FLA 150 Introduction to East Asian Culture. (3) S
An introduction to the cultures of China, Japan, and Korea. General Studies: HU, G.
FLA 323 Survey of Literature of the Soviet Era in Translation. (3) F, S
Survey main literary movements, prominent authors, most significant works of prose, poetry, and drama of the Soviet period, 19171991. General Studies: L/HU, G.
FLA 400 Linguistics. (3) S
Introduction to the analysis of language and its use in social contexts. Topics: morphology, phonology, pragmatics, semantics, syntax, and variation. Open to juniors with instructor approval. General Studies: SB.
FLA 401 Translation Theory and Practice. (3) N
Translation theories and professional practices and ethics; bibliography, computer technology, and sample texts for natural and social sciences and humanities. Prerequisite: 4th-year composition or instructor approval in respective language area.
FLA 415 Bilingualism and Languages in Contact. (3) F
Analysis of linguistic aspects of bilingualism, e.g., pidgins and creoles, code-switching, and other contact phenomena; simultaneous/sequential bilingual language acquisition. Prerequisite: FLA 400 (or equivalent) or instructor approval.
FLA 420 Foreign Literature in Translation. (3) F, S
Topics may be chosen from the following:
(a) | Brazilian |
(b) | Chinese |
(c) | French |
(d) | German |
(e) | Greek |
(f) | Italian |
(g) | Latin |
(h) | Portuguese |
(i) | Russian |
(j) | Soviet |
(k) | Spanish |
(l) | Spanish American |
FLA 421 Japanese Literature in Translation. (3) F, S
Readings selected by theme or genre or period from various works of Japanese literature in English translation. May be repeated as topic changes. Graduate students by permission. Prerequisite: a course that satisfies the L General Studies requirement. General Studies: L/HU, G.
FLA 480 Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages. (3) F
Teaching foreign languages and literatures at secondary and college levels. This course does not meet the Liberal Arts and Sciences general studies requirement for humanities and fine arts. Required for admission to SED 478. Prerequisite: 12 hours of upper-division courses in 1 foreign language.
FLA 481 Technical and Scientific Translation. (3) N
Resources, practices, strategies, and lexicon for translation of professional texts in subjects such as engineering, architecture, agriculture, computer technology, electronics, and physical and biological sciences. Prerequisite: FLA 401.
FLA 482 Business and Financial Translation. (3) N
Resources, practices, strategies, and lexicon for translation of professional texts in subjects such as economics, finance, insurance, management, marketing, accounting, advertising, and real estate. Prerequisite: FLA 401.
FLA 483 Medical and Legal Translation. (3) N
Resources and strategies for translation of professional texts in subjects such as medicine, nursing, public health, criminal justice, and international law. May be repeated for a total of 6 semester hours. Prerequisite: FLA 401.
FLA 485 Problems of Literary Translation. (3) N
Theory and practice with emphasis on application through individual translation projects. May be repeated for a total of 6 semester hours. Prerequisite: FLA 401 or instructor approval in the respective language area.
FLA 494 Special Topics. (3) F
Major trends of Italian cinema from the post-war period to the present.
FLA 515 Second Language Acquisition. (3) S
Discussion and application of theories of second language acquisition. Prerequisite: FLA 400 or equivalent.
FLA 525 Trends and Issues in Foreign Language Teaching. (3) N
Advanced methods seminar, designed for experienced teachers.