CEE 296 Civil Engineering Systems. (3) F, S
Introduction to civil engineering. Problem solving, economics, description of civil engineering systems, design concepts, ethics, and professional responsibilities. Lecture, field trips. Pre- or corequisite: ECE 100.
CEE 310 Testing of Materials for Construction. (3) F, S
Structural and behavioral characteristics, engineering properties, measurements, and application of construction materials. Not open to engineering students. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: CON 323.
CEE 315 Computer Methods for Civil Engineers. (1) F, S
Development of computer programs in a high-level language to solve civil engineering problems. Lecture, lab. Pre- or corequisite: ECE 384.
CEE 321 Structural Analysis and Design. (4) F, S
Statically determinate and indeterminate structures (trusses, beams, and frames) by classical and matrix methods. Introduction to structural design. Lecture, recitation. Prerequisites: ECE 312, 313. Pre- or corequisites: ECE 380, 384.
CEE 322 Steel Structures. (3) F
Behavior of structural components and systems. Design of steel members and connections. Load and resistance factor design methods. Lecture, recitation. Prerequisite: CEE 321.
CEE 323 Concrete Structures. (3) S
Behavior of concrete structures and the design of reinforced and prestressed concrete members, including footings. Partial design of concrete building system. Lecture, recitation. Prerequisite: CEE 321.
CEE 340 Hydraulics and Hydrology. (3) F, S
Application of hydraulic engineering principles to flow of liquids in pipe systems and open channels; hydrostatics; characteristics of pumps and turbines. Introduction to hydrology. Not open to engineering students. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: CON 221.
CEE 341 Fluid Mechanics for Civil Engineers. (4) F, S
Fundamental principles and methods of fluid mechanics forming the analytical basis for water resources engineering. Conduit and open channel flow. 3 hours lecture, 1 hour lab. Prerequisites: ECE 312, 313. Pre- or corequisites: ECE 380, 384.
CEE 351 Geotechnical Engineering. (4) F, S
Index properties and engineering characteristics of soils. Compaction, permeability and seepage, compressibility and settlement, and shear strength. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: ECE 312, 313. Pre- or corequisites: ECE 380, 384.
CEE 361 Introduction to Environmental Engineering. (4) F, S
Concepts of air and water pollution; environmental regulation, risk assessment, chemistry, water quality modeling, water and wastewater treatment systems designs. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: ECE 312, 313. Pre- or corequisites: ECE 380, 384.
CEE 362 Unit Operations in Environmental Engineering. (3) S
Design and operation of unit processes for water and wastewater treatment. Prerequisite: CEE 361.
CEE 372 Transportation Engineering. (4) F, S
Highway, rail, water, and air transportation. Operational characteristics and traffic control devices of each transport mode. Impact on urban form. Prerequisites: ECE 312, 313. Pre- or corequisites: ECE 380, 384.
CEE 412 Pavement Analysis and Design. (3) F
Design of flexible and rigid pavements for highways and airports. Surface, base, and subgrade courses. Cost analysis and pavement selection. Prerequisites: CEE 351; ECE 351.
CEE 423 Structural Design. (3) F
Analysis and design of reinforced concrete steel, masonry, and timber structures. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: CEE 323. Pre- or corequisite: CEE 322.
CEE 432 Matrix and Computer Applications in Structural Engineering. (3) S
Matrix and computer applications to structural engineering and structural mechanics. Stiffness and flexibility methods, finite elements, and differences. Prerequisite: CEE 321.
CEE 440 Engineering Hydrology. (3) F
Descriptive hydrology; hydrologic cycle, models, and systems. Rain-runoff models. Hydrologic design. Concepts, properties, and basic equations of groundwater flow. Prerequisite: CEE 341.
CEE 441 Water Resources Engineering. (3) S
Application of the principles of hydraulics and hydrology to the engineering of water resources projects; design and operation of water resources systems; water quality. Prerequisite: CEE 341.
CEE 450 Soil Mechanics in Construction. (3) F, S
Soil mechanics as applied to the construction field, including foundations, highways, retaining walls, and slope stability. Relationship between soil characteristics and geologic formations. Not open to engineering students. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: CON 323.
CEE 452 Foundations. (3) F
Applications of soil mechanics to foundation systems, bearing capacity, lateral earth pressure, and slope stability. Prerequisite: CEE 351.
CEE 466 Sanitary Systems Design. (3) F
Capacity, planning and design of water supply, domestic and storm drainage, and solid waste systems. Prerequisite: CEE 361.
CEE 471 Intelligent Transportation Systems. (3) N
Application of advanced technology to the vehicle and the roadway to solve traffic congestion, safety, and air quality problems. Prerequisite: CEE 372 or instructor approval.
