CCS 101 Introduction to Chicana and Chicano Studies. (3) F
Historical and contemporary issues in the Chicana and Chicano community; focus on economic, sociological, cultural, and political status of Chicanas and Chicanos in the U.S. General Studies: C.
CCS 111 Introduction to Chicana and Chicano Culture. (3) S
Interdisciplinary analysis of customs, values, belief systems, and cultural symbols; special attention is given to cultural continuity and change. General Studies: C.
CCS 300 Chicana and Chicano Culture and Society. (3) F
Intensive analysis of how Mexican American writers, artists, film makers, entertainers, and academicians have interpreted aspects of the Chicana and Chicano experience. General Studies: C.
CCS 445 Teaching Chicana and Chicano Studies in Native Language. (3) A
Approaches/techniques for infusion of Chicana and Chicano Studies content into elementary and secondary bilingual curriculum. Taught in Spanish. Prerequisite: proficiency in Spanish.
CCS 446 Teaching Chicana and Chicano Studies in the Schools. (3) A
Approaches/techniques for infusion of Chicana and Chicano Studies content into elementary and secondary curriculum; designed for teachers who will work with Chicana and Chicano students.
CCS 498 Pro-Seminar. (3) A
Required courses for majors on topic selected by instructor; writing intensive course related to the development of interdisciplinary research skills.