ECE 100 Introduction to Engineering Design. (4) F, S
Introduction to engineering design; teaming; the profession of engineering; computer models in engineering; communication skills; quality and customer satisfaction. Prerequisites: high school computing and physics and algebra courses or equivalents. General Studies: CS.
ECE 194 Special Topics. (2) F, S
(a) | Introduction to Engineering Design I. (2) F |
(b) | Introduction to Engineering Design II. (2) S |
ECE 210 Engineering Mechanics I: Statics. (3) F, S, SS
Force systems, resultants, equilibrium, distributed forces, area moments, fluid statics, internal stresses, friction, energy criterion for equilibrium, and stability. Lecture, recitation. Prerequisites: ECE 100; MAT 271 (or 291); PHY 121, 122.
ECE 300 Intermediate Engineering Design. (3) F, S, SS
Engineering design process concentrating on increasing the students ability to prepare well-written technical communication and to define problems and generate and evaluate ideas. Teaming skills enhanced. Prerequisites: ECE 100; ENG 102 (or 105 or 108); at least two other engineering core courses. General Studies: L.
ECE 301 Electrical Networks I. (4) F, S, SS
Introduction to electrical networks. Component models, transient, and steady-state analysis. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: ECE 100. Pre- or corequisites: MAT 274; PHY 131, 132.
ECE 312 Engineering Mechanics II: Dynamics. (3) F, S, SS
Kinematics and kinetics of particles, translating and rotating coordinate systems, rigid body kinematics, dynamics of systems of particles and rigid bodies, and energy and momentum principles. Lecture, recitation. Prerequisites: ECE 210; MAT 274.
ECE 313 Introduction to Deformable Solids. (3) F, S, SS
Equilibrium, strain-displacement relations, and stress-strain-temperature relations. Applications to force transmission and deformations in axial, torsional, and bending of bars. Combined loadings. Lecture, recitation. Prerequisites: ECE 210; MAT 274.
ECE 314 Engineering Mechanics. (4) F, S, SS
Force systems, resultants, moments and equilibrium. Kinematics and kinetics of particles, systems of particles and rigid bodies. Energy and momentum principles. Lecture, recitation. Prerequisites: ECE 100; MAT 274; PHY 121, 122.
ECE 334 Electronic Devices and Instrumentation. (4) F, S, SS
Application of electric network theory to semiconductor circuits. Diodes/transistors/amplifiers/opamps/digital logic gates, and electronic instruments. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: ECE 301.
ECE 340 Thermodynamics. (3) F, S, SS
Work, heat, and energy transformations and relationships between properties; laws, concepts, and modes of analysis common to all applications of thermodynamics in engineering. Lecture, recitation. Prerequisites: CHM 114 (or 116); ECE 210; PHY 131. Pre- or corequisite: MAT 274.
ECE 350 Structure and Properties of Materials. (3) F, S, SS
Basic concepts of material structure and its relation to properties. Application to engineering problems. Prerequisites: CHM 114 (or 116); PHY 121.
ECE 351 Civil Engineering Materials. (3) F, S
Structure and behavior of civil engineering materials. Laboratory investigations and test criteria. Lecture, lab. Prerequisite: ECE 313.
ECE 352 Properties of Electronic Materials. (4) F, S, SS
Schrodingers wave equation, potential barrier problems, bonds of crystals, the band theory of solids, semiconductors, superconductor dielectric, and magnetic properties. Prerequisites: CHM 114 (or 116); MAT 274; PHY 241.
ECE 380 Probability and Statistics for Engineering Problem Solving. (3) F, S
Applications oriented course with computer-based experience using statistical software for formulating and solving engineering problems. 2 hours lecture, 2 hours lab. Prerequisite: MAT 271. General Studies: CS.
ECE 384 Numerical Analysis for Engineers I. (2) F, S
Numerical solution of algebraic and transcendental equations and systems of linear equations. Numerical integration. Curve fitting. Error bounds and error propagation. Emphasis on use of digital computer. Prerequisite: MAT 272 or 291.
ECE 385 Numerical Analysis for Engineers II. (2) S
Continuation of ECE 384. Numerical solution of partial differential equations and mixed equation systems. Introduction to experimental design and optimization techniques. Prerequisite: ECE 384.
ECE 386 Partial Differential Equations for Engineers. (2) F, S
Boundary value problems, separation of variables, and Fourier series as applied to initial-boundary value problems. Prerequisite: MAT 274.
ECE 394 Special Topics. (34) F, S
(a) | Conservation Principles. (4) F, S |
(b) | Engineering Systems. (4) F, S |
(c) | Introduction to Manufacturing Engineering. (3) F, S |
(d) | Properties that Matter. (4) F, S |
ECE 400 Engineering Communications. (3) F, S, SS
Planning and preparing engineering publications and oral presentations, based on directed library research related to current engineering topics. Prerequisites: ENG 102 (or 105 or 108); completion of General Studies L requirement (or ECE 300); senior standing in an engineering major.
General Studies: L.