CGC 135 Graphic Communications. (3) F, S
Introduction to the technologies involved in the design, image generation, transmission, and industrial production of multiple images for consumer utilization. Lecture, lab, field trips.
CGC 210 Creative Thinking and Design Visualization. (3) F
Fundamental methods, concepts, and techniques of creative thinking, design visualization, and problem solving. Also includes communication, cultural, and societal influences. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: ETC 100.
CGC 212 Computer-Aided Design and Drafting (CADD). (3) S
CADD for product design, representation, and documentation; includes projection theory, descriptive geometry, graphics analysis, drafting standards, and precision dimensioning techniques. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: ETC 100 or instructor approval. General Studies: CS.
CGC 215 Introduction to Graphics Programming. (3) F
Introduction to analyzing, planning, and executing graphic programs using industry-standard programming tools. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: ETC 100.
CGC 237 Design for Digital Imaging. (3) S
Introduction to design principles, typography, and document development of graphic images for printing, CD-ROM databases, and World Wide Web applications. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: CGC 135 or equivalent.
CGC 310 Computer Graphics Programming (C++). (3) F, S
Computer graphics software programming techniques and Windows applications in C++. 2D and 3D graphics: object-oriented programming, transformations, scaling, and database concepts. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: ETC 100 or equivalent C language programming course or instructor approval. General Studies: CS.
CGC 311 Communication and Media Ethics, Law, and Copyright. (3) F
Study and analysis of copyright and intellectual property laws, regulations, and ethical standards, including ownership, piracy, security, and distribution issues. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: TWC 200.
CGC 312 3D Computer Graphics Modeling and Representation. (3) F
3D solid modeling applications: concepts, techniques, database structures, modeling strategies, assemblies, mass-properties analysis, kinematics, data file exchange specifications, and representation. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: CGC 212 or instructor approval. General Studies: CS.
CGC 313 Technical Illustration and Photorealistic Rendering. (3) F
Computer-generated graphics for technical illustration and design presentation: axonometric and perspective drawing; shading, shadowing, texture mapping; and photorealistic rendering. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: CGC 312 or instructor approval.
CGC 314 Multimedia Design, Planning, and Storyboards. (3) S
Studying the creative and conceptual process of content selection, planning, designing, flowcharting, storyboarding, proposing, configuring, prototyping, and presenting multimedia projects. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: CGC 210 and 237 and 311 or instructor approval.
CGC 332 Image Assembly and Plate Preparation. (3) F
Imposition of film or digital images for reproduction using various image carriers direct-to-press technology. Lecture, lab, field trips. Prerequisite: CGC 135.
CGC 333 Printing Technology. (3) S
Theory and application of sheet and web press technology for offset-lithography, flexography, screen process, and digital printing. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: CGC 135 or instructor approval.
CGC 334 Image Capture and Conversion. (3) F
Theory and application of image capture techniques used for all copy formats and conversion processes required for reproduction or dissemination. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: CGC 135.
CGC 351 Technical Writing and Editing. (3) F, S
Effective style, format, and organization of technical material; editing principles and practices; copyediting versus substantive editing; and document management. Prerequisite: ENG 102.
CGC 352 Technical Presentations and Visual Literacy. (3) S
Planning, technology, and delivery of individual and group presentations for impromptu, informative, and persuasive applications. Prerequisite: ENG 102.
CGC 410 Graphics User Interfaces and Database Programming (C++). (3) F, S
GUI design and programming: Window standards, protocols, tools and files; use of project managers, database components, visual libraries and OOPS. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: CGC 310 (or equivalent C++ language programming course) and 314 or instructor approval.
CGC 411 Computer Animation and Special Effects (F/X). (3) F
2D and 3D computer animation principles and methods: project planning, scripting; character generation; storyboards; and modeling, lighting, rendering, special effects, and plug-in techniques. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: CGC 313 and 314 or instructor approval.
CGC 412 Multimedia Authoring, Scripting, and Production. (3) F
Production of multimedia projects using authoring software applications, including project management, client considerations, interactive navigation, cross-platforming, testing, and documentation issues. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: CGC 314 and 352 and 411 or instructor approval.
CGC 413 Professional Portfolio Design and Presentation. (3) S
Digital media portfolio: planning, targeted audience(s), design appearance, authoring, packaged media formats, media presentation formats, production, marketing, and copyright considerations. Lecture, lab, field trips. Prerequisites: CGC 411 and 412 or instructor approval.
CGC 414 Web Site Design and Internet/Web Technologies. (3) S
Web site design, authoring, standards, protocols, tools, and development techniques; HTML, CGI and Perl coding; Web servers, browsers, interfaces and URLs. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: CGC 311 and 314 or instructor approval.
CGC 415 Computer Graphics: Business Planning and Management Issues. (3) S
Implementation planning: feasibility and application studies; needs assessment and operational analysis techniques; organization, managerial and technology considerations; business plan development. Lecture, lab, field trips. Prerequisite: CGC 412 or instructor approval.
CGC 417 JavaScript, VBScript, HTML, and ActiveX Programming. (3) S
Use of JavaScript, VBScript, HTML, and ActiveX software programs and standards to create customized, interactive, Internet/Web site applications. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: CGC 410 and 412 and 414 or instructor approval.
CGC 433 Graphic Production Processes. (3) N
Systematic production planning experience involving a mock enterprise and defined management responsibilities. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: CGC 333, 334.
CGC 435 Web Management and E-Commerce. (3) N
Internet Web site management, security, online databases, and new E-commerce business models. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: CGC 237. Corequisite: CGC 414.
CGC 436 Gravure Technology. (3) S
In-depth study of the market profile and production sequences related to the gravure method of printing. Prerequisite: CGC 135 or instructor approval.
CGC 437 Color Reproduction Systems. (3) F
Scientific analysis for the engineering of color reproduction systems and color models used in the graphics industry. Prerequisite: CGC 334 or instructor approval.
CGC 441 Graphic Information Systems. (3) N
Graphical information systems common to the workplace. Includes graphic user interfaces for online databases, geographic, and management information systems. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: ETC 100; IMC 233.
CGC 494 Special Topics. (3) F, S
(a) | Computer Systems Applications |
CGC 510 Computer Graphics Programming: Design, Customization, and Development. (3) N
Advanced design, development, and documentation of Windows application programs, including GUIs, OOP, RAD, API, DLLs, and GDI in C++ and Java. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: CGC 310 and 410 (or equivalent GUI/OOP course) or instructor approval.
CGC 511 Procedural and Physically Based Character Animation. (3) N
Creative and aesthetic design, storyboarding, planning, development, and documentation of constraint-based, procedural, and interactive character, avatar-actor, and product animations/simulations. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: CGC 411 and 510 (or equivalents) or instructor approval.
CGC 512 Multimedia-Based Education and Training. (3) F, SS
Creative design, planning, development, documentation, and production of technology-based learning and multimedia-based education and training materials and programs. Lecture, lab. Prerequisites: CGC 412 and 413 (or equivalents) or instructor approval.
CGC 514 Interactive Virtual Reality Environments and Technologies. (3) N
Research and development of passive, exploratory, and interactive VR environments in education and training, infotainment, Internet/Web, and VRML programming and simulation arenas. Lecture, lab, field trips. Prerequisites: CGC 510 and 511 (or equivalents) or instructor approval.
CGC 537 Current Issues in Quality Assurance. (3) N
Directed group study of selected issues relating to quality assurance in the printing, publishing, and information industry.
CGC 538 Personnel Development for the Graphics Industry. (3) N
Employee training and development specific to production and management in the graphics industry.