ECN 111 Macroeconomic Principles. (3) F, S, SS
Basic macroeconomic analysis. Economic institutions and factors determining income levels, price levels, and employment levels. General Studies: SB.
ECN 112 Microeconomic Principles. (3) F, S
Basic microeconomic analysis. Theory of exchange and production, including the theory of the firm. General Studies: SB.
ECN 306 Survey of International Economics. (3) F, S
Survey of international trade issues, commercial policy, trade theory, customs unions, and international monetary topics. Not for Economics majors. Lecture, discussion. Cross-listed as IBS 306. Credit is allowed for only ECN 306 or IBS 306. Prerequisites: ECN 111 or 112; 2.00 ASU GPA; junior standing. General Studies: SB, G.
ECN 313 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory. (3) F, S
Determinants of aggregate levels of employment, output, and income of an economy. Prerequisites: ECN 111, 112. Prerequisite with a grade of C or higher: MAT 210. General Studies: SB.
ECN 314 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory. (3) F, S
Role of the price system in organizing economic activity under varying degrees of competition. Prerequisites: ECN 111, 112. Prerequisite with a grade of C or higher: MAT 210. General Studies: SB.
ECN 315 Money and Banking. (3) SS
Functions of money. Monetary systems, credit functions, banking practices, and central banking policy. This course cannot be applied to the Economics major. Prerequisite: ECN 111.
ECN 331 Comparative Economic Systems. (3) N
Alternative institutions, past and present, for organizing the social division of labor. Property rights, information, and incentives in industrial societies. Prerequisite: ECN 111 or 112. General Studies: SB, G.
ECN 360 Economic Development. (3) N
Theories of economic growth and development. Role of capital formation, technological innovation, population, and resource development in economic growth. Prerequisite: ECN 111 or 112. General Studies: SB, G.
ECN 365 Economics of Russia and Eastern Europe. (3) A
Origins and analysis of contemporary institutions. Comparative development and differentiation in the 20th century. Prerequisite: ECN 111 or 112. General Studies: SB, G.
ECN 382 Managerial Economics. (3) A
Application of economic analysis to managerial decision making. Market analysis in the context of the socio-legal environment. Not for Economics majors. Lecture, discussion. Prerequisites: ECN 111, 112; 2.00 ASU GPA; junior standing.
ECN 384 Economics of Social Behavior. (3) A
Application of economic analysis to contemporary behavior: discrimination, work versus leisure, crime, medical care, macroeconomic policies. Not for Economics majors. Lecture, student participation. Prerequisites: 2.00 ASU GPA; junior standing. General Studies: L/SB.
ECN 394 Special Topics. (3) N
Current topics of domestic or international interest. Analytical emphasis may be macro, micro, or both. See current Schedule of Classes for offerings. Not for Economics majors. Prerequisite: ECN 111 or 112.
ECN 404 History of Economic Thought. (3) N
Development of economic doctrines, theories of mercantilism, physiocracy, classicism, neoclassicism, Marxism, and contemporary economics. Prerequisite: ECN 314 or instructor approval. General Studies: L/SB.
ECN 421 Earnings and Employment. (3) A
Analysis of earnings, employment, unemployment, training, education, and related topics. Policy issues are emphasized. Prerequisite: ECN 314 or instructor approval. General Studies: L/SB.
ECN 436 International Trade Theory. (3) A
The comparative-advantage doctrine, including practices under varying commercial policy approaches. The economic impact of international disequilibrium. Prerequisite: ECN 314 or instructor approval. General Studies: SB, G.
ECN 438 International Monetary Economics. (3) A
History, theory, and policy of international monetary economics. Balance of payments and exchange rates. International financial markets including Eurocurrency markets. Prerequisite: ECN 313 or instructor approval. General Studies: SB, G.
ECN 441 Public Finance. (3) A
Public goods, externalities, voting models, public expenditures, taxation, and budget formation with emphasis on the federal government. Prerequisite: ECN 314 or instructor approval. General Studies: L/SB.
ECN 450 Law and Economics. (3) A
Economics of the legal system including analysis of property, contracts, torts, commercial law, and other topics. Discussion, analysis. Prerequisite: ECN 314. General Studies: L.
ECN 453 Government and Business. (3) A
Development of public policies toward business. Antitrust activity. Economic effects of government policies. Prerequisite: ECN 314 or instructor approval.
ECN 480 Introduction to Econometrics. (3) A
Elements of regression analysis: estimation, hypothesis tests, prediction. Emphasis is on use of econometric results in assessment of economic theories. Prerequisite: instructor approval. General Studies: CS.
ECN 484 Economics Internship. (3) F, S, SS
Academic credit for professional work organized through the Internship Program. Prerequisites: ECN 313, 314; outstanding academic record.
ECN 485 Mathematical Economics. (3) A
Integration of economic analysis and mathematical methods into a comprehensive body of knowledge within contemporary economic theory. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
ECN 493 Honors Thesis. (3) N General Studies: L.
ECN 494 Special Topics. (3) N
Current economic topics of domestic or international interest. Analytical emphasis may be macro, micro or both. See current Schedule of Classes for offerings.
(a) | Manufacturing Processes |
(b) | Public Choice |
ECN 498 Pro-Seminar. (3) A
Topic chosen from current area of interest. Prerequisites: ECN 313 and 314 or instructor approval.
ECN 502 Managerial Economics. (3) F, S
Application of microeconomic analysis to managerial decision-making in areas of demand, production, cost, and pricing. Evaluation of competitive strategies. Prerequisite: MBA degree program student.
