanics. (3) S
Mechanics applied to the analysis and modeling of physiological movements. Computational modeling of muscles, tendons, joints, and the skeletal system with application to sports and rehabilitation. Prerequisite: BME 416 or 516 or instructor approval.
BME 566 Medical Imaging Instrumentation. (3) N
Design and analysis of imaging systems and nuclear devices for medical diagnosis, therapy, and research. Laboratory experiments using diagnostic radiology, fluoroscopy, ultrasound, and CAT scanning. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
BME 568 Medical Imaging. (3) N
CT, SPECT, PET, and MRI. 3-dimensional in vivo measurements. Instrument design, physiological modeling, clinical protocols, reconstruction algorithms, and quantitation issues. Prerequisite: instructor approval.