CEE 475 Highway Geometric Design. (3) S
Design of the visible elements of the roadway. Fundamental design controls with application to rural roads, at-grade intersections, freeways, and interchanges. Lecture, recitation. Prerequisite: CEE 372.
CEE 481 Civil Engineering Project Management. (3) A
Civil engineering project management and administration, planning and scheduling, cost estimating and bidding strategies, financial management, quality control and safety, and computer applications. Lecture, field trip. Prerequisites: CEE 321, 351, 372.
CEE 483 Highway Materials, Construction, and Quality. (3) A
Properties of highway materials including aggregates, asphalt concrete, and portland cement concrete; construction practice; material delivery, placement, and compaction; quality control. Lecture, field trip. Prerequisites: CEE 321, 351, 372; ECE 351, 380.
CEE 486 Integrated Civil Engineering Design. (3) F, S
Students are required to complete a civil engineering design in a simulated practicing engineering environment. Limited to undergraduates in their final semester. Lecture, team learning. Prerequisites: CEE 321, 341, 351, 361, 372. General Studies: L.
CEE 512 Pavement Performance and Management. (3) S
Pavement management systems, including data collection, evaluation, optimization, economic analysis, and computer applications for highway and airport design. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
CEE 514 Bituminous Materials and Mixture. (3) F
Types of bituminous materials used in pavement mixtures. Chemical composition, physical properties, desirable aggregate characteristics, optimum asphalt contents, superpave asphalt binder, mixture design. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: ECE 351.
CEE 515 Properties of Concrete. (3) S
Materials science of concrete. Cement chemistry, mechanisms of hydration, interrelationships among micro and macro properties of cement-based materials. Mechanical properties, failure theories, fracture mechanics of concrete materials. Cement-based composite materials and the durability aspects. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: ECE 350 or 351.
CEE 521 Stress Analysis. (3) F
Advanced topics in the analytical determination of stress and strain. Prerequisite: CEE 321.
CEE 524 Advanced Steel Structures. (3) F
Strength properties of steel and their effects on structural behavior. Elastic design of steel structures. Plastic analysis and design of beams, frames, and bents. Plastic deflections. Plastic design requirements. Multistory buildings. Prerequisite: CEE 322.
CEE 526 Finite Element Methods in Civil Engineering. (3) F
Finite element formulation for solutions of structural, geotechnical, and hydraulic problems. Prerequisite: CEE 432.
CEE 527 Advanced Concrete Structures. (3) N
Ultimate strength design. Combined shear and torsion. Serviceability. Plastic analysis. Special systems. Prerequisite: CEE 323.
CEE 530 Prestressed Concrete. (3) N
Materials and methods of prestressing. Analysis and design for flexure, shear, and torsion. Prestress losses due to friction, creep, shrinkage, and anchorage set. Statically indeterminate structures. Design of flat slabs, bridges, and composite beams. Prerequisite: CEE 323.
CEE 533 Structural Optimization. (3) N
Linear and nonlinear programming. Problem formulation. Constrained and unconstrained optimization. Sensitivity analysis. Approximate techniques. FEM-based optimal design of mechanical and aerospace structures. Cross-listed as MAE 521. Credit is allowed for only CEE 533 or MAE 521. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
CEE 536 Structural Dynamics. (3) N
Structures and structural members subjected to dynamic loadings, response spectra theory applications to bridges and power plants, investigations of the responses of multidegree of freedom structures, and matrix and numerical methods of analysis. Lecture, recitation. Prerequisites: CEE 321; instructor approval.
CEE 537 Topics in Structural Engineering. (13) N
Advanced topics, including nonlinear structural analysis, experimental stress analysis, advanced finite elements, plasticity and viscoelesticity, composites, and damage mechanics. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
CEE 540 Groundwater Hydrology. (3) F
Physical properties of aquifers, well pumping, subsurface flow modeling, unsaturated flow, numerical methods, land subsidence, and groundwater pollution. Prerequisite: CEE 440 or instructor approval.
CEE 541 Surface Water Hydrology. (3) S
Hydrologic cycle and mechanisms, including precipitation, evaporation, and transpiration; hydrograph analysis; flood routing; statistical methods in hydrology and hydrologic design. Prerequisite: CEE 440 or instructor approval.
CEE 543 Water Resources Systems. (3) F
Theory and application of quantitative planning methodologies for the design and operation of water resources systems; class projects using a computer; case studies. Pre- or corequisite: instructor approval.
CEE 545 Foundations of Hydraulic Engineering. (3) S
Development of fundamental conservation equations for surface water and groundwater flows. Use of finite difference and finite element methods in environmental engineering applications. Prerequisites: CEE 341; ECE 384.
CEE 546 Free Surface Hydraulics. (3) S
Derivation of 1-dimensional equations used in open channel flow analysis; computations for uniform and nonuniform flows, unsteady flow, and flood routing. Mathematical and physical models. Prerequisite: CEE 341.