ECN 503 Global Economics for Managers. (3) F, S
Macroeconomic analysis of issues related to economic growth, inflation, interest rates behavior, unemployment, exchange rate determination, and global competitiveness.
ECN 504 History of Economic Thought. (3) S
Historical development of economic theory. Emphasis on the development of economic analysis from preclassical economics through Keynes. Prerequisite: ECN 510 or instructor approval.
ECN 509 Macroeconomic Theory and Applications. (3) F
Theory of income, output, employment, and price level. Influence on business and economic environment. Prerequisites: ECN 111 and calculus or instructor approval.
ECN 510 Microeconomic Theory and Applications. (3) F, S
Application of economic theory to production, consumer demand, exchange, and pricing in a market economy. Prerequisites: ECN 112 and calculus or instructor approval.
ECN 511 Macroeconomic Analysis I. (3) F
Current theories of output, employment, inflation, and asset prices as well as major aggregates. Introduction to dynamic optimization techniques. Prerequisites: ECN 313 and calculus or instructor approval.
ECN 512 Microeconomic Analysis I. (3) F
Theory of production, consumer demand, resource use, and pricing in a market economy. Prerequisites: ECN 314 and calculus or instructor approval.
ECN 513 Macroeconomic Analysis II. (3) F
Focus on growth theory, dynamic general equilibrium models, monetary theory, open-economy issues. Prerequisite: ECN 511 or instructor approval.
ECN 514 Microeconomic Analysis II. (3) S
General equilibrium, welfare economics, production, and capital theory. Prerequisite: ECN 512 or instructor approval.
ECN 515 Advanced Macroeconomic Analysis. (3) F
Focus on current research areas in macroeconomics and monetary theory with emphasis on methods in economic dynamics and numerical techniques. Prerequisite: ECN 511 or instructor approval.
ECN 516 Economics of Uncertainty, Information, and Strategic Behavior. (3) F
Economic behavior under uncertainty; markets and contracts under asymmetric information; the theory of games with incomplete information and applications. Prerequisite: ECN 512 or instructor approval.
ECN 517 Monetary Theory. (3) F
Traditional and post-Keynesian monetary theory, interest rate determination, the demand and supply of money. Prerequisite: ECN 511 or instructor approval.
ECN 521 Labor Economics I. (3) F
Development of basic theoretical models for analyzing labor market issues. Prerequisite: ECN 510 or instructor approval.
ECN 522 Labor Economics II. (3) N
Extensions/criticisms of labor market theories. Applications to a variety of policy issues. Prerequisite: ECN 521.
ECN 525 Econometrics I. (3) S
Problems in the formulation of econometric models. Emphasis on estimation, hypothesis testing, and forecast of general linear models. Prerequisite: 6 hours of statistics or instructor approval.
ECN 526 Econometrics II. (3) F
Estimation and inference of qualitative and limited dependent variable models as well as general multiple equation models. Prerequisite: ECN 525 or instructor approval.
ECN 527 Econometrics III. (3) S
Generalized method of moment estimation, estimation with censored and truncated samples, nonlinear models, panel-data models, econometrics of nonstationarities. Prerequisite: ECN 526 or instructor approval.
ECN 531 Comparative Economic Systems. (3) F
Philosophical foundations of major economic systems and of properties of principal system models. Comparison of alternative institutions and system components of contemporary economies. Prerequisites: ECN 509 and 510 or instructor approval.
ECN 536 International Trade Theory. (3) S
Theories of comparative advantage and their empirical verification. Theory and political economy of commercial policy. Resource transfers and the role of the multinational corporation. Prerequisites: ECN 509 and 510 or instructor approval.
ECN 538 International Monetary Theory and Policy. (3) F
The foreign exchange market, balance of payments, and international financial institutions and arrangements; theory and applications. Prerequisites: ECN 509 and 510 or instructor approval.
ECN 541 Public Economics. (3) S
Economics of collective action, public spending, taxation, and politics. Impact of central governmental activity on resource allocation and income distribution. Prerequisite: ECN 510 or instructor approval.
ECN 553 Industrial Organization. (3) S
Analysis of structure, conduct, and performance in industrial markets; the economics of organizations. Prerequisite: ECN 510 or instructor approval.
ECN 560 Economics of Growth and Development. (3) F
Economic problems, issues, and policy decisions facing the developing nations of the world. Prerequisites: ECN 509 and 510 or instructor approval.
ECN 584 Economics Internship. (13) SS
Academic credit for professional work organized through the Internship Program. Prerequisites: ECN 510 and 511 or instructor approval.
ECN 585 Mathematics for Economists. (3) F
Survey of mathematical ideas encountered in economics and econometrics: nonlinear programming, the Kuhn-Tucker theorem, concave programming, optimization over time. Prerequisite: calculus or instructor approval.
ECN 591 Economics Seminar. (13) F, S, SS
Presentations by outside speakers, department faculty, and graduate students of work in progress. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
ECN 593 Applied Projects. (3) F
Preparation of a supervised applied project typically in conjunction with an internship. Prerequisites: ECN 510, 511.
ECN 594 Conference and Workshop in Economics. (112) F, S, SS
Topics such as the following are offered:
(a) | Economic Analysis Workshop. Introduction to Economic Analysis. Prerequisite: Ph.D. degree program student. |
(b) | Macroeconomic Topics Workshop. Issues in macroeconomic theory. Prerequisite: ECN 513 or instructor approval. |
(c) | Microeconomic Topics Workshop. Issues in microeconomic theory. Prerequisite: ECN 514 or instructor approval. |
ECN 598 Special Topics. (3) N
Advanced topics in economics. Consult the Schedule of Classes for offerings. Prerequisite: instructor approval.