EDA 501 Competency/Performance in Educational Administration. (3) F, SS
The nature of educational administration and the concept of competency as it applies to educational administration.
EDA 507 Computers in Educational Administration. (3) F
Survey of computer use and applications in educational administration. Lecture, lab.
EDA 510 Introduction to Organization and Administration of American Public Schools. (3) F, S
Organizational structure and administration of public education are explored through the application of legal and ethical concepts and relevant information of the social sciences. Cross-listed as SPF 510. Credit is allowed for only EDA 510 or SPF 510.
EDA 511 School Law. (3) S
Constitutional, statutory, and case law that relates to all school personnel, pupils, the school district, and other governmental units. Contracts, dismissals, tenure, retirement, pupil injuries, liability of personnel and district, school district boundary changes, and bonding.
EDA 521 Evaluation of Teaching Performance. (3) F
In-depth analysis of legal basis of teacher appraisal, teacher competency, measurement of teacher performance, and application of performance appraisal systems. Prerequisite: COE 504.
EDA 524 Theory and Application of Educational Administration. (3) F, SS
History and development of public school administration in the United States; current organizational patterns for public education at local, intermediate, state, and national levels; current theoretical positions in educational administration.
EDA 525 Human Relations and Societal Factors in Education. (3) N
Interrelations between problems of educational administration and interdisciplinary social sciences. Communications skills, morale, authority, and perception. Concepts from political science, economics, and social-psychology useful to the administrator.
EDA 526 Instructional Supervision. (3) F, S, SS
Administering curriculum improvement, in-service education, evaluating, and improving teaching competence; administrative instructional responsibilities.
EDA 527 Managerial Functions in School Administration. (3) N
Relates to the work of the central district office staff and the school principal. Use of human resources, educational planning, and organization and management of time.
EDA 544 Public School Finance. (3) F
Measures of ability, efforts, and educational need; capital outlay funding; tax revenues; federal, state, and local financing alternatives; major issues and trends in the financing of public education.
EDA 548 Community Relations in Education. (3) N
Administrative factors of primary importance in developing community involvement in public schools. Emphasis on theory and skill of school system and individual communication.
EDA 555 Educational Facility Planning. (3) N
School building needs, educational planning for facilities, responsibilities of architects, duties of contractors, and equipping and furnishing of school buildings.
EDA 571 School Business Management. (3) F, S, SS
Purchasing, budgeting, accounting, payroll management, auditing, financial reporting, insurance, and administration of nonteaching personnel and services.
EDA 573 School Personnel Administration. (3) S
Organization for personnel services; development of policy to govern selection, orientation, placement, remuneration, transfers, separations, and development of morale among instructional and noninstructional personnel.
EDA 576 The School Principalship. (3) F
Problem and laboratory approaches used to provide application of administrative activities of elementary and secondary schools. Prerequisites: EDA 501, 526.
EDA 634 Instructional Leadership. (3) N
Curricular practices and processes used by instructional leaders who plan, organize, and coordinate the professional activities in elementary and secondary schools. Prerequisite: EDA 526.
EDA 675 Politics of Education. (3) S
Social science theory and research are used to consider the political context of educational policy making. Prerequisite: COE 505.
EDA 676 The School Superintendency. (3) S
Critical examination of the school superintendency and the primary functions of this educational position. The duties, responsibilities, activities, and problems of the school superintendent are included. The unique leadership role of the school superintendent is examined. Prerequisite: instructor approval.
EDA 679 Administration of Special Programs in Education. (13) N
For personnel administering special educational services; responsibilities of superintendents, principals, supervisors, and directors for special education, student personnel, audiovisual, library science, and others.
EDA 711 Administrative Leadership. (3) F
Emphasis on research in leadership; application of research findings to administrative and supervisory functions in educational endeavors. Prerequisites: EDA 524; 30 semester hours in educational administration; admission to doctoral program.
EDA 722 Administration of Instructional Improvement. (3) S
Recent research relating to administrative and supervisory responsibilities for the improvement of the educational program. Effective processes by administrators, supervisors, consultants, and coordinators. Prerequisites: 30 semester hours in educational administration; admission to doctoral program.
EDA 733 Administrative Management. (3) S
Recent research relating to school management. School finance, law, buildings, transportation, food services, and supply management. Prerequisites: EDA 527, 544, 571; 30 semester hours in educational administration; admission to doctoral program.