CEE 547 Principles of River Engineering. (3) N
Uses of rivers, study of watershed, and channel processes. Sediment sources, yield, and control; hydrologic analysis. Case studies. Prerequisite: CEE 341 or instructor approval.
CEE 548 Sedimentation Engineering. (3) N
Introduction to the transportation of granular sedimentary materials by moving fluids. Degradation, aggregation, and local scour in alluvial channels. Mathematical and physical models. Prerequisite: CEE 547 or instructor approval.
CEE 550 Soil Behavior. (3) N
Physicochemical aspects of soil behavior, stabilization of soils, and engineering properties of soils. Prerequisite: CEE 351.
CEE 551 Advanced Geotechnical Testing. (3) N
Odometer, triaxial (static and cyclic) back pressure saturated and unsaturated samples, pore pressure measurements, closed-loop computer-controlled testing, in-situ testing, and sampling. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: CEE 351.
CEE 552 Geological Engineering. (3) N
Geological investigations for engineering purposes, case histories, geologic structure, weathering, remote sensing, geophysics, and air photo interpretation for engineering site locations. Lecture, field trips. Prerequisite: CEE 351.
CEE 553 Advanced Soil Mechanics. (3) N
Application of theories of elasticity and plasticity to soils, theories of consolidation, failure theories, and response to static and dynamic loading. Prerequisite: CEE 351.
CEE 554 Shear Strength and Slope Stability. (3) N
Shear strength of saturated and unsaturated soils strength-deformation relationships, time-dependent strength parameters, effects of sampling, and advanced slope stability. Prerequisite: CEE 351.
CEE 555 Advanced Foundations. (3) N
Deep foundations, braced excavations, anchored bulkheads, reinforced earth, and underpinning. Prerequisite: CEE 351.
CEE 557 Hazardous Waste: Site Assessment and Mitigation Measures. (3) N
Techniques for hazardous waste site assessment and mitigation. Case histories presented by instructor and guest speakers. Prerequisites: graduate standing; instructor approval.
CEE 559 Earthquake Engineering. (3) N
Characteristics of earthquake motions, selection of design earthquakes, site response analyses, seismic slope stability, and liquefaction. Prerequisite: CEE 351.
CEE 560 Soil and Groundwater Remediation. (3) F
Techniques for remediation of contaminated soils and groundwaters are presented with basic engineering principles. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
CEE 561 Physical-Chemical Treatment of Water and Waste. (3) F
Theory and design of physical and chemical processes for the treatment of water and waste waters. Prerequisite: CEE 361.
CEE 562 Environmental Biochemistry and Waste Treatment. (3) S
Theory and design of biological waste treatment systems. Pollution and environmental assimilation of wastes. Prerequisite: CEE 362.
CEE 563 Environmental Chemistry Laboratory. (3) F
Analysis of water, domestic and industrial wastes, laboratory procedures for pollution evaluation, and the control of water and waste treatment processes. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: CEE 361.
CEE 565 Modeling and Assessment of Aquatic Systems. (3) N
Development of predictive models of water quality; methods to assess environmental impacts; applications to water quality management. Prerequisite: CEE 361 or instructor approval.
CEE 566 Industrial/Hazardous Waste Treatment. (3) N
Emphasis on treatment of local industrial/hazardous waste problems, including solvent recovery and metals. Lecture, project. Prerequisites: CEE 561, 563.
CEE 573 Traffic Engineering. (3) N
Driver, vehicle, and roadway characteristics, laws and ordinances, traffic control devices, traffic engineering studies, and Transportation System Management measures. Prerequisite: CEE 372.
CEE 574 Highway Capacity. (3) N
Highway capacity for all functional classes of highways. Traffic signalization, including traffic studies, warrants, cycle length, timing, phasing, and coordination. Prerequisite: CEE 372.
CEE 575 Traffic Flow Theory and Safety Analysis. (3) N
Traffic flow theory; distributions, queuing, delay models, and car-following. Highway safety; accident records systems, accident analysis, identifying problem locations, and accident countermeasures. Prerequisite: CEE 573 or 574.
CEE 577 Urban Transportation Planning. (3) N
Application of land use parameters traffic generation theory, traffic distribution and assignment models, transit analysis, and economic factors to the solution of the urban transportation problem. Prerequisite: CEE 372.
CEE 590 Reading and Conference. (112) N
CEE 799 Dissertation. (115) N
Students enrolled in CEE 580, 590, 592, 599, 792, and 799 are required to attend graduate student seminars at the times shown in the Schedule of Classes. Each semester, every graduate student enrolled for more than eight semester hours is to enroll for at least one semester hour of CEE 592, 599, 792, or 799.